Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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tprata56 25 Sep 2008 21:00

Motorcycle Insurance - Mexico
I will traveling through Mexico to Central America. Can anyone recommend an insurance company for Liabilty Insurance. I have a quote for 14 days @ $167.
Maybe it is better to buy insurance at the border?

Thank you

msg996 25 Sep 2008 22:05

I've used these guys a few times before: Auto Insurance for Mexico & Mexican Travel Insurance – Mexpro.com

Fast online policies, and cheaper than Sanborns, but I think it's only for Mexico and not the central american countries. When I went through central america I had no insurance at all and had just planned on buying at the border if it was ever requested.

Riq 25 Sep 2008 22:22

I believe that the triple A sells insurance for Mexico at a reasonable cost.

tprata56 25 Sep 2008 23:21

Thank you
Thank you for the info.

stickfigure 26 Sep 2008 05:09


Originally Posted by tprata56 (Post 208382)
I will traveling through Mexico to Central America. Can anyone recommend an insurance company for Liabilty Insurance. I have a quote for 14 days @ $167.
Maybe it is better to buy insurance at the border?

Woah! I paid less than that for a full year from Baja Bound Mexican Insurance Services - Mexico Auto Insurance Online. As a bonus, they actually have a professional-looking website.


thecanoeguy 26 Sep 2008 10:18

i never had any ,not compulsory ,but if you crash into some one you may be in jail for a while,even if its there fault

Sjoerd Bakker 26 Sep 2008 12:56

The trick is to get Mexico liability insurance nominated to your drivers license, not your vehicle. A drivers license policy for a whole year is a lot cheaper , less than 40 days of vehicle nominated insurance. Sanborn's sells both types but you must ask for the drivers license type cover, they rarely volunteer the info. Other companies offer the d.l. cover too , at lower rates than Sanborn's.
A "drivers license" policy under your name lets you ride a different vehicle on different trips.
If you have it written out for bike A then you can only ride that bike and be covered only for the short duration of the policy.

tprata56 26 Sep 2008 17:07

Good Tip

Thanks for the good idea!

Much appreciated,


PHud 29 Sep 2008 00:25

Do you really think it's worth it to buy the insurance? I have no idea, but do people typically encounter trouble when they are uninsured?

Sjoerd Bakker 29 Sep 2008 18:15

For Mexico I do think it is worth it. It is a big country and you will spend days or weeks there. In Mexico technically it is compulsory to have liability insurance but many Mexicans do not have any insurance. Nobody asks if you have it- until you are involved in an accident.When you are in a collision wit a Mexican and the police are involved things will be a lot easier for you if you can show them your insurance policy and call the local rep for that company who has to come out and do his assesment. Without insurance you have a lot of explaining to do , the police will haul you to the station until things are settled ....could be hours could be days. No tourist wants to waste time and money doing that.
For the Central American countries BZ,NIC and CR demand and sell the insurance cover at the border. The other countries make no demands, , most locals seem uninsured, any problems are usually sorted out with the police and cash payouts by the "guilty" party.Having liability insurance would smoothe your way .
It is like buying a ticket in a lottery but with the objective of NOT having a "winning"

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