Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Need a shipping address in Panama (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/central-america-and-mexico/need-a-shipping-address-panama-66045)

MennoMoto 1 Sep 2012 22:15

Need a shipping address in Panama

Riding a KLR650 Canada-Argentina, and sadly I only learned just HOW soft the suspension is once I'd left, laden with a lot of camera gear etc. I am now in the process of ordering a stiffer spring (already replaced the shock once, on warranty, so I put another factory shock in...a mistake).

Short of it is that I need a shipping address in Panama. I am now in Nicaragua. Anyone on this forum that lives in Panama and would help another rider out by accepting a spring for me? I'll be in Panama around Sept 13.

Cameron Dueck
Cameron Dueck | Journalist, Writer, Filmmaker
Menno Moto | Facebook

Rigby 2 Sep 2012 00:59

Shipping Adress
Contact the BMW dealer in Panama City. I was there last year and everyone in was very helpful. It's worth an email.

obrenes 10 Sep 2012 18:01

Hi if you want to, I could recive the shock in Costa Rica and we can go to my mechanic (I have a klr too!) to install the shock. Contact me by mp o at brenes.oscar@gmail.com

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