Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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goo 24 Jan 2012 11:37

New Tyre in Honduras?
Just had a flat rear near Tegucigalpa - fixed it (sticky string) despite the nail also going through to the sidewall. So not sure how far I should plan on riding on it. So anyone know where I might be able to find a new one here? It was a TKC80 and I'm riding a BMW F650GS twin 2009. I heard Panama City was a good place for tires but, as I said, not sure if I should be trusting that repair to hold another 2 weeks - any perspectives on that? I do have an inner I could put in.

I seem to remember there is a Pirelli alternative - can someone tell me what model that would be?


stickfigure 25 Jan 2012 07:06

Heading south from Tegus the nearest place to get a tire for a big bike will be San Jose, Costa Rica. Tires are plentiful there.

Wikipedia says the rear for an F650GS twin is 140/80-17. You might even find one at a shop in Tegucigalpa (there is one fairly big shop whose name I cannot recall). DON'T try to ship one into Honduras unless you want to waste a week and a couple hundred bucks (on top of the cost of the tire). Make your way south, use the tube if you have to. Some of us ride the whole way with tubes :tongue_smilie:


goo 25 Jan 2012 23:07

Thanks Jeff! I ended up getting a Pirelli MT60 a size too small (130/80) but it actually feels better than the TKC80. More zippy. I got it including fitting from Barandillas on Blvd. Suyapa in Tegucigalpa for 90 USD.

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