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-   -   Roads south of Mexico and Guadamala? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/central-america-and-mexico/roads-south-of-mexico-guadamala-12270)

jv3 13 Oct 2005 01:37

Roads south of Mexico and Guadamala?
Can any body tell me the road conditions heading south of Mexico...most recent. Can a guy ride a bike into Guadamala yet etc??

Carrera 13 Oct 2005 04:05

Tropical storm Stan really caused havoc in the southern lowlands and highlands of Guatemala. The collapsing of the bridge at the Nahualate river cut off acces to the southeastern part of the county. A Bailey type bride is being built at this moment. It it supposed to be ready by tomorrow. There is no gas in Coatepeque, Retalhuleu or Mazatenango. I would wait 2 or 3 days, and then pass. You could come into Guate, drive into Colomba, then to Quetzaltenango, then to Totonicapán, then to Quiché (Toto - Quiché is unpaved), Chichicastenango and then Guatemala City. You could also come into Guate via La Mesilla border, then into Huehuetenango and then Tononicapán, etc. The problem is that they are short on gas on that side on the country. In two days, things will be more "normal"

Mike Stone 14 Oct 2005 23:23

Good info, Carrera, and I can add some on-the-road info. Yesterday I tried to ride Rt 200 south into Tapachula, so I could ride into Guatemala. There were numerous bridges out, mudslides, and detours south of Arriaga. Some of the bridges out were completely unmarked, creating a great hazard to the unalerted.

I rode as far as Mastepec, about 20 miles from Tapachula. Here I was advised that the road (Rt 200) between Escuintla and Huixtla was completely closed due to numerous bridges out. The water was still running to hard to be able to ferry people across. It is expected that it will be at least three days before anyone can get through. In Mastepec, the trucks are piling up, there are military helicopters above, and the Pemex station is packed with people filling gas cans.

I backtracked and rode to San Cristobal de las Casas and am hoping to cross into Guatemala at La Mesilla later today.

Carrera 18 Oct 2005 00:47

Mike, if you are traveling south, enter Guatemala through La Mesilla, then to Huehuetenango, and before Cuatro Caminos turn left into Totonicapán. A dirt road will take you to Quiché, then pavement into Chichicastenango. Then you get to "Los Encuentros". There you take a left towards Guatemala City. Take the exit to Las Trampas/Godinez since the Interamerican Highway is blocked arround Km 100 near Chupol. That is why you have to go to Godinez, The Paztún, Patzicía and then Chimaltenango. If you are going into Antigua, pass first through San Lucas. If not, keep on going into Guatemala City.

WorldRider 19 Oct 2005 04:16

Does anyone know how the roads are looking going from the Yucatan into Belize and then Belize into Guatemala via Tikal? We're in Zacatexcas now but soon will make our way south. Any road information from Mex City south would be appreciated, too.



WorldRider 19 Oct 2005 04:22

Hey - And what about Wilma. Latest SAT photos look assuming...

Werner 20 Oct 2005 02:37

Road along Mexican Carribean coast no problem. Some washouts in Tabasco, near Villahermosa, but should be fixed by now. Going through Belize from north (Santa Elena) to south, or vice versa, no problem. Muddy stretch after crossing the border into Guatemala for 25 km, then paved all the way via Tikal to Guatemala City. If going to Honduras, I suggest going via Copan, since CA1 and CA2 will take some time to be fixed. See my posts on this subject, since I came through the area at the peak of Stan, and made it out via Belize.

WorldRider 21 Oct 2005 23:41

thanks werner... hanging in guanajuato for festival internacional serventino, big happening here. waiting out for wilma´s report...

where is your post on the roads<-

Carrera 21 Oct 2005 23:44

Since yesterday you can travel from Tapachula, Mexico, into Guatemala via Tecún Umán border, and ride through the southern plains into El Salvador without any problems. If you ride though the highlands, the situtation will the normalized in about a week.

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