Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   They paved paradise...(Guatemala) (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/central-america-and-mexico/they-paved-paradise-guatemala-12068)

Mike Stone 9 Mar 2005 21:25

They paved paradise...(Guatemala)
Over the past several years there has been a lot of road construction in Guatemala, and a number of formerly rough jeep trails are now graded, widened, and paved. Coban thru Chisec to Sayache, the road from CA1 to CA2 through Moyuta, Huehuetenango east about half way to Chicaman (they are still working on parts), are some examples.

Jim_Orr 13 Mar 2005 22:59

Mike, Have they paved the highway from Rio Dulce to Flores? Do you know if their working on the road to Melchor De Mencos? I lived in Melchor in the late 70s. I have been back a couple of times but I went thru Belize to get there. Enjoy your time there they are really good people there.

Mike Stone 22 Mar 2005 22:56

Jim -

I don't know the answer to your question, the furthest north I have been in the past few years is Sayache, and the road was paved from Coban till just a few km before Sayache. I'm not sure if any road work has been done on the north side of the river up to Flores, or east towards Melchor de Mencos/Belize. Perhaps someone else can give a report.

Gipper 27 Mar 2005 17:17

The road from Rio Dulce to Flores is paved - has been for a while now, its a good road Though from Flores to Melchor was mostly still graded - this was a couple of years ago now - dont know if they were going to upgrade it. I used to pass through the area quite a bit.

lend 28 Mar 2005 03:32

Road Through from Flores to Melchor? I drove this road from Flores into Belize during the first week of March. The 20 miles to so just before the border is a rough rock road with lots of potholes. Having said that, we were travelling 2 up on a Harley Davidson Electra Glide Ultra Classic and had no problems. The road is very doable on any bike in dry weather. I can not speak for what the condition might be during or after a heavy rain.

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