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mr moto 15 Nov 2007 21:52

daft question ?
this may be a daft question to which a lot of people know the answer but,next year i will be on the road for anything from ,six months, to a year , ie...no permanent address . so is there any way i could set up an e-mail address to use while on the road , that is not tied to a permanent address ? . idealy i would like to be able to access e-mail on my mobile/cell phone
without having to look for any internet cafe or wi-fi access .

MikeS 16 Nov 2007 09:01

Erm, Hotmail?? Actually they call it 'Windows Live' for some reason now. Once its set up, you can access your emails on any pc.

But you could also use Yahoo's own mail system too, not sure which is better but you could always set up an account on both and see which one you prefer.

palace15 16 Nov 2007 09:27

Hi mr moto
I use hotmail, it's very easy to sign up to, I remember being amazed 8 years ago being able to re-read emails in Sri Lanka that I'd already read in London! I am sure someone on the forums will be able to help you out regarding mobiles, wap, and all the rest, I am sorry but I am not that advanced yet.
All the best

beat_ 16 Nov 2007 16:56

Sign In or http://www.gmail.com would do.
gmail is from google and they do suport mobile divices Gmail
the disadvantage of hotmail is, your account is deactivated after 30 day's of no user activety and deleted after another 30 day's...not good when you are on the road..

alexpezzi 16 Nov 2007 17:09

hotmail and PDAs
if you use a pda with Win Mobile it is a matter of one click to synchronise your mail without the need to install a separate mail client, then you can read your stuff offline, keep and view your hotmail contact details etc. - this is part of the big monopoly game that Microsoft is playing with us... but it's handy (when it doesnt crash).:thumbdown:

good feature is (common feature for any mail client actually...) that u can write your mail offline and then send them all at once once connected to the internet.
I am not very fond of this kind of gadgets but some pdas come with a built in GPS, I bought mine because of this.

...my 2 cents

mr moto 17 Nov 2007 04:16

thank,s for your replies , i will give both hotmail and yahoo a go , and see which one i prefer .
thank,s :-)

Martynbiker 20 Nov 2007 16:15

gmail too

googles mail server.....brilliant, access anywhere! so far!!!!

silver G 20 Nov 2007 17:43

I've been using googlemail for a year now and no problems. I have one concern - on my home pc I use thunderbird but when I open firefox+google it recognises me - which may mean you are leaving your password behind and the next person to use the internet cafe may automatically log in as you - I haven't tried this out anywhare remote yet - stuck in wet/windy UK 'till feb.
Also have a fastmail account but it's a bit limited on storage.
There is a site called mail2web.com that will let you access your mail even if you can't get your server to work - a bit low tec but good for emergencies.
Sorry, bit of a ramble

Martynbiker 20 Nov 2007 17:57

password remembering
it only does that if you tell it to remember you password.
usually in an internet cafe or on someone elses comp i make sure the "remember me on this computer" box has NO tick in it.

I also change my passwords on a regular basis use stuff no one else could know like first girlfriends names or even stupid stuff. i had a password for ages that consisted of a girls name and her mobile number. not easily crackable.:cool4:

silver G 20 Nov 2007 18:10

Thanks Martyn, as I thought, but you can't be too carefull - that's why I have more than one server - one for critical/personal and another for general use where I don't have to worry too much.

KenKeller 20 Nov 2007 21:25

Go for Gmail
My vote's for Gmail.
You can access it from an Internet café, or from your mobile.
The web-page (that you'd be accessing through a web browser in an Internet café) is very easy to use, intuitive and slick. It's got a great search feature so you can dig out messages from yonks ago, just based on some word that appears in the message, or from part of the senders email address, etc.
I've accessed it a little from a cell phone browser too. Most phones' browser will be able to access Gmail's WAP version of their site. Just point your phone's browser to gmail.com/app.

I haven't used Yahoo, so I can't comment but Gmail is far superior to Hotmail, if for no other reason than the (daft) inactivation of your account if you don't use it for 30 days.

Let us know what you choose.


KenKeller 20 Nov 2007 21:29


Originally Posted by KenKeller (Post 160124)
...if for no other reason than the (daft) inactivation of your account if you don't use it for 30 days.

Just to clarify, that's your Hotmail account's inactivation I'm talking about. If you don't use it for 30 days, it's put into a suspended state where emails sent to you are automatically deleted and do not reach your inbox. The account is reactivated once you log in again, it's just that you'll have lost the emails that arrived while the account was deactivated.

Gmail doesn't impose that restriction.

Go with Gmail. It won't disappoint.

TDMalcolm 22 Nov 2007 12:04


Originally Posted by silver G (Post 160071)
I've been using googlemail for a year now and no problems. I have one concern - on my home pc I use thunderbird but when I open firefox+google it recognises me - which may mean you are leaving your password behind and the next person to use the internet cafe may automatically log in as you - I haven't tried this out anywhare remote yet - stuck in wet/windy UK 'till feb.
Also have a fastmail account but it's a bit limited on storage.
There is a site called mail2web.com that will let you access your mail even if you can't get your server to work - a bit low tec but good for emergencies.
Sorry, bit of a ramble

Hi All, Just my two peneth....i use a 2Gb usb pen drive which has U3 software loaded:confused1: what this is effectivly your own start menu inc all programs, word pro, spreedsheet, thunderbird email client, firfox browser etc, so your passwords etc stay on your pendrive, which you can password protect itself nand "lock it" against acidently wiping it!:thumbup1::thumbup1: you caN NOW GET 4gb ones, there are quite cheep now....£20 in the uk, try this link for info....http://www.u3.com/smart/default.aspx:cool4:

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