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Bigfoot 2 3 Feb 2013 12:54

$14??? Those things cost 30-odd pounds (47-or-so dollars) over in rip-off-Britain, as you probably know it (as we do IN Britain).

I guess with postage cost and our import tax, it would be a similar cost to buy from your supplier as over here... But please let us know where you can get it for that price so that we can give it a shot, Island Hopper.


Originally Posted by Island Hopper (Post 410316)
... A while back I witnessed one of those little slime pumps {with the built in flashlight} in action and was totally impressed... It easily aired up 2 rear tires back to back, no pauses, no overheating and no strange noises... After seeing that I went out and bought one, I believe it cost me about $14...

dstehouwer 4 Feb 2013 11:30


Originally Posted by *Touring Ted* (Post 410219)
I disagree.... Unless they've drastically reduced in quality over the last five years ???

They are MUCH better built. A solid aluminium chassis, proper shielded hose, a nice connector, good quality cables which are properly soldered.

I've seen countless cheap ones come and go. They fall to pieces in minutes rather than years. You can get lucky with them but for an extended trip ??? No thanks...

I agree that it rattles a lot but it's always going to. You can't avoid it. It's a small compressor in a metal box.

I can't comment on the quality of the compressor as I've never compared it.

All I know is mine has had YEARS of abuse on the road and never once failed me or anyone in my riding team.

However, I ALWAYS carry a 2-3 C02 canisters in-case the pump or my bike electrics fail on me.

The most important thing with ANY pump is to keep it away from dust. They don't have filters and the dusty air will destroy the piston on the compressor. I always place my cycle pump on it's legs, on-top of the red bag.

Inside, it is just the same compressor as I've found in the few-$-versions. It is mounted on two small bolts, and those went loose in mine. It started to rattle like crazy.

I agree, it looks fancy and high-tech... but that is just the casing. The hose might be nice, but the connector always gave me trouble; I have to push it onto the valve very hard to make it pump 'fast'...

If people like these pumps: spend the money and buy them. I just think the internal system is more important than a fancy casing (those plastic ones might survive too when stored in your panniers?).

If CyclePump would REALLY deliver something different&better, why is their warranty then so limited?

*Touring Ted* 4 Feb 2013 13:37

I'm really surprised at the bad ju-ju about cycle pump..

Maybe they've really dropped their quality to save money since the release versions.

Mine is a 2006 version and it's been SOOOO good to me I can't praise it enough. 100% reliable, never overheats, pumps up big tyres in no time at all.

It's a shame....

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