Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Sleeping mat - EXPED Downmat 7 dlx (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/equipment-reviews/sleeping-mat-exped-downmat-7-a-31899)

Selous 29 Jun 2010 13:30

Brilliant Vid mate more so for me as dyslexic,
Grant has simler on the DVD2,
Would like to know the web address or phone number of where you got it from

dave ett 29 Jun 2010 13:46

Bought mine from Traveldri-Plus

leigh 29 Jun 2010 17:09

You should buy it from Les at traveldri, support him as he supports us. You may save a quid or two somewhere else but Traveldri is unique, they stock the things we need and some things that are nigh on impossible to get elsewhere. Remember that they have been going to the bike shows for years and give good customer service, if we all purchased from the big boys the likes of Traveldri and Adventure spec wouldn't exist.

camper27 22 Jul 2010 16:22

They work good

stephen.stallebrass 22 Jul 2010 18:01

Bought mine from TravelDri whilst at Ripley. They're awesome! Expensive, but it's one purchase I certainly don't regret. Worth every penny!

John in Leeds 24 Jul 2010 19:38

Thanks for the review
Have used the 7cm in 3/4 length with internal pump for just over a year.

Need to take care with seating the air plugs otherwise it deflates overnight. For me I need an additional heavy foam mat in cold weather for insulation.

Very light and very comfortable, just needs help in the winter.

On deflation the down fill section evacuate easily, the foam filled sections including the pump area less so.

None the less it's the best for lightweight camping I have tried.

gregbd 25 Jul 2010 02:17

I use exped 9
Been using the Exped 9 and love it! Worth every penny.

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