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Shelton 12 Jul 2002 22:25

What with Tuareg clothes?
What do You thing about Tuareg clothes? Can you tell me how good they are?
I want know opinion of true user.

mmaarten 15 Jul 2002 13:10


I have the Tuareg rally suit. (white, black and orange).
I just love it. Lot's of ventilation, good protection and not to heavy.
And what's more... the pant's don't look and feel like an oversized set of dipers http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/wink.gif
I only removed the knee-impact-protector. I just could not make a good fit with it. (they are interchangeble)

The new line (I just saw it in the shop) is even more super. Especially more and even better ventilation possibility's.

There is also a tuareg-light series, but I am not found of that... it's more MX-style.


- www.maartensworld.tmfweb.nl -

GS George 7 Aug 2002 13:10

I bought the Tuareg beige and orange Sahara jacket in Germany in April. Went for last years model instaed of new one as that has much more black in it and in my opinion is not a good idea for deserts. Also bought Superlight trousers in beige as, again, trouers were too black for my liking. The kit has been excellent, works well and is still in very good condition (am now in Bangkok). BMW Savanna suit as ridden by Goose looks and works good, but a bit too expensive for me, added to higher beer consumption in these temperatures!



POB/London 16 Aug 2002 08:27

I have the Tuareg trousers with the removable waterproof liner, with the orange writing down the side (2000 model?)

I have crashed on tarmac in them twice at 20-30mph and they have hardly a mark on them!

Beware! I tuck mine into my MX boots, and this works well because there is just a smooth Velcro strip. The new ones have A BIG ZIPPER!

The guy in HG London told me that I would have to wear the trousers outside my boots, which I do not want to do!

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