Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Can you recommend a lightweight lock? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/equipping-bike-whats-best-gear/can-you-recommend-lightweight-lock-21721)

Iain 2 Jun 2006 08:50

Can you recommend a lightweight lock?
This has been a dilemma for many a traveller, but I'd be interested in what people go for when it comes to lightweight locks, to secure the bike to a lamp post and or to put off thieves generally.

Obviously a really determined thief with bolt cutters and or a van can beat a light weight system, so I'm simply going for a happy medium of light and tamper proof, as protection from your average chancer.

Any recommendations, especially if they are available in the UK, would be much appreciated.



Iain 2 Jun 2006 09:21

Steel cargo nets, where are they?
There are also steel or some form of metal cargo nets, which can be pulled over bags with a tie neck they can be padlocked, I have seen them, but after googling for a while can not find them on the net, I searched using "Steel cargo net", anyone know who sells these?

Stephano 2 Jun 2006 10:05

A good chain but...

Originally Posted by iain
I'd be interested in what people go for when it comes to lightweight locks, to secure the bike to a lamp post and or to put off thieves generally.

Obviously a really determined thief with bolt cutters and or a van can beat a light weight system, so I'm simply going for a happy medium of light and tamper proof, as protection from your average chancer. Iain.

Have a look at the thread here.
The Abus worked well for me to deter casual thieves and to chain bikes to fixed objects but note that since I wrote that post I have had a bike stolen by professionals and two ABUS chains were cut.

For the steel nets, try a camping supplier. They are generally designed to cover a rucksack.

MikeS 6 Jun 2006 09:38


Originally Posted by iain
There are also steel or some form of metal cargo nets, which can be pulled over bags with a tie neck they can be padlocked, I have seen them, but after googling for a while can not find them on the net, I searched using "Steel cargo net", anyone know who sells these?


Iain- try this site, think this is what you're looking for. Will probably go for something like this myself.



alexpezzi 6 Jun 2006 14:14

pacsafe & alarmed padlock
Hi there,
yes, Pac-Safe is the brand, also try to search eBay.co.uk for "pacsafe" or "pac safe" they are cheaper than on the official site.
When I go camping I use a strong chain and an alarmed padlock (Oxford Boss), it is not as loud as a car alarm but if you are sleeping in a tent or near your bike it will wake you up if somebody is trying to fiddle with it or move the bike, it can also be used as a disk lock. Again you'll find on eBay for about £50.

flashy_cj 6 Jun 2006 20:05

Lite weight lock
I suggest that you look at AEROstich. I bought an alarm lock that has about 3 meters of aircraft cable that when the cable is cut or the lock mechanism is broken, a 120 db alarm goes off. Cost about $35USD. You might want to check it out at www.aerostich.com

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