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tobyslight 30 Jul 2005 06:36

CG125 hard luggage
I'm planning to ride one of the new Honda CG125s around eastern europe and north africa and was wondering if anyone knew of any companies who make pannier brackets and/or topbox racks for this bike?, as it's essential that I have secure, lockable luggage.
Failing that is their anyone whose made their own brackets and has any tips?

you may be disapointed if you fail, but doomed if you never try

DAVSATO 30 Jul 2005 21:56

must be a common enough bike, have you looked at all the usual suspects? givi, kappa, krauser, nonfango, someone must do racks to fit their boxes to your bike.
if you want metal boxes then try metal mule, touratech, etc although i suspect you will have to have racks tailor made for these.(im sure touratech sell universal racks that you can play around with, but arent metal boxes going a bit ott on a CG125? no diss to the bike, those little hondas are great but you will be on fair roads all the time?)


tobyslight 31 Jul 2005 00:28

yeah it will look a bit silly! but I want to go skateboarding around each of the cities I'm going through so i've got to be able to leave all my stuff with the bike - skating whilst carrying a set of throwovers, tankbag, tent, sleeping bag, helmet and jacket may be slightly tricky!

DAVSATO 5 Aug 2005 18:56

have a look at the various manufacturers websites, you can get loads of different sized cases. i have 3x 44ltr kappa cases,
i keep the topbox empty to put my helmet and jacket in when i stop,
a large 3man tent and 3season bag goes in one side (im a big fat bastard who likes his space, you can get much smaller tents!)
and that leaves 44ltrs for bits and bobs, you will be amazed at what you can take, i took far too much junk with me the 1st time i went anywhere.
"whatever luggage you have, you will try to fill" thats very true, as soon as i thought about what i really wanted i halved the junk, and now i have room for my giant tent and air matress, AND have a spare box for helmet/jacket or beer!

i know you are limited to what you can carry size wise on a CG, but you can get really tiny high performance tents and sleeping bags these days, that pack up to little bundles. they can cost a bit though. and you already know you can go as wide as a skateboard!


tobyslight 10 Aug 2005 00:52

cheers dave thats some really useful advice, i was beginning to thing i'd have to save more money and get a bigger, less economical bike (ie, delay my trip)

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