Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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garygoat61 27 Mar 2003 00:39

panneir rack
hi guys , does anybody know who makes a paneir rack to fit the nx650 dommie??

Tony Robson 27 Mar 2003 01:02

Hi there

You can get loads of racks that are designed to fit onto a Dommie from people like:

Five Star

What are you thinking of doing with it?
Tarmac only or mixtures short or long journeys
What kind of luggage are you going to use?
hard or soft

These will all affect your choice.... Give us some idea and there is loads of info we can let you have.

POB/London 27 Mar 2003 05:03



Nice guy, top work. Not my bike though.

HTH http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/smile.gif

Mombassa 28 Mar 2003 04:22

I agree. Ernie (Overland-Solutions) does top work. Here's what he did for me:




paulc 28 Mar 2003 22:05

I'd agree with the above. my overland solutions racks are top kit. a much better option than getting off the shelf stuff

garygoat61 11 Apr 2003 04:09

hello, thank's for your imput, i now have several ideas , i really need a frame to keep my oxford soft luggage from the exhaust pipes, any ideas on that one would be great, i intend to travel to morroco in sept for 4 wks so mostly on road with a bit of off road thrown in!! cheers gary...

JFL 12 Apr 2003 02:04

Check out this thread- should answer a few questions?


RichLees 20 Apr 2003 01:22

health and safety warning: you're not allowed to use Ernie's racks at Cusses Gorse MX track ;-) they didn't like the width of metal work (with no luggage) and were only mildly amused by my request do attempt the 60' table top with full kit. I don't suppose many will find this an inconvenience, but I did!

POB/London 20 Apr 2003 07:46

Is that the MX place in Docklands?

A "proper" 'crossing friend told me it was pretty weak, but I've never been. There was discussion of an XT day - might have to be an XT/XRL day http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/wink.gif

The pic I posted was an Ernie setup, designed to hold soft bags off the pipes - sounds about right for you?


RichLees 20 Apr 2003 15:19

are you calling me a soft bag?
Cusses Gorse is out near Salisbury. its a full on MX circuit. I've not tried Docklands so I can't compare the two, but Cusses is pretty alarming as there are serious kiddies flying through the air with their wheels at my head height when I must be inches (four foot?) off the ground. I got punted off by one lad that ran into me as I took a berm on road tyres ;-) will be going next weekend if the weather is fair.

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