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palace15 22 May 2009 14:16


Originally Posted by Honda CT90 Rider (Post 242900)

Id save my $$ for travelling..... but then I am a tight arse! :thumbup1::clap:I ride a CT90 that gets 100+mpg.......... which means fuel only wise even at 30,000 miles and at 85 mpg I can go RTW for $997.00:D

You had better try and bypass Europe, as fuel prices are in a different league to US fuel prices, thats unless you carry fuel from the US in camelbak and panniers!


Toyark 22 May 2009 15:17

As you are asking for feedback!
Nice bit of engineering Chris - no question about that and clever bit re: the radiator key - I would have to agree with HondaCT90Rider that it is a bit over-engineered though-
A dromedary bladder such as I have (see pic) (can get them up to 10 litres) is perhaps more practical but to each his/her own! I dislike camel backs- too small a quantity yet too cumbersome/heavy on the back. You can wet the outside of the bladder and airflow will cool the contents too.:)

chris reid 22 May 2009 18:28

all fedback welcome good and bad:thumbup1:ill let you know what i think of it soon enough as im making the racks this weekend then next friday (30th) im riding to france, belgium, holland, germany, austria, switzerland and back a little bit of a ww2 tour and a trial run before america's next year. :mchappy:

PlasticMaggot 23 May 2009 10:26

Good job Chris they look spot on! I tend to agree that your water storage is a good idea, dont really see the issue with not being able to get inside to clean it, I cant with my bladder, maybe other folk know something i dont?!

I dont really understand what it is about them that people think is over engineered though? Surely they are just two boxes welded together or am i really missing something? and I am actually an engineer! To be quite honest I think that the alloy boxes available ie touratech and metal mule look distinctly under engineered for the obscene ammount of money they cost - I mean you can by a nice CX500 for less than one of those bloody things!

What did they cost you out of interest? Would possibly interested in a pair if the money is right.

chris reid 23 May 2009 23:36

£450 they cost all in. if your interested pm me. you are right though they are just two boxes welded together, so quite simple really. and pretty cheap i think considering how well made they are.
but if you dont like the idea of water storage i can get the same boxes without water tanks for £385, so less than half the price of zega etc. and can come in any size you want within reason!


lockyv7 25 May 2009 02:55

boxs look good Chris, bit like mine. Locky. :thumbup1:

owain 25 May 2009 04:00

thats cheep
hey ct90 rider, not trying to be smart, but do u think you could actualy go around the world on it,all loaded up and all?? unkillable bike i know!
Then again you did say your a tight ar**, you probly only need your camelback and a mars bar.hehe:mchappy:

chris reid 25 May 2009 09:27

nice boxes there locky! i was a little late in finding locking latches for mine. so will have to make do with padlocks for now.
are those self built racks too?

chris reid 26 May 2009 08:53

now they are fitted. http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/5...iers007.th.jpghttp://img529.imageshac<a href="http...iers010.th.jpgk.us/img529/4410/panniers009.th.jpg[/IMG]

chris reid 26 May 2009 08:56


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