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ranfog 12 Nov 2008 13:03

Sat nav mounting
Hello all. How are you all mounting your satnavs? Ive run into a little problem on my Kle500,i cant find a good place to mount it,ive got a bar mounting bracket but it just dont work for me,i cant get it in a good place. The best i can get it is using the suction cup mount on the tank,is this safe? Ive had it on there 2 days now with bungee hooks pulling on it and its holding well.

Any coments would be appreciated.

chunkylover 12 Nov 2008 22:01

Hey mate,

I'v got and 07 KLE and found an option that works well (may depend what satnav u've got). I use a Navman S30 and did this:
- Got a palstic box from electronics store, big enough for unit to sit in, that has removeavble/replaceable lid. (not sure where you are, Dick smiths are good option in Oz)
- Inserted some foam and cut out space for unit to fit in (some stuff they use in camera cases or the like)
- Cut acces points for power cord and headphone cords (if you use) and from lid to view screen:)
- Put small aluminium arms off the windscreen bracket, bolts thru side of plastic box will allow it to slide on and fix to brackets.

This puts the gps in behind your screen (i have larger screen, but works with factory one) directly above your dials. Unit is easliy viewable, won't shift, isn't in my way and is protected to a degree by the windsrceen. It's also removeable and simply leaves the 'arms' from the windscreen bracket in place.

I know a picture would explain this easier, but i don't currently have any. Let me know if you need futher info (or pics)

Good luck

Frank Warner 12 Nov 2008 22:49

RAM mount.
This alows the screen to be re angled to suit the possition of the sun - optimising viewing the screen and minimising reflections.

You can get different length arms to offset the position from the mounting point .. I simply used the 3" smallest and cheapest one ..

I've used this on 4 different bikes so far.

ranfog 12 Nov 2008 23:25

Cheers guys,both ideas ill be looking into as when i got home from work this eve the suctioncup mount was catapulted across the yard! Think ill take a drill to the suctioncup mount and try and bolt it on somehow.

So you know im in the UK on a 93 kle and using a tomtom one v3 satnav.

ranfog 26 Nov 2008 23:47

I ended up using the suction cup mount that came with the tomtom.
I used an 8mm drill bit to drill the mount from the middle of the rubber suction cup up,then i cut the rubber cup down. Next i got a P clip and the rest should write itself really. mounted it to the crossbar on the handle bars and its working well. if anyone wants a picture ill post one if asked.

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