Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Stainless Steel Electrical Crimp Connectors (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/equipping-bike-whats-best-gear/stainless-steel-electrical-crimp-connectors-4423)

Fuzzy Duck 25 May 2002 17:31

Stainless Steel Electrical Crimp Connectors
This is beginning to drive me round the twist...

I read an article on the Airheads website about rewiring a bike and the bloke reccomended using SS crimp connectors as they are much better than the standard type.

Can I find any in the UK? Nope!

I've tried surfing the web for hours, tried Maplins, RS Components, Farnell, Newark...

I've tried contacting yatch chandlers (as these things are supposed to be useful for marine applications)...

I've tried e-mailing the guy who wrote the article - got bounced back... "email does not exist":- type-of-reply

I'm getting desperate - and I've now become obsessed with finding these bloomin crimps - CAN YOU HELP?

PS I've not tried Tandy - but I'm not THAT desperate (yet!)

Fuzzy Duck
(I'm quackers about bikes)

Sean Kelly 25 May 2002 18:42

Hi Fuzzy

I've never heard about stainless steel crimps before, but try Merv Plastics, Nottingham - 01159 9305454 was my last number. I have used them in the past and they have a wide range of quality crimps and electrical stuff. They've even got nice automotive style block connectors. Perhaps they can help?

Apologies if I'm teaching granny to suck eggs, but avoid soldering whenever possible as is not a reliable connection for wiring harnesses. Make sure that you use non-insulated terminal types (with separate insulators) and get the correct crimping tool.



Fuzzy Duck 27 May 2002 02:04

Cheers Sean - thanks for the information/advice - I live near Nottingham so I'll give these guys a try.

I was actually thinking about soldering AND crimping! Whoooah!

If anyone is interested in the rewiring article you can find it at: http://www.airheads.org/contrib/wireupgrade.html - but beware, you might get obsessed with these bloomin' stainless steel crimps like me http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/ubb/frown.gif


Fuzzy Duck
(I'm quackers about bikes)

Fuzzy Duck 12 Jun 2002 11:19

Forget stainless steel connectors - it's like searching for the Holy Grail - but not as easy to find...

I tried the number above - and got through to Vehicle Wiring Products - EXCELLENT!

They sell a HUGE range of electrical items, ideal for rewiring. I've decided to redo the loom to the original colour scheme, and they sell nearly 100 types of colours in the size I want, from £0.23 GBP per metre and you can order as little as a metre of each!!! The thinwall cable seems to be the business and you can get heatshrink, all sorts of crimps (insulated and non-insulated), slit harness wrap, etc, etc...

They sell a range of motorcycle bits & bobs too (none electrical).

As I've added heated grips, immobiliser & FIAMM horns my loom was becoming a bit of a mess (especially after it fused on my exhaust), so this job needed doing.

I've popped in twice and I find the staff friendly & helpful and they'll send you a free catalogue too.

They're pretty close to Somercotes, so if you're going to the Horizons meeting in July you could pop in and save yourself the cost of carriage (£3.25 GBP for the UK)


Vehicle Wiring Products
9 Buxton Court
Manners Industrial Estate
Tel: 0115 930 5454
Fax: 0115 944 0101
Email: sales@vehicleproducts.co.uk


Fuzzy Duck
(I'm quackers about bikes)

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