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andreasb 22 May 2002 18:13

toolbox storage
Does anybody know about a construction /small metal box that would allow me to store all my tools right above the engine (to keep the weight closer to the bikes center of gravity).....or in between the panniers and the rear wheal? (I have Tesch carriers and there is plenty of space inbetween the frame and the rear wheal that I would like to fill up) but I would need some sort of construction to attach to the panniers/engine/crashbars.......I would prefer keeping my tools out of the panniers since the weight distribution seems to make the bike wobble slightly....
I have seen some RTW travellers that had custom made ones but have no clue of where to look....does anybody know who's selling/producing anything like it...
I am leaving in about three/four weeks to India and would highly appreciate any advice/suggestions....
I am currently in Berlin/Germany.

Thanks in advance, Andreas

nick_horley 23 May 2002 01:49

Perhaps you could start with an ammunition box from an army surplus store? I've been thinking of doing something similar myself - let me know what solution you end up with!

wbagwell 23 May 2002 03:03

Can you tell us what kind of bike you have? This will help us figure out the best solution.

The best solution I've seen so far is Grant's, where he built cases that sit above the cylinders on his R80GS:
but this will only work well with this type of engine layout. I've seen people crate toolboxes that mount on the sides of their engines on big trail bikes, but they're vulnerable to damage and breakage in the event of a crash.

Let us know what kind of bike you have and we can better help you.


Freek 23 May 2002 04:08

see; www.ktm-sommer.de
they have a alu toolbox in front of the engine.


andreasb 23 May 2002 04:45

I actually do have a R80GS (1991)...and I agree that Grants solution is the best I have come across.....but I do believe that they are custom made....but how do I manage to get anything like this in the next 3 weeks?

Freek, I went to the KTM sight you suggested regarding the alu tool boxes but couldn't find them....would you be so kind and email me the sub-link with exact location?


Julio 2 Jun 2002 03:08

You could try Ernie at overland solutions, he may be able to make you one up. But not sure in the timescales your looking at.



Arun 4 Jun 2002 03:24

I've seen pics on teh net of guys who attach a 3-4 inch, foot long pvc or ASB black tube to the frame down low somewhere. Put screw-in ends on it and it'll be clean, dry and safe.

Looks a bit odd though.

GOod Luck


Freek 6 Jun 2002 01:49

Freek, I went to the KTM sight you suggested regarding the alu tool boxes but couldn't find them....would you be so kind and email me the sub-link with exact location?


See; zubehor adventure 640 59 euro


andreasb 6 Jun 2002 07:43

Finally got a hold of KTM's aluminum boxes...they are a bit pricey but well made. I just got three of them in the mail today.....installed easily. Thanks again for the great recommendation. I will post pics of them soon. I attached one box each between the panniers and the rear wheal and one right below the horn and the front wheal. Stores all my tools, spare parts, glues...and lots more) .
What a great space saver......With a little bit of foam glued to the lid they can be made absolutely water proof as well)
best wishes, Andreas

Sean Kelly 9 Jun 2002 17:14


I've checked them out and they look good. But are they secure and can they be locked?


andreasb 9 Jun 2002 17:55


the tool boxes are very sturdy and secure (maybe 4mm in thickness if not 5mm) but they can not be locked unless you add a latch to it. But I think that would be overkill since you need a number 10 key to open or close them anyway. And they can easily be made water proof by adding a strip of rubber to the lid, which by the way goes over the actual box.
The one box that I have attached to the front frame only holds stuff that isn't that 'valuable' like wire and electrical cabel etc. The others are almost invisible since they are inbetween the frame and the actual panniers. I am not worried about having stuff ripped off from them.


newfie 18 Jun 2002 05:59

a simple solution i use is to pick up a fanny pack, usually available close to your bikes colour, get one made of cordoba nylon with zip top. cut off the belt to within 3in of the pac. fold the belt over on each side and bolt it behind the license plate bracket. if that is not possible than behind your seat--place a zip-loc plastic bag in the fanny pac, and fill with tools, amazing how many tools will fit in.waterproof too!!

gozell 11 Jul 2002 16:23

Hello Andreas,

Since the toolbox looked really good orderded two.... One mounted below horn and
one will mount somewhere between rear rack.

Also since I replaced the orginal exhaust for a 2 into 1, there is a whole lot of space available that Ive used to fill up with a 70cm 110mm diameter pvc pipe !

Yippee even more storage space...


gozell 11 Jul 2002 16:29

Forgot to mention that Ive padded the insite of the toolbox with neoprane (that wetsuit stuff) which does an excellent job in limiting vibrations....

iswoolley 30 Jul 2002 21:12


What are the dimensions of these boxes?

How have you mounted them to your bike? Bolts, velcro, magnets?

How are the lids fixed to the boxes?


gozell 31 Jul 2002 18:24


For exact dimensions of the box see http://www.ktm-sommer.de/ ,the pic should you give you some idea as well. The Box is bolted (4) to the dommie’s bashplate.

gozell 31 Jul 2002 18:29

mhhh, see


Shelton 1 Aug 2002 22:07

The best choose dont laugh german aluminium ammo can from II World War. Light stong, and chip! But have stamp mark with sfastika on top deckiel... but little (use hammer to flat it!)


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