Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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ex-xt 14 Dec 2015 18:32

water tank or ?
1 Attachment(s)
As I am preparing an " improved" gear for my next ride on the DRZ , either in Morocco again, or to Russia and the south stans maybe ; i am getting to the pont of carrying enough water .
For the rest a tank bag and a saddlebag will do the job .

I have a katadyn filter ( maybe change to a littler one ? ) I always carry since 80, bike or not ? that' make 3/4 L . the other issues might be
- a plastic flat bag that can be rolled ( put in the coyote or on it ? not so good on pistes )
- 1 or 2 old styled military type "gourdes" in aluminium, very cheap and quite strong but taking space ( around 10 € with a tin )
- some bag to be fixed on a front rack , not so easy or good for a drz .

What I dont want is a backpack . my purpose is being able to carry around 5 liters max/3 liters min
If you have other ideas you are welcome.:D
to give an idea of the gourde, this saddle stayed in south morocco, now i have a lighter tarp and a coyote

tmotten 14 Dec 2015 19:49

carrying water is the biggest PITA around for this stuff. Coyote is too small for really long distance stuff for that reason I find. Bit too high as well for all that water weight.

I'll use dromedary bladders and try to plan around the day's itinerary. I typically wear a Camelbak, but may work out something strapped behind me now.

ex-xt 14 Dec 2015 21:21

thank for answers !! :mchappy:
The advantage of the gourdes is reliability, cost and also relative freshness. Also they can be fixed anywhere on the bag .
and, in case, in a little bpack to walk. I used these in mountaining, you can also heat them !
I will not make so much off road hiking/camping , maximum maybe 3 days ?
So an extra tank( on the back of the bike ) will fit the period( 5 +3+1).

Major goal : lightness of the whole stuff :D

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