Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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alpaca 7 Dec 2007 12:46

air con to air compressor conversion
Somewhere in Chris Scotts book he says you can convert the air con so that you can use it to re inflate your tyres. Has anyone done this? We re driving a 1990 Hilux surf.

men8ifr 7 Dec 2007 13:21

Dont know - be very careful though the air con gas in the sealed system contains lubricant so the pump doesn't seize. if you were drawing air in from the atmosphere to pump using the aircon pump you have no lubricant.

(and no air con as well!)

Dessertstrom 7 Dec 2007 13:28

You can use an A/C compressor to inflate your tyres but it has to be fiited with the right pipework to a receiver tank and you loose your A/C. Some have fitted an additional A/C compressor to run off the engine for this purpose.
I would get an ARB tyre compressor to fit in the engine bay, it's made for the job.

Martynbiker 7 Dec 2007 13:39

no need if its a petrol engine.....
If its a petrol engine you can buy a gizmo that replaces a spark plug on any engine from 2 cylinders up and you just start her up and watch it pump.

Or carry a 3 Litre 150Bar divers bottle with regulator and pressure valve, that should fill a few tyres as well as usefull for diving with a different Reg.set

I think it was distributed by touratech but im not sure.......though I bet Mollydog will know the thing i mean, wont ya Patrick? ( This Guy amazes the hell outta me...... everything I ever mention he knows about it....... I want him as an RTW partner man!)


Diff 7 Dec 2007 13:55

air con to air compressor
Engine driven air con pumps make very fast compressors.

Here is mine:

Another On board air write up - LR4x4 - The Land Rover Forum

Plenty of discussion here:


and here:


Hope this helps,



Dessertstrom 7 Dec 2007 17:06

I don't like the idea of a fuel/air mixture going into a tyre,rather use a cheap electric tyre pump.

Mr. Ron 7 Dec 2007 17:42


Originally Posted by Dessertstrom (Post 162489)
I don't like the idea of a fuel/air mixture going into a tyre,rather use a cheap electric tyre pump.

+1...i've always wondered about the worst case scenario, filling a large tire with a perfect air-fuel mixture, compressing it to 40 lbs, heating it ....??

AliBaba 7 Dec 2007 17:48


Originally Posted by Mr. Ron (Post 162491)
+1...i've always wondered about the worst case scenario, filling a large tire with a perfect air-fuel mixture, compressing it to 40 lbs, heating it ....??

You don't use the air-fuel mixture :-)
The compression of the engine just powers the pump, the air comes from outside.

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