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Tonyabc 22 Sep 2004 03:09

Bull bars and weight
I am preparing a landcruiser, which incidently I plan not to name, to take around the world, as in everywhere; Africa, India, China, you name it. I am wondering if the weight of a bull bar is justified.

The car is an 80 series and comes with a fairly light weight but solidish slightly bendy plastic bumper. I figure that if knocked by anything substantial it would buckle and break. Do I need to worry about that?

An ARB winch bull bar I am told weighs about 50kg although I can not find the weight on the ARB web site. Do I really want to carry round the world something that weighs as much as a small person if the only advantage is that in a small crash it will save the paint work?

Would I not be better off in terms of handling and steering in doing without?

Would it not be better to risk a bit of light body damage without a bull bar versis the possibilitly of twisting the chasis if the bull bar take a hard impact?

Money aside what is the best option?

All thoughts much apreciated


Roman 22 Sep 2004 08:17


I'd rather think that a bulbar, A-bar, or even a solid metal bumper is there not to protect paintwork but to save your radiator in case of moderate collision.

Roman (UK)

GreenLaner 22 Sep 2004 10:08

I'd think on a trip such as the one you're planning, you're probably going to need jack points, something solid to stand on, something to push with, something to strap things to, and maybe sometihng to accidently hit things with [God forbid].

IMHO, you can't beat a well built steel bumper. It doesn't have to be heavy, either. I've build several, each designed with this purpose in mind.

Forget tubing, it's much more expensive to contruct. Get a welder to build out of channel-iron, 4" or 6". Measure and design yourself, keep it simpe.

Channel-iron is very tough, cheap, light enough, and it looks great once painted up.

If you want picture I might be able to dig some up....



BenW 22 Sep 2004 15:45


I bought a cheap (£20) second-hand tubular steel bullbar for my old Rangie from a scrap yard. A lick of paint and it looks fine. Currently in Lagos and it's done a fine job in the traffic of keeping other cars away. Several have bumped it manouevering in the, horrendous, traffic - I wouldn't be without it here, or indeed on the rest of my trip.

Roman has a very good point... Greenlaner is right too, mine has been used for all of these things!

If you're not getting a winch, then you don't need anything so heavy as a dedicated winch bumper either, so reducing the weight.



diesel jim 23 Sep 2004 03:23

Tonyabc... if you're interested i've got the old wrap around bullbar from my 110. it needs a good lick of paint (more likely the plastic burning off with the oxy torch then sandblasting) but it's free to a good home if you want it. i'm in Swindon, Wilts (i see you're in Avon so you can't bee too far away!)

drop me a PM if you're interested <a href="mailto:jamie.austin@austin...roup.co.uk</a>

Tonyabc 23 Sep 2004 16:09


That is very generous. I have sent you email


ctc 24 Sep 2004 22:23

Footloose I beleive can source a bull bar for a Land Cruiser.

As the previous post mentions the more important piece is a replacement steel bumper rather than an A bar / bull bar. It also needs to be robustly attached to the chassis.

In the UAE most Land cruiser owners have replaced the original bumper with a steel one. If driving in sand dunes you'll find the original gets ripped off when you go nose down the first time.

I have have shunted a few people with my 110's A Bar and its definately kept the repair bills down! If you intend driving through Cairo its a must!

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