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gilghana1 22 Nov 2007 00:46

Dutch ovens
Okay, it is not really a technical 4x4 question, but lets face it no motorcyclist is going to carry arround a big lump of cast iron, and there is not a cooking section on the HUBB, so here goes:
back in Sept I happened to be attending a trade fair in Germany, part of which was dedicated to camping type stuff, on the last day from some fellow exhibiters I was able to snap up some bargains (chinese folding chairs for 5 euros a pop and a 'dutch oven' for a bargain 30. It is a damned hefty thing, but something appeals to me about a good old wood fire and a dutch oven bubbling away in it!! I know that it is totally impractical for a sahara trip, and it is pretty unlikely that an overlander would carry one, but for my mostly sahel type travelling it will come along. Anyway my long winded way of getting to the questions:
- anyone used one and got any good tips
- anyone know of any good links to recipes

I know that most good camp items have more than one use, this thing could also be used for washing up, fetching water from a well, emergency axle stand! the list goes on. Bonus feature is that I can use my highlift jack as some sort of pot hanging device, thereby also helping to justify carrying more massive bits of cast iron around! Thank god for firestone airbags!!

onlyMark 22 Nov 2007 07:02

"it is pretty unlikely that an overlander would carry one"
I have done for years. Yes, it is heavy but I usually find a place for it.
There are plenty of recipes on the internet like - Dutch Oven Recipes
and Byron's Dutch Oven Cooking Page

They are also known as a potjie or Potjieko and are well used in South Africa (obviously because of the Dutch connection)
Food tastes a lot better and after a hard day on the road I can just load it up with stuff and leave it cook whilst I relax.

uk_vette 22 Nov 2007 16:46

Aaaa !

potchie kos

lekker !

Redboots 22 Nov 2007 19:20


Originally Posted by gilghana1 (Post 160298)
...or 5 euros a pop and a 'dutch oven' for a bargain 30. l

I thought a "dutch oven" was when you farted in the bed and then pushed you wife/girlfriends head under the covers:eek3:

graysworld 22 Nov 2007 21:36

ongeloofeljk. dat heb ik ook gedacht. maar het is koken apparaat. heerlijk

beste wensen Graeme

mattsavage 23 Nov 2007 09:39

dat is gemakkelijk voor u te zeggen!!


ChrisC 23 Nov 2007 11:39

I totally agree with Matt

ChrisC 23 Nov 2007 11:41

Ik ga totaal met Mat akkoord

Sophie-Bart 6 Dec 2007 12:13

Easy, No Knead Crusty Bread
And suddenly, searching for something completly different I stumbled on this article on Mother Earth News: The Original Guide to Living Wisely (no my search had nothing to do with being dutch, ovens or even bread) But I remebered this thread about dutch ovens.
the recipe, sounds easy enough but don't know if I'm up to this challenge early in the morning creating breakfast (think I'll stick with cofee).


While I'm into it, I just put in another google and presto, even more recipe's and technics, a cookbook and a whole website dedicated about these pots and filled with recipe's (breakfast/lunch/dinner and desserts!) Only one thing about the website it is entirely in .... Dutch. Which only seems right BTW

Yummy, warm apple-pie anyone?

outthere 6 Dec 2007 13:32

Dutch oven/ BEDOURIE
[quote=gilghana1;160298]Okay, it is not really a technical 4x4 question, but lets face it no motorcyclist is going to carry arround a big lump of cast iron,


Dutch ovens are heavy and a bit of a pain, in AUSTRALIA we/motorcyclists use BEDOURIES (hopefully i spelt that correct, being an Aussie). Its called a Bedourie after the outback town in Queensland. Its like 2 pans in one, it comes in diff. sizes and is made of lite metal, one part is smaller than the other like 2 pans that fit male-female. Generally they come with a handle, they take alsorts of punishment and i even carry my washing up gear inside. They are used in the same way u can use the heavy Dutch Oven and some times more so because u really have 2 cook pans. All the best Brian B:rolleyes2:

oldbmw 6 Dec 2007 19:24

portable wood burning stoves
I saw an advert for littleportable wood burning stoves distribute dby some company operating froma scottish island i think..
anyone know where/who they are as i lost the link.

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