Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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wookie 25 Oct 2004 17:06

HJZ 75 land cruiser
anyone got information on purchasing HJZ75 pick up? got to be the 4.2 diesal? cheers

Roman 25 Oct 2004 22:34

Try asking also at www.landcruisers.info

Roman (UK)

Chris Scott 29 Oct 2004 09:28

You wont find any in the UK - some LHD in Europe (expensive) and new RHD in Zambia, but they are everywhere (invludinmg old 75s) in Australia - and 12 volt RHD too.

Have a look at www.autotrader.com.au

Note that out there I would guess a pick-up will more likely have had a genuine off road life than some 'hardtop' troopcarriers. (I'm condidering bringing a 78 in.)

75 up to late 1990s = all leaves (later = 4.2)
78 troop (79 pick-up) = front coils, longer leaves and bit bigger but still the all-mech engine management.

Shipping might be under a grand
and tax = Vat + 5% (guessing)


And guess what! A lot more up to date TLC stuff in the new book - here early Dec, baring typhoons.

Author of Sahara Overland II and the Adventure Motorcycling Handbook 5, among other things

http://www.sahara-overland.com and http://www.adventure-motorcycling.com

andybee 15 Nov 2004 21:57


No - it doesnt have to be just the 1HZ diesel - you can get the HZJ79 pick up with the 4.5 litre petrol engine too (1FZFE). There are loads of them here in SA. They are quite expensive new (ZAR 290,000) - but if you wanted to get an older one for import to the UK, it wold be fine as the are RHD of course.



andybee 15 Nov 2004 22:01

Correction - im not sure if the petrol 79s in SA dont have the carburettor 1FZ engine, rather the the injected 1FZFE. Not that it matters too much. :-)

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