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Renato Braz 6 Sep 2002 19:09

sleeping in the car

I have a Land Rover Defender 90. I am planning to take it to some trips. has anyone adapted a 90 to sleep inside the car, I think its much safer in remote areas.

Any ideas will be apreciated.



Renato Braz 13 Jan 2003 03:35


no one has nothing to say about sleeping in a ninety?


www.AventuraS3.com (in portuguese only)

MarkusK 13 Jan 2003 21:56

You can find quite a lot of info here:


The instructions are in German but the photos should be self-explaining.

SandyM 14 Jan 2003 01:56

I am not sure sleeping inside is MUCH safer than sleeping in a roof-tent. Very few people will wish to do you bodily harm when you are travelling. (And if they do, they could just set fire to your vehicle).

Sleeping inside is better in cold or windy conditions, but more stuffy than a roof tent in hot conditions. It is almost always far less convenient to have sleeping arrangements inside too (for the sleeping itself, and while travelling).

Space in a Ninety is quite limited, and a roof-tent is a relatively light and bulky item - ideal for a roof-borne load. On balance, I'd probably do the roof-tent thing.


Toby2 16 Jan 2003 15:09

Did see a 90 in one of the LR mags which had been adapted to allow a couple to sleep in the back whilst they toured Europe. They slept across the width of the vehicle with pop out extensions on each side to give them the length and a pop up roof to give them more height. However sleeping in a vehicle is not necassarily a good idea, especially for the security reasons. As mentioned above, a) travellers aren't usually attacked, b) if someone does want to attack you then the vehicle offers limited protection. c) most importantly it leads to a mind set of hiding away at night scared that someone is going to attack you. We travelled right across Africa as well as round Aus and other countries. We use an Aussie style swag just laid out on the ground. Its brilliant, sleep out under the stars, enjoy the desert. We used a tent when it was raining. We now have a roof tent which is good for convenience. A roof tent would be more comfortable, give far greater access to kit in the vehicle - if you have a sleeping platform in the way then its a hassle getting stuff in and out. Expecially in a 90 where there is limited space. Only my opinion of course - each to their own.

Macca 25 Jan 2003 13:51

although a different make of vehicle (Toyota Landcruiser) check out Geoff Kingsmill website, via this website in the 'links' column. He used a roof tent and has some subjective views on sleeping in/on the vehicle.

I too agree with Toby2, as I come from Australia and have travelled extensively through this wide brown land, sleeping under/on a 'swag' is the most ideal way to go. I own a HZJ75 series 'Troopie' and although I have the room to sleep, that includes 'the cook' (ouch!, that ruler hurts) inside but choose to sleep on the ground.


Macca & Lynda

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