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gilghana1 8 Mar 2008 18:39

Thanks Chris,
all relative but the troopy is absolutely transformed. From various feedback from George at All American I learnt some interesting (well if you are into Toyotas...) things. Turns out that the Toyota 1HD-T is used by Yanmar in marine installations - with "some" changes. 315hp!!!

Intercooler would be nice, but I think the factory 1HD troopys never had intercoolers apparently because of airflow issues in what is quite a cramped engine bay... Still looking into it though, and if anyone knows of an intercooler for the HZJ78 then suggestions are welcome, in the meantime I've got some exhaust mods to do ;-)


m37charlie 8 Mar 2008 19:33

If you can make a precise diagram of proposed intercooler, complete with inlet and outlet and mounting brackets, there are places (US and Australia) that can make them. I had one made once.
The places in Australia (which I do not know the names of) have I am sure tackled the Troopy issue already, in order to not "re-invent the wheel". You could find who does this via one of the Australian aftermarket turbo mfgs like AXT, if still in business (I purchased a turbo kit for my BJ40 from them). ARB are still in business of course and would probably know who to call.


gilghana1 15 Mar 2008 20:37

Thanks for the suggestions Charlie. I know that AXT are still in business, and Denco (also Oz) seem to also do pretty good air/water intercoolers. Alisport in the UK are pretty handy with aluminium welding, and I had one of their intercoolers in previous Defender, and my partner is quite handy with Autocad type stuff so I will give various options some thought.

For those who are interested in this project (and it can't be many :-) today I fitted my modified exhaust - basically as previously described. Quite a bugger of a job to get the remnants of the old system out... Needed to remove one wheel, inflate the Firestone airbag like hell and remove a shock. Even then I still had to say sod it and get the gas axe out!!! Luckily I have access to parts if I want to put it all back.

My modified exhaust seems to let the turbo spool up faster while emitting a suitably macho throaty roar which subsides as the turbo comes on song (thank God). At cruising speed it is fine. Easter weekend we are off for a weeks tour of Northern Ghana so am really looking forward to long empty highways to test it all out.

anyway it all sounds like a big increase when you boot it and to be honest that was one of the objectives...


gilghana1 14 Jun 2008 20:39

Just an update on the 1HZ Turbo Troopy: after a while the "throaty roar" started to get way too much! With the passenger window open it was far too loud unless really just cruising. With the end result that I contacted Tourfactory and went for their side exit stainless steel exhaust. Was not cheap, but VERY nicely made and just right in terms of noise and a big weight saving over the original system. Of course that meant that now Noel's suggestion of the other tank had to be considered. The tank has not arrived yet but will be mounted with a flowjet pump and glind heat exchanger to give an on board water/shower system. Consumption has changed dramatically! From a conservative 13l/100km when I picked the car up and drove it from Accra to home. On a trip up to Bui and Mole national parks the consumption went to 17l/100km. Worth it though as the car is so different. EGT seems to be pretty low, as only on really long hills and flooring it does the gauge (immediately after turbo) creep above 400 c. As there is no visible black smoke it would seem that the fueling is about right (I hope!).

noel di pietro 14 Jun 2008 21:14

fuel consumption
Hi Gil,

Have you tried to choke the fuel supply screw back bit by bit until it affects the drive. If you choke it and turn it in to 'green' eco diesel maybe you could get back to 13 L/100km. In theory you should be able go below that since the efficiency of turbo engine is better than a naturally aspirated.


gilghana1 20 Jun 2008 16:51

Noel - I think it is also "new toy" syndrome - in that 'cause the extra power is there it is so tempting to use it!!! I will play with settings a bit and also reduce the right foot pressure.

noel di pietro 20 Jun 2008 18:31


Can you keep me updated on what you manage to squeeze out of it. I have considdered to put a turbo on too for a next long trip but only for fuel economics. It would pay itself back over 50k, 60k km if it would improve economics, not if consumption increases.

Also, are you still happy with the air suspension on the back? Would you buy the same again?



gilghana1 20 Jun 2008 19:37

Will certainly keep you posted Noel! With the firestone airbags I am still happy - so much so that I ordered two sets for two HZJ79 pickups that we bought for company use (for mechanics so they are carrying welding sets and oxy gas, tools, people etc. It wil be interesting to see how they go as these vehicles are used HARD! Also worth noting that a spare bag is fairly small, so carrying a spare is not that big an issue.

noel di pietro 26 Jun 2008 19:03

air bags

I assume you order these air bags thru the internet. Where do you buy them?



gilghana1 26 Jun 2008 21:09

I actually get them from South Africa where a friend of mine who used to work here set up a small procurement company - he ships quite a lot of stuff to us so the airbags are easy to stick in one of his containers.

When I was researching the various options of supply I found these guys:
Marcle Leisure - Store for motorhome, caravan & marine equipment

Let me know if you want my mate's email as he would be able to sort you out, but the shipping and duty would add up I guess.

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