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Gipper 4 Feb 2007 22:06

Anyone used one of these yet ?


moggy 1968 4 Feb 2007 22:21

No, but 12 cfm is going some, thats better than my garage compressor!! I wonder how much spondoolies. pretty heavy @ 100lbs, but possibly less than 2 seperate units, although all hanging in front of the front axle

Gipper 5 Feb 2007 03:05

Yeah Moggy, I wonder how much !!! no change out of a grand (£) I bet.....I might enquire just to see......

- and 5cfm @90 psi - so say 7-8cfm @50psi ??? - id like to see the detailed spec sheets and the current draw....

For comparison, the Warn XD9000 on the Disco weighs 78 lbs and the Superwinch X9 on the Defender weighs 82 lbs - so 100 lbs aint bad for a combo...

- quite a decent winch too, looking at its features - similar to the XD9000 - which is a good winch - with up to date gubbins - and of course they do a 12,000 lb version.

be intersting to use one in action and see how it copes for real at West African temperatures - though Warn generally make fairly good gear - the video says it can run as a compressor continuously for 30 minutes - thats a good few tyres @ 8 ish cfm.......

deanocasper 31 Mar 2008 08:36

JUMBO Clare air compresser any good for Morrocco trip?
:DI bought a cheap little Jumbo air comp for 10 squids and it works I got the fittings and hose and air gun when I was in ireland i got asteel worker to make me a neat little tray that sits over the wheel arche in the back of my toy hilux as the compresser is 240 volt I am going to search for a 600 watt invertor to run it has any one down anything like this ? when I let air in the tyres down and plugged in to the mains from the house worked no probs but i noticed that the motor got hot also the hose end that clips to the compr, also I need some sort of a reel that the hose can be neatly packed away any info would be greatly appr, thanks Stephen
sorry about the bad grammer

JulianVoelcker 31 Mar 2008 10:02

Unfortunately I think that you have taken the wrong approach. Compressors tend to draw a high current and having a mains one means that you will need to find an invertor capable to power it. Also invertors are a very inneficient way of powering equipment.

You would be far better off (and I suspect it would bee cheaper than your cheap compressor and invertor combo) just to go for a decent 12volt compressor like a Viair (around £135) in the first place.

As for the heat side of things, yes they do get hot and you will find that the cheaper ones will overheat quickly and require more time to cool down. You may find yours fine for pumping up one or two tyres in one session, but may struggle to pump up four large tyres.

When researching coompressors do check the duty cycle rating - there is quite a good basic guide to compressors at OffRoadRecovery.Com Air Compressor Basics - certainly enough to get you going.

eightpot 31 Mar 2008 11:03

After trawling through here, I think I'll have a go at plumbing in an old A/C compressor - I've been using T-Max jobby for the last three years, which I thought was worth a mention - small, very portable, about £50-£60 and inflates pretty quickly. All metal construction (it actually looks exactly the same as a Viair 400 - had it side by side with one once, only the stickers were different) and though it does get hot, it's never cut out.
I used it to inflate a king size airbed the other day and after only a few minutes returned to find it was about to burst!
It wasn't as quick to re-inflate four aired down tyres in the desert as the guys who were using on board engine driven compressors, but only a few minutes behind.
Be nice to shift the pump under the bonnet though, the T-max takes up the space of six large tins of beer, and in a 90 every little helps...

pedromahon 6 Apr 2008 06:45

hey, I have fitted to my defender a warn powerplant (winch and compressor) also a 5 gallon tank. It is nothing short of awesome. It will happily run air tools (12cfm) eg ratchet and also pump tyres up (around 50secs from 10 psi to 40psi) It is very heavy though (think 45kgs comes to mind) plus ARB bumper (another 45kgs) so i uprated the suspension to heavy duty as roof tent added too. Other down side it is quite expensive, at least £1000 plus bumper, plus mount kit etc.

Niva Say Never 6 Apr 2008 11:03

A/C Compressor
Hi Guys,
Been looking into this at some length,
IMHO, an engine mounted a/c compressor is by far the best way to go, I wont bother regurgitating everything that has been already said in this post, but I am currently looking to source a York EF210R, will be more than up to anything an overlander could want to throw at it, and a complete install should come in at under £200.
As soon as i can find exactly which models of car (in the uk) had the big ones i'll be sure to post it here.
In the mean time there is a lot of great info on the install etc here:

York Compressor for On-Board Air


JulianVoelcker 6 Apr 2008 14:22


Originally Posted by Niva Say Never (Post 183323)
York EF210R

Yes, a York compressor is the way to go, however the big difficulty is finding somewhere to mount it.

diesel jim 6 Apr 2008 14:51


Originally Posted by JulianVoelcker (Post 183331)
Yes, a York compressor is the way to go, however the big difficulty is finding somewhere to mount it.

I've got a couple of these in the garage, and plan to try and glue one onto my Td5 sometime...

should be fun! :-)

Niva Say Never 6 Apr 2008 16:33


Originally Posted by diesel jim (Post 183334)
I've got a couple of these in the garage, and plan to try and glue one onto my Td5 sometime...

should be fun! :-)

Hi Jim,
If you want to part with one of them, let me know


gilghana1 6 Apr 2008 17:45

I believe that York A/C compressors were fitted to old Volvos, so maybe worth checking some big old 740s in scrap yards?

JulianVoelcker 6 Apr 2008 17:50

Hi Jim,


Originally Posted by diesel jim (Post 183334)
I've got a couple of these in the garage, and plan to try and glue one onto my Td5 sometime...

Out of interest where did you source them? I would quite like to get one to play around mounting them onto LCs.

eightpot 7 Apr 2008 18:58

I'm sure the answers somewhere in the previous ten pages, please excuse the lazyness - is there a particular reason a York compressor is more prized than if say I used a standard LandRover pump which would fit nice 'n' easy??
Does if have a higher output or is there another reason?

JulianVoelcker 7 Apr 2008 20:12


Originally Posted by eightpot (Post 183497)
I'm sure the answers somewhere in the previous ten pages, please excuse the lazyness - is there a particular reason a York compressor is more prized than if say I used a standard LandRover pump which would fit nice 'n' easy??
Does if have a higher output or is there another reason?

From memory most other compressors will require lubrication from the medium it is pumping, the York compressor is self lubricating.

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