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comrade_bronski 5 Aug 2003 18:45

I need advise on finding a set of split rim wheels for a Hilux truck. Does any one have idea where I could get these from.
I have been having difficulty finding anywhere in the UK that knows much about them as they are not popular here for obvious reasons.
Robert Pawlowicz

Roman 6 Aug 2003 04:28

Hi Robert,
Split rims are rather hard to get these days as most people have switched to ordinary rims that have no such obvious limitatons as speed limit and the difficulty to balance the tyres. Any particular reason why you are after split rims?

sorry I can't help more - wicie... rozumicie...

Roman (UK)

[This message has been edited by Roman (edited 05 August 2003).]

ekaphoto 6 Aug 2003 14:02

Split rims are a bad idea. I have known of several people tht had them blow into their face and kill or injure them severly. ( I worked as a medic for several years) Just carry spare tires, a plug kit, and fix a flat.


Luke 7 Aug 2003 17:37

Hey, I really like my split rims. None of this violent sweaty bead breaking stuff, just a tyre lever and a big screwdriver and off it comes. You can then patch from the inside, which is safer (but slower) than a plug, and at the same time see if the cause of the puncture has done internal damage.
OK you have to go slowly, but I'm in an Iveco, so nothing new there. Only other problem is that tubes with the L-shaped valve stem are getting trickier to find.

Just a little clarification, I'm talking about the two-piece rim where the tyre holds the other flange into its groove; no danger inless the tyre bead snaps (just as much risk as a tubeless).
I had a three piece rim until the first time I had to take off a tyre, then it went to the scrapyard. Bloody dangerous, John's warning applies.
Good luck finding them, perhaps you could wait till you arive in Africa to find them, if that's where you're ogoing. They're surely more readily available there.

Bundubasher 28 Oct 2003 18:21

I've got 5 L"cruiser splitties that I'm cleaning up for my own trans-africa trip. I wanted them as I'll be running 7.50 16 Michelin XZLs. You can get them and the long stemmed inner tubes from ATS, the tubes at that size come in at £12.50 each.

As to the split rims, I bought mine off eBay.co.uk (Lucky find!) for £20! They are pretty standard in Oz and SA (especially on the 75's, 78's etc) but I did hear of a guy who was selling Landcruisers to the UN etc, based in Gib. Maybe do a search and see if you can find him out?

Hamba Kahle

Chris Scott 30 Oct 2003 19:28

Hi Bundu, I would advise you to clean your split rims up really well. I got some rusty old ones bead blasted and then painted but still had endless punctures (using more flexible XS copies) which were never external. The problem is, remounting them tends to chip off the paint and you're back to square 1.

I think the place in Gib you heard of is:
... a bit more than one guy and they only sell to Africa, NGOs, etc. (The true price of TLCs there does not bear thinking about!)


nice website, thanks for the plug

Roman 31 Oct 2003 04:11

Have I ever mentioned here that Landcruiser 105 (a no-frills version of 110 with the 24 valve HDJ80 egine) is now available in Europe? I know a company in NL that tweaks the engine to meet the Euro exhaust standards. It's like the 105 sold by Toyota Gib to 3W countries (only imported straight from Japan.

Roman (UK)

[This message has been edited by Roman (edited 30 October 2003).]

Bundubasher 1 Nov 2003 19:40

Hi Chris

Have taken your advice onboard and have started wire brushing the rims and rings myself as they are still in a fairly good condition.

I took some advice from a guy at ATS who used to work on the big truck split rims and after cleaning them up I will give them an aerosal coating of red oxide to seal them and then maybe paint the external face white when their mounted (just to make them look pretty!)

Thank you for the acknowledgement and say "Hi" to Roaming Yak if you see him.

Go well.


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