Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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mario travaini 11 Mar 2008 03:45

anyone out there that tried the new WARN power plant..?
does the compressor work OK for tyres...?

JulianVoelcker 11 Mar 2008 08:58

I've fitted one onto a customer's car and it seemed to work ok, but it is a lot of weight up front - I wouldn't recommend them.

mario travaini 11 Mar 2008 11:56

weight it's rated at 100 lbs for the powerplant and 85lbs for just the winch, so it's only 10 kg more for the version with compressor.. (of course if you don't use much the winch then it's a lot of wheight)
I haven't check out prices yet but the idea seemed very good to me...

bmw.bec 15 Mar 2008 17:54

WARN Powerplant
We got one fitted to our LC and for my partner its a love affair - the first week consisted of my car tyres being deflated to try it out!!!

Seriously its a great bit of kit but not cheap at £900. Whenever we go off-roading no-one uses their own compressors as they are sooooo slow compared to the WARN.

gilghana1 15 Mar 2008 21:21

The power plant looks great, but you can get a fair bit of change from the purchase price if you buy a hand winch and a viair...

If I was kitting out an extreme off road vehicle it would be great. When I kitted my Defender I put on a winch (Taiwanese but goodish) and only used when I was getting daft in the jungle, and also to rig a flying fox slide from the balcony of our squash court over the club swimming pool with a snatch block as the slide - great fun one christmas eve!

I am not knocking winches, they have their uses but for me a 2nd hand tirfor and a decent compressor would be more versatile as well as less stress on front suspension.

The times I have got vehicles really stuck a tirfor would maybe take longer, but I have been in several situations where being only able to pull forwards would have got me in even more trouble - or an electric winch would probably not work due to not being able to run the vehicle.

Having said that the flying fox was bloody great ;-)

Hltoppr 12 Apr 2008 18:15

...and note that the compressor runs off the winch motor....which draws mucho amperage!

I think you'd be better off with a winch and separate compressor.


pedromahon 13 Apr 2008 11:08

The compressor sure does run off the winch motor, which as most people do not use their winch very often, keeps the motor used more, better in long run. IMHO! (actually and warn's) You could argue redundancy of separate winch/compressor, fair enough! major downsides having owned one for over a year now, it is heavy and expensive but it is seriously gd quality winch and compressor. (12,000lbs and 12 cfm) I doubt the Viair could run air drills, ratchet etc, anybody confirm?

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