Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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JanN 19 Aug 2018 15:59

Azerbaijan Offroad
Hi Folks,

most of the travellers are just passing through to the ferry to Kazachstan or coming from there. Rarely people staying there. We DID 3,5 weeks driving a loop in the country from Georgia and back.

We have sevveral video cameras with us and made a series of 4 short episodes of it with sights and offroading. Azerbaijan is really worth a visit.

You want to see or read more. Sign up for our Blog www.motorradreise.blog, facebook4u or at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPj...alj6Bk_jVzO_Dg

Part 4 Offroad

Part 3 North to Xinaliq

Part 2 Candy Cane Mountains

Part 1 Mud Vulcanos

Have fun and see you. There is more to come, while we are on an unlimited world round trip.



mika 19 Aug 2018 23:04

Thanks for sharing. I spend most of my three weeks in Azerbaidjan in Baku beer... anyway I know the tourist brochure says differently, but Azerbaidjan is NOT in Europe ... :innocent:

Grüsse aus Bolivien
mika :mchappy:

Samy 22 Aug 2018 15:50


Originally Posted by mika (Post 588451)
Thanks for sharing. I spend most of my three weeks in Azerbaidjan in Baku beer... anyway I know the tourist brochure says differently, but Azerbaidjan is NOT in Europe ... :innocent:

Grüsse aus Bolivien
mika :mchappy:

Why it participates in Eurovision and European Games?

If Israel accepted as in Europe ))) why not Azerbaijan ?

eurasiaoverland 23 Aug 2018 06:01


Originally Posted by mika (Post 588451)
Thanks for sharing. I spend most of my three weeks in Azerbaidjan in Baku beer... anyway I know the tourist brochure says differently, but Azerbaidjan is NOT in Europe ... :innocent:

Grüsse aus Bolivien
mika :mchappy:

The modern convention for the Europe - Asia border is the crest line of the Greater Caucasus Mountains. Therefore a portion of Azerbaijan (including places like Quba and Khinaliq) is in Europe. Same for a few bits of Georgia.

It should be noted that the entire concept of Europe being a separate continent from Asia is purely political, a legacy of Greek prejudice towards the Persians.

Eurasia is the continent. If we were going to split Eurasia, the first candidate for a boundary would be the Suleiman / Hindukush / Karakoram / Himalayas Mountain arc. Hence the name Indian Sub-continent.

So the definition of Europe is more arbitrary than scientific.

But in principal I would agree that Azerbaijan is not a European country.

Nice trip BTW - I only visited Azerbaijan in the days when one was limited to a 72 hour transit. I liked the country as a whole, super friendly people. Didn't like Baku at all but thought the smaller towns were nice. My favourite place was definitely Nakhchivan... check out Ordubad if you haven't already :)


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