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elefantman 28 Mar 2003 05:20

Best book on great roads in Europe?
I'm looking for an excellent book that sets out the best rides in Europe. I'm talking scenery, I'm talking interesting roads, I'm talking off the beaten track yet spectacular, etc.

Don't particularly need a book that will tell me how to prep the bike etc. I'm on top of that with my own experience and a little help from Mr Scott's bible.

I saw some advertising for Greg Frazier's "Europe by Motorcycle". If it's chock-full of great rides I'll probably buy it.

Any advice on that book, and similar/better ones?

Waz the Elefantman
-- days from shipping the bike!

TChallen 28 Mar 2003 16:04

My website concentrates on the Alps:

Then there's John Herman's book on the Alps and Corsica, which is quite good.
I don't know of abook that does the whole of Europe though.


MCP 31 Mar 2003 01:49

Were headed to Europe shortly, and I would like the same book your wanting, we haven't found it.

I do have the Europe by Motorcycle, its ok, wouldn't suggest you buy it though.

All I have found are web sites, takes time and aren't really what I am looking for.

If you find something pls pass it on.


[This message has been edited by MCP (edited 30 March 2003).]

MCP 16 Apr 2003 07:13


Received a copy of The Alps 3rd Edition, John Hermann, excellent buy, too bad there isn't one of this quality on the rest of Europe.

Good Luck


iris_trui 16 Apr 2003 21:50

Hello you all,
we're quite lucky in Europe : we don't need a book covering it all, for we have THE Michelin maps ! (yes, I know it sounds like an advertisement but wait till you've used the).

What makes these maps so outstanding is their excellent use of "the green roads". What is marked as a green road, IS a nice road scenary-wise and has very very rarely disappointed me. Winding or not is obvious on the map and from the geography.
Looking at the maps from a distance : where you see a cluster of green roads, that's where to head for :-)

And the maps come cheap, are avaiable in service stations, and are printed on a thin kind of rice paper with a special multiple-color printing system (not ordinary CMYK) --> resists folding and some other abuse. Resists rain much better then any other map too.

Of course the country best covered is France, but Belgium, Holland and Swizerland I believe, are covered on the same small scale i.e. 1/200.000. For other countries in Europe (and Tunesia, Morocco, Algeria) the scale is 1/400.000. Then they have large-scale maps of parts of continents too, but that's more for planning then for riding of course.

(maybe I could ask for sponsorship next time ;-)

Enjoy Europe and have a GOOD time !

Iris and Trui
2 belgian women, often travelling on motorbikes (now on DR650SE's)
2nd overland from home to Northern India and back, April-October 2002

elefantman 17 Apr 2003 05:34

Iris, that's an excellent recommendation, I will check out the Michelin maps.

Best wishes,
Waz the Elefantman

omar mansour 22 Apr 2003 04:52

try to get a computer programe ,by micrsoft.its autoroute
great one for every where in europe and can tell you any thing you want ,also you can adjust your speed and how long you ride,where you find gas stations ,hotels site seeing and alot alot,i think its the best thing for europe
omar egypt

Global Rider 18 Jul 2003 22:37

Have a look at the "Books & Maps" section on my web site. I have quite a few books listed there, although most of them deal with Alps. Unfortunately (if you can't read German), the best ones come out of Germany or Austria and are all in German. The pictures and maps are first rate in them.

Your best bet would have been to subscribe to magazines such as Motorrad, Motorrad Freizeit, Motorrad Abenteuer, Reise "Ride-On" Motorrad. All of these magazines have numerous touring articles in them every month. They may all be in German, but the pictures and maps provide all the information you need.

There is also a US based english language publication (most of the crew is out of Austria though) worth getting. RoadRunner has numerous touring articles from all over the world.


Alex's BMW Motorcycle & Global Touring Page http://www.ott.igs.net/~ace

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