Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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mavis cruet 4 Jun 2007 21:23

chernobyl or not chernobyl.......
hello, passing through the ukraine this summer and im intrested in seeing chernobyl. i was wondering if anyone knew of the health implications and what kind of access there is (can you ride through, do you need to be part of a tour, how close can you get indipendently etc.) any help appreciated.

Mick O'Malley 5 Jun 2007 09:12

I've heard glowing reports.

I'll get my coat.

Regards, Mick

Manic 5 Jun 2007 17:53

Hi Mavis

A group of us are riding to Chernobyl to raise funds for a charity supporting the kids out there who are still badly affected by the radiation. Have a look at the website Home and check out the links section - should tell you all you need to know.



moggy 1968 5 Jun 2007 17:57

hello manic, beat me by all of two minutes there!!!
'The Support Crew'

Manic 5 Jun 2007 20:44


This moggy1968 chap keeps following me around the internet - guess he's getting in practice for following me to Belarus :thumbup1:

Good to see you Andy.


moggy 1968 9 Jun 2007 08:50


This moggy1968 chap keeps following me around the internet - guess he's getting in practice for following me to Belarus :thumbup1:

Pah, eat mah dust sucker!!!

Scavenger07 2 Jul 2007 11:10

:stupid: :stupid: Hello you two, Will you move over and let the old Tranny in! Blackbirds and 4 x 4's give me a break.

Right regards the dose (health risk) if you go to Chernobyl, you will actually get more by flying there than if you take the tour. I work in the industry and several of my collegues have been over for visit's. As such they get access to places you don't / won't get to see. ALL the instruments they carried confirmed flying to be more of a risk generally!

Please be aware though that these are general statements it is possible to get "flee's" but they are easily found and washed off, as a rule!

Basic tip, touch FA!

There are still people working at the othere reactors (only one went bang) :oops2: and they are fine.

Life is a risk ain't it?...............If you get 'poxed up', well! :eek3:

Check for 'Bike insurance' I found out today that I am not covered, only 'Royal Sun Alliance' will do Ukraine and Belarus! contrary to previouse information from NU. Any body got an answer as to where I can find short term limited cover?

Your choice but check it out.

Joe C90 2 Jul 2007 21:09

Airbourne gamma radiation may not be too much of a problem, however, you need to be more careful when it comes to eating and drinking. the alpha/beta particle emitters are the ones that will potentially cause cancer, and the local food and water is apparently swimming in them.

Scavenger07 2 Jul 2007 22:13

Hi Joe, very true, omission on my part, sorry, I should have gone a bit further with the basic tip and said something like "NIL BY MOUTH" unless it comes out of a bottle of course (seal not broken) or "don't bite yer nail's" maybe? the rest is down to hygene, cover all split skin etc, but then it get's scary.

We are going in August, Home , and as I said many of my workmates have been with no ill affect's. Enjoy! :mchappy:

Nicotine, Benzine, Co, Co2, Radon, Bacon, life all of um kill ya!

& no I am not taking the ..$$


Manic 2 Jul 2007 22:29

I for one intend to use Scav07 as my personal food tester :clap:

As it goes I've managed to get hold of a dosimetre. So I should be able to find out exactly how much radiation I have been exposed to (not counting what I've eaten I guess)



Scavenger07 2 Jul 2007 22:34

Hey guy's just been poking around and if you put a search on Tdog you will find a link to "Chernobyl photo log", it goes on about R's and stuff no longer used (much) but it does give you a feel for the way thing's are. It is a powerful photo log, but the subject is immense anyway.


Scavenger07 2 Jul 2007 23:16

"I for one intend to use Scav07 as my personal food tester :clap:"

Great,... MATE!...........First ya forget me,... then yer want me dead? It's in the bank, oh yes, in the bank!

Keep off the brazil nuts, coffee and tea bag's 'r' kid, as for gas mantle's and Cornish Granit ooooooooooH er! :(

Bring me sunshine, in your smile, etc. :cool4:

Signed, J Merrick (don't make me explain, please)


Don't sponsor him, sponsor me, at Justgiving - "Chernobyl Challenge 2007" You know it makes sense!

Dodger 3 Jul 2007 00:47


Originally Posted by Scavenger07 (Post 141810)
Hi Joe, very true, omission on my part, sorry, I should have gone a bit further with the basic tip and said something like "NIL BY MOUTH" unless it comes out of a bottle of course (seal not broken) or "don't bite yer nail's" maybe? the rest is down to hygene, cover all split skin etc, but then it get's scary.

We are going in August, Home , and as I said many of my workmates have been with no ill affect's. Enjoy! :mchappy:

Nicotine, Benzine, Co, Co2, Radon, Bacon, life all of um kill ya!

& no I am not taking the ..$$


What's the lethal dose for Bacon ?
Can HP sauce negate the effects ?
You've got me worried .

ps - do you take paypal ?

moggy 1968 3 Jul 2007 01:26

you can get insurance on the belarus and ukranian border, 3rd party only but gives you the legal niceties. those on the trip, if you trash your bike we'll stick it on the truck, then say you did it in Poland or something!!

will marmite help or is that more radioactive than the local mushrooms?

Scavenger07 3 Jul 2007 12:05


Originally Posted by Dodger (Post 141824)
What's the lethal dose for Bacon ?
Can HP sauce negate the effects ?
You've got me worried .

ps - do you take paypal ?

Bacon - Depends if it's "Rashon" (ouch!)

H (ealth) P (hysics) source is that or sauce, either way NOPE!:beta1:

Dont worry ...........be happy!

Yes, I take Pay..........pal, but soon I retire (early) so send the money NOW! :clap:

Martin :D

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