Originally Posted by henryuk
(Post 104302)
I did indeed take that road all the way from moscow. The tarmac is good, traffic varies, generally ok. Well signposted where necessary - no need for maps (I didn't even take one for Russia, had no problems). Petrol is readily available and of high Octane - Whatever you do - fill up in Lithuania, not Latvia, and try and make it to Russia on one tank, petrol in Latvia is 2.50 sterling a litre - ouch.
Part of my thinking the roads were dead good might have something to do with the fact I was heading west, so had been on some real shockers. I did get stopped by the police on this road however and stung for 300 roubles, and got propositioned by a hooker while I was buying petrol (welcome to Russia!). Russia is fantastic - Moscow is depraved and expensive, but great fun, St. Petersburg is well worth visiting though, probably better than the capital. Moscow is also very, very large.
ps If your going to Lumb Far look out for someone trying to start a knackered Cagiva Elefant - would be happy to give you any info I can remember
a bit late reply - but - where the hell you got info about petrol price! 2,50, dream on! Its 62 p now!