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Adziw 29 Aug 2005 06:37

Motorcycle Hire in Normandy
Dear all.
Although not strictly a great big European Adventure, I am planning on a weekend motorcycling break to Normandy with my Fiance sometime later this year. She has recently begun riding pillion on the bike, and I would like to test her out (and my own 'right-side-of-road-riding') on a short foreign trip before suggesting a longer more complex multinational tour. However, as we live on the Isle of Wight, we have to take two ferry rides of a combined £160 to get to Cherbourg or Le Harve on the bike. Plus I currently ride a knackered ER-5 which I doubt is reliable enough to trust two-up on such a trip (don't worry, plans are afoot to buy a better bike in the not too distant future when individual finances improve!).
So I was wondering if anyone knew of a reputable Motorcycle hire firm that would hire a bike to a 22 year old with full UK licence within easy distance of either Le Harve, Cherbourg, Caen or St Malo ferry ports? Looking at current hire-prices for small tourers in France, I think this might be a cheaper option than taking the ferries! Can anybody help?

John Ferris 30 Aug 2005 06:04

This is a link to the BMWMOA touring site.
Go way down the page to find motorcycle rentals in France.

vincent danna 30 Aug 2005 13:08


i did a quick google search "location de moto", since i don t know the normandy area for renting a bike :





for the paperwork, i m not sure but they may ask you an international driving license (maybe the uk one is enough) and your current bike insurance (maybe a record).

the prices should be 50-100 euros per day, insurance included.

hope this helps.

Adziw 31 Aug 2005 00:52

Thanks for the help guys!
I've had a look around these links, but there seems to be nothing in Bretagne or Normandie close to the ferry ports. But i'll keep on looking. Most of the 'major' cities seem to offer bike hire so I may look at getting some cheap flights across.

Weaselmouse 16 Apr 2013 12:02

Bike hire south east France July 2013

My mad brother in law is doing the Tour de France in July. I want to accompany him and need to hire a bike for certain sections, preferably picking the bike up at one point and returning it at another.

Any ideas please?

Thank you.

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