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AnteK 24 Apr 2004 17:06

Off-road ( macadam roads ) in Italian Alps
I am preparing macadam trip from Slovenia all the way to middle France. If someone knows some good tracks in Italian Alps, will be thankefull. Any quality map or personal expiriences are more than wanted :-)
AnteK, Croatia

stefufay 13 May 2004 20:16

Hi Antek!
I can advise you that one of the most beautiful places on earth is Süd-Tirol, (South Tirol). Previously belonging to Austria, this region in Italy surrounding Bolzano has valleys absolutely filled with apple and other fruit trees. Vinyards creep up the side of the mountain so high, it is unbelievable that anyone would even dare to harvest them. The language here is still German, and the archetecture is distincly Austrian. There are many mountain passes to choose from, but I would recommend you take one that will eventually lead you to Stilfserjoch, Switzerland, as it is the most demanding and fun filled pass I've ever been on. A few good websites, are www.de.map24.com, for some maps showing every dirt path, or http://south.tirol.it/.
When are you passing through Switzerland? If you are here on a Weekend, feel free to give us a call at +41 79 374 1881, or send me an email at stefufay@hotmail.com, and we could join you for a tour through the Alps!
Drive safe and have fun!
Amanda and Stefan

AnteK 17 May 2004 12:14

Hi Stefan,
tnx for your invitation, if we take a spin around your area we will call you ( where do you live in Swiss? )! Infact, I am looking for someone who drove this region on macadam roads and know some tips, seems not easy to connect route all the way on macadam even I have a detailed maps in hands :-)

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