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CATHALP 9 Mar 2004 16:31

Tallin to Prague
I wish to ride from Tallin to Prague, through the Baltics and Poland at the end of August, giving myself 2 weeks/18 days to complete. Can anyone recommend an interesting route, roughly. I think I am giving myself loads of time for a leisurely trip. Correct me if I'm wrong. Any advice would be a great advantage.

Steve Pickford 9 Mar 2004 18:51

Krakow is nice, as are the Tatra mountains bordering Slovakia - passed that way a couple of years ago.

From Krakow, we cut through NW Slovakia & crossed in to Czech at Makov(?). From there we went cross country to Prague via Olomouc, Zd'ar & Kutna Hora. To be honest, the scenery was nothing special. I prefered the scenery on the Polish/Czech border which was the way we took from Germany to Krakow.. You could cut across southern Poland & then head south to Prague?

I've heard that central Poland is a little flat & slightly boring view-wise?


Richard Jakobek 10 Mar 2004 18:17

I agree with all Steve says above, but would add that if you're in the Krakow are you should visit the museum at Auschwitz. Not a jolly event obviously but an awesome experience I can guarantee you won't forget. There is also a salt mine which is open to the public, and a lot more fun than you might expect.
If you decide to take Steve's suggestion of driving along the southern part of Poland, you can also visit Czestochowa ( pron chensto-hova ) which is a pilgrimage site similar to Lourdes and Knock. It has a big cathedral and a load of discarded wheelchairs.
Have fun.

Steve Pickford 12 Mar 2004 18:47

Forgot about the salt mine at Wieliczka, went there in 2001. Well worth a visit if you have the time. I think it goes 125 metres underground, there are a number of huger caverns carved out of the salt rock, with statues & places of worship carved from the salt rock also. It dates back to 1200, possibly earlier(?), there are carved historical figures in scenes important to the area & a cafe below ground. You'll need to allow 2-3 hours for the whole trip. The rickety high speed miners lift that brings you back up is a laugh.

Steve Pickford 12 Mar 2004 18:52

Did'nt realise Auschwitz was so close.

I lived in northern Germany as a kid & still remember visiting Bergen-Belsen in the early 70's - as Richard accurately states, not an experience you'll quickly, if ever forget. May be a trip that's more poignant these days bearing in mind recent atrocities in Rwanda, the Balkans, East Timor & the Middle East?

TA 10 Apr 2004 03:29

If You need intresting tour in Lithuania, just plan Your trip to LT on 02 July, 2004. At this time we plan Allroad Tour around the Lithuania.

PanEuropean 11 Apr 2004 16:36

Northern Slovakia and Southern Poland are both very nice, good people, rural, great riding. I think if you follow along the southern border of Poland you will have the most pleasant trip - I did that a couple of years ago, and plan to go back again this year.

lacrits68 14 Feb 2010 12:42


Does anybody know any good maps, detailed enough to show "trails" or "dirt roads" i Poland? Not keen to take major roads...!



Knight of the Holy Graal 15 Feb 2010 09:22

If you travel across Lithuania, don't miss the Hill of Crosses close to Siauliai: it takes only one hour to visit it, but it's worth the visit because of its symbolic religious meaning.

Texastrike 15 Feb 2010 18:25

Drop South from Prague when you get there and visit Csesky Krumlov (or however it's spelt), you won't regret it.

Warthog 15 Feb 2010 20:58



Warthog 15 Feb 2010 21:13


Tallinn is, of course, very beautiful and worth visiting.

As you head South you can visit other nice places in Estonia. The coast is nice, peaceful and camping is freely available. Otherwise you can head South be heading inland toward Vlijandi or Tartu. Once into Latvia, I'm not so knowledgeable, but the coast running up from Riga to Kolka is fantastic. Lithuania I know very little but I have visited Kaunas and it's a very nice town.

Enjoy your trip!

Knight of the Holy Graal 16 Feb 2010 06:48


Originally Posted by Warthog (Post 276773)

Tallinn is, of course, very beautiful and worth visiting.

I agree at 100%, Tallinn is fantastic.

I visited it last August on my way to Russia and I'd go back NOW!

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