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hopelessly lost 5 Dec 2007 15:52

Turkey/Iran weather advice
I originally planned to ride through Turkey and into Iran in late October. I applied for my visa months ago, but I've only received it now (actually, I'm going to the Iranian Embassy in Syria tomorrow to see if it's really there... I have my doubts.) Anyway, here's my question - is it even possible to ride through Turkey and into Iran right now (early to mid-December), or should I simply admit defeat and ride south? (I'm in Syria now, and it's a little chilly here!) I've really wanted to hit Iran for a long time, but I don't want to suffer needlessly in the snow. Advice is appreciated.

kobold 6 Dec 2007 09:13


It is not really possible to ride this time of year especially in the east of Turkey and West of Iran. You may try but it might be dangerous on some bits. (most bits actually). It is around 1-3C during daytimes and minus degrees during nights. On some parts of the road, elevation is as high as 2400+ meters. (meaning minus degrees even in daytime.) It snowed and it will snow according to weather forecasts.

Paul (karter257) is in Iran now. You can have more info from him. He took train from Tebriz to Tahran because of the snow. You can find more in his diary too. (PRExpressions)


hopelessly lost 6 Dec 2007 10:48

thanks for the reply. yeah, i've abandoned the idea to hit iran. i had everything all planned out, initially. i applied for the visa on august 3 - plenty of time to get it and ride across the turkish border in early october. the only problem is, i just finally got my visa today (december 5). that sort of threw a kink into my plans. those iranians don't like us canucks! (they just kicked our ambassador out of the country!)

Lars 6 Dec 2007 13:47


why don't you put your bike on a train, too?

Iran is great and for the Persian Gulf (and the Arab Peninsula) it is the only time of the year to visit by bike (and highly recommended, too) because it is too hot at other times of the year. (Everything else of Iran will be could though...)


alexpezzi 6 Dec 2007 14:07

Train across Turkey in winter

Originally Posted by Lars (Post 162288)

why don't you put your bike on a train, too?

Iran is great and for the Persian Gulf (and the Arab Peninsula) it is the only time of the year to visit by bike (and highly recommended, too) because it is too hot at other times of the year. (Everything else of Iran will be could though...)


Hi there,
I was thinking going the same way (Turkey - Iran) at the very beginning of the new year and I was looking for trains for me and the bike to cross Turkey from Istanbul or the southern coast to Iran but there seems to be none in winter, does anybody has a link or a suggestion? Anyone has done it before?

jonnymac 6 Dec 2007 20:50

January 2008 Ireland to Turkey.
I have been reading your posts here about weather in Turkey, I was planning on leaving Ireland early Jan 2008 to travel to Turkey heading for Alanya on the Med.. Any advice ?

Burak Cedatas 6 Dec 2007 22:20

Hello All,
SOme ideas about Turkiye;
From Syria towards east;
Make sure you have very warm clothing, heated grips and an electrical vest, good tires.
Hakkari will be cold and snowy. But maybe if you watch the weather you get lucky.
I had friends going through Erzurum in winter, not nice but they managed. What is you bike??? How are your tires??

From Istanbul to mediterranean,
If you do not get stuck in Istanbul and BUrsa, no worries. This is a different climate all together. I would take the ferry from Istanbul to Bandırma. Or better Istanbul to Izmir. Than you get in the warm zone.

Trains in Turkiye
Some have possibility to carry Bikes. Not all have cargo vagons.
General lines can be found on the below page. Yes it is in Turkish but city names can be found on a map.

Best of lucks to all of the travellers

jonnymac 7 Dec 2007 20:12

Maybe I should go by ferry from Italy to Greece the weather would be milder this way ? My Bike is a BMW K1200R It has sports tyres on ! Not so good for snow :confused1:

alexpezzi 7 Dec 2007 20:22

Ferry from Italy to Greece

Originally Posted by jonnymac (Post 162510)
Maybe I should go by ferry from Italy to Greece the weather would be milder this way ? My Bike is a BMW K1200R It has sports tyres on ! Not so good for snow :confused1:

I will do the same:
Anek ferry from Venice (it departs 4 times a week, 26hours) to Igoumenitsa then two options (I neeed to go to Istanbul):
-around the coast of Greece it should be warm enough or
-straight to Istanbul across Greece via road E90 (around 600miles?) but I am not sure of the conditions of this road in winter, any advice from the locals?

Burak Cedatas 7 Dec 2007 21:42

Dear Johnymac,
Now wheater in Ireland and Istanbul should be similar? lots of rain at winter.
However the Balkans will be colder and snowy around january.

Yıu can take a fery from ANcona to Igoumenitsa. But the road to Istanbul maybe snowy. If it is rain and cold weather you should be able to make it.
Alternative is the ferries leaving from Trieste to İzmir and Istanbul. Put the bike on them and take the plane from Lubljana to Istanbul. Custome papers may be tricky though.


jonnymac 8 Dec 2007 13:03

Thanks for the info.. I want to head south when I get to Turkey, I have friends and place to Stay in Alanya..I want to stay there and maybe tour around there for awhile and when im heading back to Ireland will go overland all the way back. What would conditions be like heading south ?

Burak Cedatas 9 Dec 2007 10:20

Around Alanya I would expect mostly rains bur also sunny wheater. The temperature should be around 15 to 20 degrees.
Mediterranean coast and Egean coast do not get snow really. It would rain and may be thunderstroms.
Balkans and Trakya region are what I would be carefull about.
Best Of lucks

Samy 10 Dec 2007 08:38

If you like really cold weather do this trip. It will be certainly a bone freezing one.

If you and your bike is well prepared for the certain winter conditions riding (not sure about it) you can. I bet it will be an unforgettable ride of your life.

Too ironic, OK, personally I would definitely avoid such a trip. Too much snow and too cold also in daytime. You can easily meet - 10 C in day time these days.

Please share you experiences at the end with us,

Take care and anjoy it.

jonnymac 10 Dec 2007 13:54

:scooter: I think i will wait until weather gets milder :thumbup1: When would you say is a good time to start trip/:confused1:

alexpezzi 10 Dec 2007 14:16

around the south coast of Turkey
if from Istanbul I follow the coast south all the way to Adana/Osmaniye is there a way to reach Iran from there without risking my life in icy mountain roads?

I can see the motorway O-52 ending at Gaziantep, and high mountains around the Van area further east, is there a passage through there or it's just stupid trying that way? Is there a railway going through the mountains?

Is the bike-on-a-train from Istanbul still the best option? I dont mind going straight past Turkey this time I can visit it on my way back in spring but I need to reach Iran before the my visa expires in February.

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