Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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-   -   Tyres in the South of Spain/Gibralter??? (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/europe/tyres-in-south-spain-gibralter-19321)

Robboxrv 14 Feb 2006 09:12

Tyres in the South of Spain/Gibralter???
Anyone know if I will be able to pick up some off road tyres in the South of Spain or Gibralter before I head over to Africa, if I can where abouts, does anybody know??

Hopefully would like to get MT21's as I don't want to carry them all the way from London.




Stephano 14 Feb 2006 10:08


chris 14 Feb 2006 18:30

Quick Fit in Gibraltar are great guys. Ask for Eddie or Jason. Do a google search. If you have no luck finding their details, email me and I'll try to find their business card. It's somewhere safe.


Matt Roach 14 Feb 2006 18:58

Has anyone had any luck ordering Michelin Deserts, or is the choice limited to MT21s?

Any idea on prices for Deserts there?


davidlomax 14 Feb 2006 20:17

As Chris has said the Guys will do you proud. If you want deserts and order them far enough in advance they'll get 'em for you. If you're heading south ask them for some of the lesser known Oasis/Route GPS points they have (the're common visitors to Morocco)some of them are gems!!!

All the best,


Robboxrv 14 Feb 2006 21:12

Thanks guys, I have found the number and given them a buzz, very helpful they are, told me to call about two weeks before I get there and they will sort out what I need. He said they usually stock a pair of MT21's anyway.
Thanks again for your help.



Frank Warner 15 Feb 2006 03:25

Found them on the web using yellow page phone book www.gibyellow.gi - Quick-Fit Ltd, 59/2 Devils Tower Road, Tel 70405 Fax: 40405

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