Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

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kün_va_19 15 May 2003 02:10

zeebrügge rosyth
Hi, whoi has taken the ferry< zeegrugge rosyth. How bad, or how great are the cheap "airline style" seats they refer to. Is it worthwhile rather toi go for a cabin?
Commetns suggestion required.


TChallen 16 May 2003 15:56

Personally, I'd go for the cabin. At least there you get a half decent bed and you can get a good sleep (unless the weather's really bad).
You'll arive fresher and less tired -important for the first miles in a new country. - proper side of the road, etc.

transalper 16 May 2003 23:10

We took a cabin last year – clean, quiet, small – and expensive (upwards of 400GBP compared to just over 200GBP RTN in seats).

This year we're taking seats, taking it easy next day and staying in a B&B in Brugge. Coming in this direction, there are plenty of places to stay within a few hour's ride of Rosyth


The road north via Auchterarder, Crieff and Aberfeldy is quiet and scenic. Avoid the M90 and A9 on day one – too frantic if you're sleepy and not used to riding on the left.

Austrian sights/routes and places to stay welcomed – we'll be there in 3 weeks :-)

clintan 17 May 2003 00:29

If you are coming in to Brugge I can give you a tip about a hotel nearby, only for motorcykle people...


I have not been there myself, but my friends say that it´s great.

// Magnus

TChallen 19 May 2003 19:07

I didn't realise the price was so high for the cabins. That's a bit steep. In that case I'd rather take a shorter ferry, say to Harwich, the ride up the country. That way the crossing is cheaper and you get to see and ride more - cut across through Yorkshire and the Lake District then up into Scotland.

Places to stay in Austria - millions, just ride around until you see a town/village you like, and look out for signs saying "Zimmer" or "Zimmer frei", or with picture of a bed (green means available, red means full). Austria is B&B land. If you want some good roads to ride, visit my website below.


[This message has been edited by TChallen (edited 19 May 2003).]

Freek 19 May 2003 23:32

Last year the ferry IJmuiden-Newcastle was cheaper. Maybe it's worth to find out.

transalper 22 May 2003 17:20

Hi all, DFDS (Newcastle>IJmuiden) quote 381GBP rtn this summer for 1 bike and 2 people in a cabin with shower. 20% more than this if not booked 30 days in advance. Reclining seats are all gone on many crossings.

For Harwich>Hook of Holland, Stena quote 184GBP rtn for 1 bike and 2 people in reclining seats (I couldn't find cabin prices online). Add the extra petrol needed to get from Newcastle or Harwich to Scotland and back, and total costs are pretty similar to Superfast's fares. No coincidence, in my humble opinion...

Having sailed with DFDS and Superfast, we'd recommend Superfast; ships are newer, cabins quieter, you arrive directly in Scotland and a bouzouki band plays a selection of Greek favourites in the bar :-)

Tip: take your own strap-downs with you to secure the bike on deck, and don't rely on assistance from deck staff. You won't get any, if our experience is typical.

TChallen, thanks for the tips and the excellent site...

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