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-   -   Iveco 4x4 - clutch ? - HELP ! (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/heavy-overland-vehicle-tech/iveco-4x4-clutch-help-46204)

Phil Flanagan 31 Oct 2009 20:35

Iveco 4x4 - clutch ? - HELP !
Hello all

Having had a nasty noise coming from 'clutch area' I realise that my 'thrust bearing' / 'collar bearing' has failed.
Currently I am motionless (in mexico !) as the circlip which holds this collar in place and consequently connected to the clutch pedal, this circlip has snapped.
Thus no clutch.

Have ordered a 'clutch kit' from Dan at Iveco Parts and Spares Dealer who not only had it in stock but price is good and he's also willing to ship direct via DHL. All very handy !

Though it's only the thrust bearing that's failed it does seem logical to replace the clutch aswell while the gearbox is out.
As far as I know the clutch is the original and I'm now at about 140,ooo kms.

QUESTION : this circlip i mention is accessed from below gearbox through a rather tight view hole, looks very tricky to me but has to be removed and replaced via this.

Anybody out there had any direct experience of changing the clutch on one of these ?
Anything I need to watch out for?
How tough a task?

how tricky is this circlip going to be ? any hints ?



marky116 2 Nov 2009 05:51

clutch change india
Hi Phil
have same problem but am in INDIA no dealers here have clutch kit but appears to be wrong! Whats the problem slipping or dragging my gear change is becoming difficult and appear to have ran out of adjustment.

If any body knows of a decent mechanic near amritsar it would be useful

thanks mark

graysworld 2 Nov 2009 22:55

Hi Mark/Phil

it might be worth finding out where the overland tour company trucks stop and ask the drivers where they would go, they are there all the time


marky116 3 Nov 2009 05:29

Phil any chance you can you give me the manufactuer and part nos of your new clutch mine is 1993 versions 2.5 diesel

thanks mark

Phil Flanagan 3 Nov 2009 14:34

clutch is . . . .
Hi Mark

I would imagine that the clutch is a 'standardised' item, but, to locate alternative part numbers can be difficult and I do not have time to locate.
Possible if you removed clutch and take it into a local guy he could match it up.

Because of my current location I needed a swift solution and so reverted to ordering iveco parts direct from UK and DHL'd in to me here in Mexico. Should only take 4 days!

I used Dan at Iveco Parts and Spares Dealer for a clutch kit and also replacement air filter comes to £232 including the delivery of 55 and including VAT.

My problem sounds different to yours.
I have it on good authority that the original iveco clutches are extremely reliable and 'last forever'.
Apparently there is a small bearing in the flywheel which can be vulnerable.
Then there is the 'Thrust Bearing', this is the connector between the shaft and your clutch pedal. This is often known to fail (on any vehicle), and it is this which is my problem.

It is possible to order the thrust bearing alone or it comes as part of the whole clutch kit.
I have opted for whole clutch kit but at this stage not sure if I'll actually fit the clutch.

My 'Thrust bearing' started making a noise and collapsed completely within 2 days. Until then I have had no problems with clutch and have not needed to make any adjustments.

I have an iveco parts manual on my laptop, if you give me your VIN number I can look up part numbers for you, but for that matter so could any iveco dealer (including Dan at CheapIveco)

It would be great to have a parts cross reference list that all us users could add to as and when. Makes life a darn site easier out on the road.


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