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IVECO_PT 26 Jan 2009 00:15

IVECO 4x4 - rims and tires
I just broth a IVECO Daily 4x4 the civil cab version, photos here: Picasa Web Albums - vantunes - IvecoDaily
it has split rims and mounts 7.50R16 tyres. I want to change to normal rims and mount 9.00R16 tyres.

I already learn some thing from a folk that Dave pointed to me:
- maybe there are no alternatives to the splits rims, at least they are very hard to find.
- 9.00x16 tires do not fit on the civil version i have to do some cutting on the front mudguards. Any one has done this modification? Are there any photos?

One other thing i need is the user manual, anybody has scanned a copy that can send me?

Thank you

PeterM 29 Jan 2009 19:51

9.00R16 or, in the meantime 255/100R16 requires a lot of modifications, stay with 255/85R16 or 8.25R16
A lot of discussions (in german) are found in the Iveco forum of viermalvier das Original


marky116 30 Jan 2009 07:33


check out this site translate it and then register lots of good tech info on the forum side and friendly bunch that always reply much like the hubb

bernard.debucquoi.com/iveco.php - 50


IVECO_PT 10 Feb 2009 01:01

thank you for the info!
After reading a lot of the stuff you guys pointed out i am going for the modifications.

For now i am testing for the box building.


kangarang 19 Feb 2009 04:13

One Piece Wheels
Hi all
I'm a newbie here. Any information on one-piece wheels for a 40-10 4WD?? Are there any after market types available- or what are the specifications for suitable wheels.

keith4321 23 Feb 2009 22:46

iveco4010 split rims can anyone help
I recently purchased an iveco 4010 4x4 , with a sky king access platform on it , It has 7.50R X16LT road tyres fitted to it . i would love to know if i can get some good chunky off rd tyres to fit it . Or are their any other wheels that would fit straight on , They are a 6 stud wheel , look forward to hearing from anyone many thanks keith

iveco4x4 28 Feb 2009 23:51

tyre choices
if you're looking for off road tyres, try looking at land rover/4x4 place
7.50x16 is the same size as a standard military landrover, so there's quite a lot of choice to fit the standard rims (5.5jx16)

I had a lot of fun getting someone who will fit tyres on the 2 peice rims, most round here won't touch them, the one who did left a small stone inside mine ....:censored:

rclafton 2 Jun 2009 00:42

Hi all

Soon to be Iveco driver here so I'm gonna have lots of questions :helpsmilie:

Can you use or has anyone used 8.25/16 tyres on an iveco

They seem a good compromise in tyre size between 750's and 900's

My new toy would probabily be pushed to use them (until its been to allisport that is) , probabily the dual wheels would cause issues at the back on the truck i'm buying (Lukes Camper)

Does anyone know if they would need bodywork mods to fit



marky116 28 Jul 2009 13:00

Michelin says yes
Hi all

put xzls on any way got a lesson in fitting on to split rims at local dealer guys were superb. Got a message in after depature from michelin in uk who had been in touch with France, France techys said that they are fine to fit no probs but hey most of you already new that.

moodybloo 4 Aug 2009 14:30

You can fit 8.25x16 or 900 x16 with a small amount of modifation on the front (i think nigel all, has some photos) the rear will depend on how much clearance machzone have allowed for when fitting the body?
If going for 900 x16 try & get some 6.5x16 rims off a wm (Miltary)lots in Belguim.Or bremach wheels will fit,both being spilt rims but are easy to change(get someone to show you first).
However on lukes old camper you will have to change the rear wheel studs for single wheels studs.(not sure if twin 9.00 on rear a good idea?)
Ive also seen photos of a daily with 11.00x16 tyres fitted but that needs big mods.

Hope this helps.
Kev :thumbup1:

rclafton 4 Aug 2009 16:23

I wouldn't change to 900's, they are a pain to get hold of, very expensive and different manfacturers have different ideas of what a 900x16 is

ie petlas is 34" tall
michelin is 36.5 " tall

look for 900x16 is the wilds and you may be looking at a difficult time

As I now have a stock of xzy i'm stickin with 7.50/16's as they are cheap and easily available, replaceable easily on a trip and no hassle really

the benefits of going for bigger tyres are marginal at best i believe , 0.75 inch ground clearance and 10% gearing uplift when the motor isn't the most powerfull in the world to push those gears

i would like a slightly bigger gap between the twins at the backso i can air down the tyres


graysworld 4 Aug 2009 20:42

So who knows of standard tubeless rims for an Iveco 40-10 4x4?
I have two piece splits but they are hastle to do on your own, in fact I gave up and went to a tyre place. I just figure if I cant do them myself then I might as well have tubeless.
your thoughts are most welcome


rclafton 4 Aug 2009 22:13


Originally Posted by graysworld (Post 252156)
So who knows of standard tubeless rims for an Iveco 40-10 4x4?
I have two piece splits but they are hastle to do on your own, in fact I gave up and went to a tyre place. I just figure if I cant do them myself then I might as well have tubeless.
your thoughts are most welcome


i've got one piece on the front but the problem is the large rear drums on the 4x4 version, i think you'd have to get them built. now years ago i used a wheelbuilder in gloucestershire but cannot remember their contact details
i'll post if i can find them


marky116 3 Sep 2009 08:09

in Turkey struggling to get a wheel for iveco 40.10 w local agent is saying up to 45 days! This is no good even if they forward on to east turkey as I have to be in iran in 15 days due to visa. Doe anybody know if a euro cargo or any other wheel could be adapted.


marky116 11 Sep 2009 19:15

unlucky or bad choice
Well in turkey 6000 km done and a second rear wheel puncture! Should i have chosen xzy s over zxl's. The weight of my truck is 4 ton well inside weight limits of tyre.

Really thinking of changing to xzy or doubling up on back dont need this grief crossing pakistan or iran any suggestings would be grateful.

saying this the rain thats coming down this very moment I might have to buy a boat! or a lot more tubes.

p.s thoughts to the lorry drivers families that lost their lives in the rains in istanbul this week.

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