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nx650 27 Aug 2006 08:21

Best air filter for dommie
Just thought as I have had such a disaster from fitting a crap air filter might be interesting to know what other people reccomend?

Guest2 27 Aug 2006 10:39

Pipercross do a foam filter for the post 2000 Dommie about £30. dealer in NZ
Alert Engineering
7 Gabador Place
MT Wellington
New Zealand
Tel: 00649 573 1008

try a google, if in doubt try a OEM filter and take a spare.


nx650 27 Aug 2006 11:31

Wow your good the only trouble is mine is a 97 but I will get in touch with them and see what they have if you reckon there good

cheers Mate

Guest2 27 Aug 2006 11:43

I should have said pre 2000.
pipercross filters are PRE (before) year 2000 Dommies

So you should be good to go


nx650 27 Aug 2006 11:52

Just had a look at there site and sent them an e mail they seem to be just in to cars! But who knows it can get bloody frustrating trying to find stuff for the dommie over here I am just in the proccess of trying to get a rear rim as mine has seen better days and it looks like that will have to come from the UK. The wheel builders don't even have the right size rim over here. Still we struggle on I had better luck finding bits in Bangkok!!!!!!!!!!!

Guest2 27 Aug 2006 12:04

Many years ago I found a bike shop in Dunedin, not sure of the name but the Guy was called John Twaddle, it may have been called Twaddle Motorcycles, he may be able to help with some engineering stuff, he made me a couple of exhaust valves for my Guzzi from some Mazda valves. Someone will know him.

Might be useful


nx650 27 Aug 2006 12:13

I'll look him up I'm only a couple of hours from there. Motorbike shops are very helpful and friendly they just don't have the same amount of stuff available!
Thanks anyway

Guest2 27 Aug 2006 12:16

There are some wheels and rims for sale on
what size rim and how manty spokes do you have

Have you tried

ben south 30 Aug 2006 19:13

g`day when i was in oz i used a uni foam filter which worked great.
ps our paths have crossed before,i met you at akbars guest house bam Iran i was riding an enfield back to the uk.Since then i have ridden a dommie rtw 2up,now i have a tranny! see ya, ben

JonStobbs 30 Aug 2006 19:24

Hi Richard,
TwinAir do a foam filter for the Dommie.I got one for my mate's '89 year bike a few weeks ago,though it needs a plastic cage/former which they do list but seemed unable to get in time for his trip.I made him one from some stiff fence wire which seems to do the trick ok.Can't remember the exact price but it was quite a bit less than £30.

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