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Sime66 25 Sep 2005 23:07

Dommie rain trouble
My '99 Dommie has got me from London to Zanzibar, but recently it's been coughing and temporarily losing power if it rains for more than 2 minutes. I put in a new spark plug recently... Any ideas?
(ps - Ive read through as much on this subject as I can find on the HUBB but nothing specifically about NX650)

Matt Cartney 26 Sep 2005 01:23

I had exactly this problem on my Enfield. It was after I fitted a new air filter. I discovered the rain was channeling over the tank and being sucked into the cylinder through the new unprotected S&B filter. I would cough and splutter then die but after a couple of kicks would fire up again. It could be a variation on this problem?

BMBaxter 26 Sep 2005 07:46

water splashing up onto an ignition coil with a cracked cover could be the culprit(look for small cracks).You could try to make a simple splash guard out of plastic to see if this helps.

LordStig 29 Sep 2005 19:03

"I would cough and splutter then die but after a couple of kicks would fire up again". Sorry, I just had to highlight that. Never has the loss of a mere letter 't' made me laugh so much! Unless you meant it.....

Good luck finding a cure - check you didn't dislodge the suppressor cap or stretch the HT lead too, though I'd have thought an intermitently dead spark wouldn't lose you power.


petefromberkeley 29 Sep 2005 23:51

I had the same problem with water getting in through a crack in the coil. Next time it happens, try spaying WD-40 all over the coil and if that works, you know that's the problem.

Oz 6 Oct 2005 03:40

I guess you will probably have done this already but have you taken the kill switch apart and made sure the contacts are clean and the wet isnt causing a short. I have had a lot of hassle with the sidestand switch and rain getting into this causing spluttering and eventually stopping the bike running. solution is to unplug it under the seat and connect two of the three wires together by sticking a piece of wire in the block connecter (trial and error to find the correct two) Then duct tape it up to get it watertight. Also had a CDI unit go wrong. This wasnt caused by wet but still had the bike cutting out in a random way.
Good luck mate

DougieB 6 Oct 2005 04:16

Tip/throw a bottle of water over different bits of the bike and see when it starts to have problems, it'll maybe help you narrow the cause down.


POB/London 14 Oct 2005 22:53

I had this on my Dommie. I was a pulled wire on the LHS of the top frame tube near the headstock. There is the branch for the coil and the suppressor had been pulled. When it was shorted by water - sometimes also by turning right (!!) it would kill the bike. A little bit of rewiring fixed it entirely.


Sime66 22 Oct 2005 19:25

Thanks you lot (and wotcha Doug)
Will try all this stuff now...

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