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Spud 15 Nov 2004 14:15

NX650 Dominator fork brace
On a previous trip on an extreamly muddy road my Dommie's front wheel became so clogged with mud that the wheel jammed and and forced me to stop and remove the front mudguard in order to ride... I am thinking of changing the mudguard for one like the XR650 but noticed that the NX650 has a fork brace.. whereas the XR650 does not. Is the fork brace really required then or does the XR650 have such different forks?

[This message has been edited by Spud (edited 15 November 2004).]

RichLees 15 Nov 2004 19:50

it'll be OK without - I know of others who have done the mod you're talking about. the front might feel a little more wobbly if you're pushing it hard on the road and braking hard, deep into corners, but that's when you want to wind it on with some knobblies and get the rear end looser than the front :-)
or not!

if you search a bit on this site, you'll find stuff about airflow to the head etc.

Spud 16 Nov 2004 15:18

Ok cheers Rich! I was a little worried that the forks would be twisting all over the place if I removed it. I shall give a it a good test and if I find it a bit wobberly I will have to make a fork brace that has more clearance on the front tyre. Don't want that wheel jamming! Made me go all over the place!

RichLees 16 Nov 2004 19:48

if you feel you need it, you could probably use the original one - it wouldn't get as clogged as the guard

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