Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   HU Travellers Meetings - Australia (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/hu-travellers-meetings-australia/)
-   -   Australia 2010 Seventh Annual HU Travellers Meeting (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/hu-travellers-meetings-australia/australia-2010-seventh-annual-hu-47401)

Grant Johnson 31 Dec 2009 14:35

Australia 2010 Seventh Annual HU Travellers Meeting
Australia 2010: Seventh Annual HU Travellers Meeting


Horizons Unlimited Travellers Meetings

Seventh Annual Australia Travellers Meeting

April 23-25, 2010, Cooroy, Queensland
Information and location posted, registration open now!!

NOTE: Main days are Saturday / Sunday, but there will be lots of people on the Friday and Monday (arrivals Friday and Anzac Day stuff happening Monday).

Danielle Murdoch, Glen Cochrane, and Guy Basile, (plus a lot of others) are the local hosts for this event - we're VERY grateful to them for stepping up and really making it happen with a lot of legwork and effort.

So who's going? :clap::Beach:

TravellingStrom 31 Dec 2009 20:11

Count me in, assuming I am back in Oz by then :)


becsta 11 Jan 2010 23:35

I am hoping to be able to make this, as long as I can get time off work.

shanekfalcon 1 Feb 2010 04:39

I'll be there + ANZAC Day Services
Hi all, I'll be there.

BTW, that weekend is ANZAC Day Weekend in Australia, when we take time to remember those who have given their all to protect Australia. There will be a number of services around the place. For those interested, here are the details for the services in Cooroy:

Sunday 25 April 2010. ANZAC Day
Dawn Service 5:00 AM Sharp
Get there early as 1400 turned up in 2009
RSL Memorial Park
Diamond Street
Gunfire breakfast
$2.00 Gold Coin donation to go to their welfare program

10:30 March and Parade
Cooroy Butter Factory and Arts Centre
10 Maple Street

Memorial Service after the March and Parade
Cooroy Memorial Hall
Seating for 300. Standing room only for everyone else

Luncheon for sub-branch members
Non-members are welcome to use the bar etc, but the luncheon is strictly for sub-branch members.

I will post up details of some of the other services in the very near future.



Deolali 9 Feb 2010 08:32

Excuse my ignorance - but what is a sub-branch member?

Grant Johnson 9 Feb 2010 11:49


Originally Posted by Deolali (Post 275689)
Excuse my ignorance - but what is a sub-branch member?

No idea - but I think that's something to do with the Memorial Hall - it's sure nothing to do with HU!

And at a guess, if you don't know what it is either, you're probably not one of the privileged! ;)

(We'll just have to go on the basis that if they won't have us, we'll just find somewhere better! )

TravellingStrom 9 Feb 2010 12:54

A sub branch member is a member of the RSL, but not from this particular branch, so if you are a member anywhere of the RSL, you get in.

loxsmith 10 Feb 2010 02:00


Originally Posted by shanekfalcon (Post 274437)
Hi all, I'll be there.

BTW, that weekend is ANZAC Day Weekend in Australia, when we take time to remember those who have given their all to protect Australia. There will be a number of services around the place. For those interested, here are the details for the services in Cooroy:

Sunday 25 April 2010. ANZAC Day
Dawn Service 5:00 AM Sharp
Get there early as 1400 turned up in 2009
RSL Memorial Park
Diamond Street
Gunfire breakfast
$2.00 Gold Coin donation to go to their welfare program

10:30 March and Parade
Cooroy Butter Factory and Arts Centre
10 Maple Street

Memorial Service after the March and Parade
Cooroy Memorial Hall
Seating for 300. Standing room only for everyone else

Luncheon for sub-branch members
Non-members are welcome to use the bar etc, but the luncheon is strictly for sub-branch members.

I will post up details of some of the other services in the very near future.



Good to see you have researched it Shane. :thumbup1:
It was on our list of things to investigate. I will be up for the Dawn Service ride.

I have organised our own 6 metre flag pole and Aussie flag for the HU Meeting site

More info is coming in by the day, time is moving fast!


shanekfalcon 14 Feb 2010 22:58

ANZAC Day Service - Noosa Tewantin Services Club
Hello Everyone.

The Noosa Tewantin Services Club will be holding services and have sent me an email with their details. We will need to watch this space for full information:
__________________________________________________ ___

Dear Shane

Thank you for your recent enquiry with regards to attending the ANZAC day service. Your guests and yourself are more than welcome to attend the service and ceremony and details of the times for this event will be advertised in the local Noosa News prior to the 25th.

Please note, that the function which we hold at the club after the ceremony is a closed event for club members and their partners.

Kind regards

Pauline Ryeland

__________________________________________________ ___

shanekfalcon 14 Feb 2010 23:02

ANZAC Day Service - Eumundi
Hello again,

The Eumundi township will also be holding a morning ANZAC Day Service, from 7:30 Am to 9:00 Am.

I have often found that the small town services the most moving and for international travellers, this is well worth the effort. Here is the email sent to me from the RSL Sub Branch President at Eumundi:
__________________________________________________ ____

As Eumundi is a community centred town, the ANZAC Day service consists of a returned servicemen led 'community walk' along Memorial Avenue with wreath laying on the WWI and WWII memorial trees in the town., with the appropriate pipe band, speeches etc, school choir, culminating in the Last Post and Rouse followed by the minutes silence at the town's amphitheatre. Eumundi is only one of two towns in QLD with a memorial avenue and is unique in this aspect. We do not hold a dawn service but these are held in nearby, Tewantin/Noosa, Coolum or Cooroy. If you want to go to a dawn service, the one at Coolum can be recommended. A starting time for this is not known at this time but is usually 1 to 1 1/2 hours before dawn.

On this years ANZAC Day, the Sunday Markets in Eumundi will be operating. After the service, which will be from 7:30 am to about 9:00 am, you may wish to visit the markets.

Glenn Brown
__________________________________________________ ____

yimgum&us 18 Feb 2010 02:59

When will registration open?
i am very keen to go to this meeting. Just checking when will rego open?

TravellingStrom 20 Feb 2010 05:04


Originally Posted by yimgum&us (Post 277046)
i am very keen to go to this meeting. Just checking when will rego open?

It has been open for a while now

Grant Johnson 20 Feb 2010 10:36


Originally Posted by TravellingStrom (Post 277363)
It has been open for a while now

err, actually no, it hasn't. It WILL be open in a couple of days at most I hope, just waiting for the caterer to come back with the last word on food. Sorry for the delays, but we're all trying our best!

Subscribe to this thread and you will get a notice when it's open.

Just make sure it's on your calendar 'cause it IS happening! :)

TravellingStrom 21 Feb 2010 05:30

Ahh, OK, because I put my name down as a presenter and I registered, I thought it was open, sorry for the confusion.


becsta 25 Feb 2010 19:41

I just wanted to confirm the dates for this. This thread says 23-25 April but the poster says 24-26 April.

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 05:20.
