Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   HU Travellers Meetings - Australia (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/hu-travellers-meetings-australia/)
-   -   HU Australia 2012 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/hu-travellers-meetings-australia/hu-australia-2012-a-57280)

shanekfalcon 23 May 2011 08:20

HU Australia 2012
Started thinking about 2012. Perhaps - subject to may things - same place, same time of year so as to give the OS travellers something to shoot for...

shanekfalcon 5 Jun 2011 08:49

YAHOO!! Dayboro Show Society have confirmed that we can book in for 2012!! So at this point, we can hold the HU AUS 2012 on
Friday 15 June 2012
Saturday 16 June 2012
Sunday 17 June 2012

Now if anyone wants to organise another elsewhere in Australia in 2012, why not? I'll be happy to share my contacts etc. I reckon another one in southern Australia over Summer would be great!

DATE CHANGED: June 8-10, 2012

Grant Johnson 6 Jun 2011 21:54

Well done Shane! I'll put this on the calendar asap!

Southerners, who's up for it?

shanekfalcon 2 Jul 2011 06:32

A presentation idea for 2012: It would be great if we could have a presentation on IT. For examples, what websites etc to refer to during your preparation, how did you keep in touch, what IT did you use on the trip, do you store your photos on Flickr, Google/Gmail, Yahoo, etc. Access to the Internet, what sort of phones: Android, Windows, iPhone etc. This could be done be several people all pitching in. Anyone interested?

shanekfalcon 2 Jul 2011 06:33

Another idea (again). Sorry, I was out on the DR and that always gives me too much time to think. I would love to see a presentation on home remedies and on-the-road bodges. The low-budget end of things. For example, home-made screens, footpeg extenders. I've read about some great home-made panniers, made out of jerry-cans! Again, this could be lead by a few people who have made some real changes to their bikes without the off-the-shelf stuff. I've got an idea for the off-the-shelf stuff too, but need to make a few calls first.

shanekfalcon 11 Jul 2011 07:21


Yesterday the organisers for 2011 got together at the Pit Stop Cafe to go over this year's HUTM and what we should do for next year. One of the things raised was that we should have a few notice boards up with the following things that people can put up themselves:

What to see, where to go. Menus of the local food places etc.

I've been to ... and I'm in the green tent next to the black BMW R80
I'm going to ... and looking for a riding partner and I'm in the black tecnt next to the green XT660

Draft schedule of the presentations. It will always be a **DRAFT** as things will always be changing.

There is a white board on the outside of the pavilion building, so we can use that and some off-white butcher's paper on the walls of the dining room for the others perhaps?

shanekfalcon 11 Jul 2011 08:31

Volunteers sought for 2012

Lead Organiser - Me, unless someone really wanted to take it on and I would be more than fine with this and happy to make sure that everything was passed on.

Registration Coordinator – To coordinate registrations from HU website. What happens is that when a person registers via the website, Grant sends a copy of their email form to the co-ordinator. I developed my own spreadsheet from this to capture email addresses etc and also sent a welcome email with all the details at hand.

Registration Desk Organiser - Dorothy and Alanna did this in 2011 and did a great job. Dorothy should be available again in 2012 but Alanna will wait and see if she and John will be travelling or not.

Registration Desk Helpers - We had quite a few different helpers here and will need the same again.

Off-Road Loop Ride Leader - Craig Iedema did this in 2011, and I hear it was a great ride. Craig is determined to be away in 2012. So we need a person for this.

Off Road Loop Ride Sweep - Glen did this at a moments notice. He would be great as a leader or sweep I am sure, but I have no idea if he will be available.

On-Road Ride Leader - Rob did a great job of this and if he is available, would love to see him back.

On-Road Ride Sweep - I have no idea of who did this??

Presentation Organiser - John,did this in 2011 and may be able to do it again in 2012, but that depends on whether he and Alanna will be here or away in South America.

Vendor Organiser – To attract and organise vendors. This took a lot of energy this year without much result, so I would very much like to pas this on to someone else.

Print and radio Media Liaison – To attract and organise media. I would not even know where to start with this and so 2011 was pretty much not successful here.

Club Organiser – To attract attendees via contacting clubs. This is fairly straightforward, but takes time.

Websites, forums and social media management. Basically someone who is interested in all this. to make sure all the various forums, facebook pages etc are all tied in.

Local advertising - Someone to do let the locals know what is happening etc.

shanekfalcon 17 Jul 2011 23:57

Date change confirmed: Queens Birthday weekend - Friday 8 June 2012 to Sunday 10 June 2012. Monday 11 June 2012 is the Queens Birthday Public Holiday in Queensland and hopefully this will make it easier for everyone, especially those who will be travelling.

shanekfalcon 20 Aug 2011 11:52

5 Attachment(s)
Photos from 2011 HUTM at Dayboro, Queensland. 2012 will be in same place so this should give you some idea of the place

shanekfalcon 20 Aug 2011 11:56

5 Attachment(s)
More photos from 2011.

More photos to come, watch this space.

Registration is now up:

Horizons Unlimited Motorcycle Travellers' Website, Australia Travellers Meeting 2011

shanekfalcon 28 Aug 2011 11:29

Registration for 2012 is UP!!

Horizons Unlimited Motorcycle Travellers' Website, Australia Travellers Meeting 2012

One registration received already!


becsta 12 Oct 2011 08:09

I have put this in my diary but wont be able to register to closer to the time.

shanekfalcon 13 Oct 2011 01:55

Hi Bec, no problem, I will keep my fingers crossed and hope to see you there. I think that this will be a very good meeting as we have a lot of presenters pencilled in with workshops as well as trip presentations.

shanekfalcon 13 Oct 2011 02:47

BTW, I'm travelling to Bright, Victoria around 20 Feb 2012 to 2 March 2012 on my V Star to attned the Adventure Travel Film Festival.

Aus Festival : The Adventure Travel Film Festival

Anyone interested in coming on down is welcome.

Anyone who lives along the way who would like to catch up for coffee - I can never have too much coffee - I would love to hear from. I haven't sorted a specific route, but will be going inland and definitely through Bathurst.

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 19:06.
