Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   HU Travellers Meetings - Australia (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/hu-travellers-meetings-australia/)
-   -   HU Meeting Australia 2008 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/hu-travellers-meetings-australia/hu-meeting-australia-2008-a-28857)

Gummikuh 17 Aug 2007 11:08

HU Meeting Australia 2008

We want to ask about the Australia Meeting in 2008. Do you know allready where and when it starts??

Would be nice to know early to plan our trip to the eastcoast;-)))

Greetings Werner+Claudia

Grant Johnson 18 Aug 2007 23:56


We're working on it! Location is expected to be the same, Tintaldra, date uncertain, but hopefully soon!

Keep checking the meeting page:


And of course we'll also announce it in the next newsletter.

Frank Warner 20 Aug 2007 02:22

So ... on the east coast near the boarder of Victoria and New South Wales .. -36deg 02min 147deg 55min

Probably around February. Might go and give a talk.. ? Hummm my remote first aid thingy is due for renewal around then too.. will have to do some thinking about that .. humm next course starts 17/12 .. and they have not listed the course dates after that .. any one else interested in say Jan at Surry Hills Sydney .. cost is $230 for 3 days - Sat & Sun and err I think it was Sat .. but could have been Sun .. ... they do run in the week too ... but you tend to get people who do a job .. say off shore fishermen so that slants the course ... better at the weekend as you get a range of interests.

----- If you are hanging around untill August there is another meeting you should go to .. up in the Northern Teritory.. on the eastern coast .. second weekend in August .. not certian of the location as yet...

michaeltharme 20 Aug 2007 08:23

Hey guys
I'll be there. Be a good opportunity to catch up before I go over to Europe for the big trip and also suck everyone's brains for last minute tips.
Frank - just did the St.Johns advanced first aid course - cost $160.
I'll be doing the remote course with them (1 day) later in the year - cost is about $70 I think - well worth the while before we leave next year.

BTW - anyone going to Bombala this year?


Pumbaa 26 Aug 2007 11:39

We missed the 2007 meeting and will definitely(I hope) make it for the 2008 meeting. Will be nice to meet some Hubbers face to face!!!:thumbup1:

scottw 25 Sep 2007 07:33

I missed 2007 also and plan to make this one. I'll be riding down from Canberra. Anyone else going from the ACT?


Steve Treloar 25 Sep 2007 12:29

been around here for a while .Didn't get to 2007 either. fingers crossed for 2008.


michaeltharme 25 Sep 2007 22:07

Yeh Scott, I'm definitely going. Last meeting was great. Last chance to pick people's brains before next May's trip.

Frank Warner 26 Sep 2007 01:21


Originally Posted by Steve Treloar (Post 151854)
Didn't get to 2007 either. fingers crossed for 2008.

If the Langs go, do watch their packing demo .. best packers I've seen.

Ahrrr date is February 22-24.
Linky http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/mee...8.php#schedule

Pumbaa 17 Nov 2007 05:25

Any dates yet?
So does anyone know if the dates are confirmed for the meeting yet?? Will it be the last weekend in Feb 08.:confused1:

I wanted to make sure I get a few days leave in at work before its too late...

KennyE 17 Nov 2007 08:49

Have a look on the "meetings" tab under the Events banner. It's been there for some time now.

Pumbaa 17 Nov 2007 11:13


Originally Posted by KennyE (Post 159626)
Have a look on the "meetings" tab under the Events banner. It's been there for some time now.

Thanks KennyE, I saw the link earlier.

The only thing is when you follow the links to the pre-register section, it says it is for 2007, but the front pages say 2008:confused1::confused1: or am I having a blond moment??.

Just wanted to make sure before I try and book leave at work.

Frank Warner 20 Nov 2007 00:19


Originally Posted by Pumbaa (Post 159640)
it says it is for 2007, but the front pages say 2008

Yes .. a bit mixed up..

2007 was February 23-25

2008 is February 22-24

As shown on http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/meetings/

Close off for the cheaper fee is 10th Feb ? I think..

Was at the pub on umm Friday night ..

Camping across the road looks like a past possiblity ... there is a comercial camping place just errr north west of the pub .. so I think they are the problem with the free camping ..

Oh and Alf does not have a DVD player .. but the meeting says there is a DVD show of the HU DVD ... so I'll bring along some other stuff on DVD .. all ok for public showing .. no copywrite stuff.

---- The Langs are off travelling .. I'll miss them and their packing show.

Pumbaa 20 Jan 2008 10:49

We just registered!!!!:clap:

:eek3:See you there!!:eek3:

Jono 25 Feb 2008 07:52

There was a fella Chris who presented the trip planning breakout and I wanted to email him to get a copy of his notes. Does anyone know his HU name, or have a copy of the notes?
PS great job organising team

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