Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   HU Travellers Meetings - Australia (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/hu-travellers-meetings-australia/)
-   -   HU Perth 2014 Meeting at Fairbridge Village, 10-12 Oct 2014 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/hu-travellers-meetings-australia/hu-perth-2014-meeting-fairbridge-74262)

Susan Johnson 25 Jan 2014 05:25

HU Perth 2014 Meeting at Fairbridge Village, 10-12 Oct 2014
Perth 2014 Registration is now officially open!

We're very pleased to announce that registration is now open for the Horizons Unlimited 2014 Western Australia Travellers Meeting, to be held Oct 10-12, 2014 at Fairbridge Village!

A bit of history - the organising committee for 2013 were expecting we might have 40 folks attend - we had almost 100 and were bulging at the seams! Since we expect 2014 to be bigger and better, we knew we needed a new venue!

Thanks to the efforts of Xander and Tam Kabat, we are excited to have found a superb new venue - Fairbridge Village near Pinjarra. This self-contained heritage village, surrounded by bushland, is owned by a major youth charity. All the facilities we need for a great HU event are there, they're excited to have us, and our event will help to support their work with disadvantaged youths, so that's a win-win-win!

We also listened to your feedback about the length of the event, as typified by the following remark: "The only comment I would make is it was too short... we often found we were having interesting conversations with fellow travellers but had to rush off to the next session - some of the sessions overlapped which also made it difficult to choose. We split up and attended both but would have both liked to have been able to attend them all!"

For 2014, we are starting presentations earlier - Friday afternoon to mid-day on Sunday. We have two presentation rooms at the new venue, which will allow us to run concurrent sessions throughout, and to repeat popular sessions, thus cramming more inspiration and information into the weekend, while still allowing you to have lots of interesting conversations!

All the details and registration here!

We'll be there, and we hope to see you there too!

Grant & Susan

Inspiring, Informing and Connecting travellers since 1997

Middy 9 Feb 2014 02:05

It will great to have the second meeting with Grant & Susan here to support us here in Perth .
Many new adventure stories to share coming this year.
I'm off to Europe riding my KLR 650 with Tony n Gary, 3 weeks of riding pleasure starts 14 Mar back Mid April , so no doubt many a tail to tell upon our return.
Looking forward to October cu then


twowheels03 12 Feb 2014 06:44

At Last
At last - we are in a country at the right time for an HU meeting.

See you in Oct

Paul and Angie

Xander 2 Jul 2014 10:32


Originally Posted by twowheels03 (Post 454292)
At last - we are in a country at the right time for an HU meeting.

See you in Oct

Paul and Angie

Excellent Looking forward to meeting you at the meeting!beer

Xander 21 Aug 2014 06:31

HEY Perth HUBBer's
Just wanted everyone to know that are getting some great talks and workshops lined up. We have also just organised a raffle to support the Royal Flying Doctors. So please sign up and watch this space for the list of prizes.
Any questions drop me a line!

Mrs X 14 Sep 2014 15:08

Perth meet - registrations close soon!
Just a reminder that the HU Perth Overland Travellers Meeting is coming very soon. Spread the word to fellow travellers, or sign up to attend if you haven't got around to it yet!

When: 10-12 October 2014
Where: Fairbridge Village, South West Highway, Pinjarra WA 6208
Get registered now at http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/events/perth-2014!

Whether you're a seasoned veteran with wisdom to share, or a complete novice hungry for ideas and guidance, Horizons Unlimited Meetings are for everyone who dreams of adventure along the road less travelled. We have a great line-up confirmed for our second meeting, including:
- trip reports from India, Europe, cross Oz, around WA, around Oz, and around the world
- workshops for packing light, picking up your bike, bike mods, and off-roading for beginners
- discussion sessions and informative talks on carnets, shipping your bike, travel photography, short-break travel, borders & visas, and a Women's Only session
- plus plenty of time to chat with your fellow travellers and share or seek inspiration!

If you HAVEN'T already signed up for this year's event, please note the following deadlines:
- September 26 - deadline for dinner bookings (pre-booking required for catering purposes) - only $25 per night
- October 3 - online registrations close - only $55 ($75 at the event)

If you HAVE already registered, but haven't paid yet, make sure you pay before October 3 to take advantage of the cheaper rates, otherwise on-the-door rates will apply.

VOLUNTEERS - we need more volunteers to help out with monitoring presentations and general round-the-venue help (e.g. event set-up and clean-up, registration desk, HU Store). As an incentive, all volunteers who give 6 or more hours of their time during the event will be invited to join the organisers for a free lunch on Sunday after clean-up :-) Just fill out the volunteering options when you register.
If you've already registered and would like to help out as a volunteer, you can do so via http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/eve.../volunteer.php

RAFFLE - we're very pleased to note we will be running a raffle in support of the Royal Flying Doctor Service. We're still sourcing prizes - if you have any suggestions or something you wish to donate, please let us know. All proceeds will go directly to the RFDS.

CHARITY SUPPORT - The Pinjarra Lions Club and Fairbridge Village Supported Employment Initiative will be running food stands (e.g. egg & bacon sandwiches) throughout Saturday and on Sunday morning. Please support these local charities by buying a sandwich (or two!) during the event.

Tam and Xander Kabat, HU Perth Meeting Organisers
Grant and Susan Johnson, www.HorizonsUnlimited.com

gsrider1962 24 Sep 2014 00:59

HU Meeting Pinjarra October
Is it possible to attend the meeting in WA for the day only? Unfortunately have other commitments for the rest of the weekend.

Mrs X 4 Oct 2014 07:07

Hi Ross, yes one-day registrations are possible. I'm not sure what the rate will be as we haven't set it but will discuss with Grant and Susan (it won't be the full price).

Mrs X 4 Oct 2014 07:37

Hi everyone,
It's almost here! Pre-registrations for the Perth meet have closed and we've already got 94 people signed up. This is a fantastic result for only our second event :clap:

But don't worry, you can still turn up on the weekend! Regos are $75 for the whole weekend; we haven't worked out a day rate yet but there will be this option.

The draft event schedule is now available here: http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/eve...nters-2014.pdf Hope this inspires you to come along!

We can still use some helpers for moderating talk sessions. Either let us know by private message or at the Registration Desk when you arrive if you can spare an hour or two.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at the event, and cross fingers for good weather.

Tam and Xander Kaat

Mrs X 13 Oct 2014 14:45

Just a BIG thank you to everyone who came to the Perth meet on the weekend. I think our final number was 108 adults plus a few adventurers in the making :-) Thanks for making this another great meet, and especially to everyone who chipped in over the weekend to make it run more smoothly (and cleanly!). I've never seen a place cleaned up so quick!

Big thanks to the Fairbridge team (especially Stephanie and Carrie) who really supported us in making the event happen, and for looking after us over the weekend.

Thanks also to everyone for digging deep and supporting the weekend's charities. We raised $1215 for the Royal Flying Doctor Service from the raffle and donations, and $740 for the Fairbridge Supported Employment Program from Saturday's food stand. We haven't heard yet how the Pinjarra Lions Club went with Sunday's breakfast. Awesome effort everyone! And thanks again to our fantastic prize donators - Bikes Abroad, Motorrad Garage, RAC-WA, Steve's Motorcycles, Paddy Pallin, Horizons Unlimited, and Linda Bootherstone.

We're looking set for similar timing at Fairbridge again next year; watch this space. We're also looking for a new lead organiser, plus others to support the event in various roles. If you're keen, please contact Grant and Susan. They'll be sending an update email shortly.

Tam and Xander Kabat

jayebear 24 Oct 2014 05:18

Hey Amazing Adventurers,
is there a way i can tap into some of the photos from the meet??

I'm putting a photo book together of my holiday and i think some snaps of the Perth meet would enhance it greatly!

Scootergal 10 Nov 2014 12:36

My blog has some

Postie Notes: Horizons Unlimited Perth

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