Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   HU Travellers Meetings - Australia (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/hu-travellers-meetings-australia/)
-   -   A THIRD Australian HU Meeting in 2013! Perth West Australia 19-20 October (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/hu-travellers-meetings-australia/third-australian-hu-meeting-2013-a-69980)

DirtBoy 22 Apr 2013 12:51

A THIRD Australian HU Meeting in 2013! Perth West Australia 19-20 October
Perth 2013 Registration is now officially open!

We're very pleased to announce that registration is now open for the Horizons Unlimited Inaugural Perth, WA Travellers Meeting, to be held Oct 18-20, 2013! Thanks for your patience while we nailed down the last details!

Edited by Susan
__________________________________________________ ___________________

A THIRD Australian HU Meeting in 2013! Perth West Australia 19-20 October

Around eighteen travelers came to the special HU meeting at the Dome Café, Maylands, Perth yesterday.

There was an interesting exchange of knowledge, amusing experiences and travelling tales including:

·Vespa Scooter – Australia to England
·Africa Twin – two up UK to Australia
·KTM 990 – across Australia
·1100 – GS across Australia
·Tales of a Japanese rider on a ‘postie bike’

To name but a few!!

Several present described their positive experience of Horizons Unlimited and the Hubb and how they felt it was time to put something back.

This was following by an interactive Skype conference call with the Horizons Unlimited Founders – Grant and Susan Johnson.

We are very happy to report we agreed to hold the first Perth HU meeting – on the weekend of 19/20th of October 2013.

· Grant and Susan Johnson will be here in WA to guide us on our journey.

Perth has a dedicated group of travelers and we look forward to celebrating the 10th anniversary of HU meetings in Australia here in Perth.

We look forward to welcoming you from across Australia and beyond, watch this space for further details.
Thanks, Ewen MacGregor and Dave Fox-Spencer

EDGE 23 Apr 2013 23:15

Well looks like there will be one in our backyard albeit 200 ks away.
Will definetly get to this one

haggis 24 Apr 2013 08:39

Perth meet
I'll be there! Coz am already here.

I do fancy a ride out over weekend. Might be good idea perhaps?

DirtBoy 24 Apr 2013 22:01

Perth meet - 'ride out'
presuming you mean over the meeting weekend for ride out - my plan if we can get enough helpers - is to have the meet split into two. Sat - separate location - camp out - more practical workshop & ride out would be a possibility. Sunday - trip presentations - more workshops Perth pub location...all dependent on how many folk offer to help out thanks.

EDGE 28 Apr 2013 05:07

Im ready as per email tobeer :scooter: and help out of course

666monkeys 29 Apr 2013 03:36

It was great to meet everyone and hear inspiring stories, made me even more keen to get out there and explore.
I'm keen to help out if I can, we spoke briefly about providing paramedic/first aid info for travellers.

Cheers, Dave

DirtBoy 30 Apr 2013 01:56

Perth Meeting Update Thurs 16 th/23rd May and workshop offer
Yes do recall our discussion and thanks we will take you up on your workshop offer. I have worked in the outdoors and also know that many HU & adventure riders would benefit from your talk/ workshop on remote first aid & first response.

How you can get involved is we will be holding a planning meeting - was going to be Sunday 19th May but due to weekends being busy - we now planning on an evening either Thurs 16 th or 23rd of May at the proposed venue. We will send out a update on the Perth HU list or anyone else who is interested can pm me beer

Thanks Ewen...

666monkeys 5 May 2013 15:58

Sorry all, I won't be able to make it to the meeting on the 23rd May due to work commitments. I was really looking forward to catching up again (and having a beer or two).

DirtBoy 20 May 2013 15:20

Perth HU meeting this Thursday
We will be holding a open planning meeting - (due to weekends being busy) -this Thurs 23rd of May at The Brown Fox 72, Outram st, West Perth, starting at 6.30 pm, some of us will arrive from 6 onwards. Thanks Ewen

EDGE 20 May 2013 23:37

no go
No good to me got to work (night shift) hope it all goes well ,let me know if I can help

DirtBoy 22 May 2013 01:25

Planning Meeing and Inspirational Talk...Perth to Perth
Following our planning meeting on Thursday we will be having a presentation by Steven Kirk who recently rode Perth (Scotland) to Perth WA.

Perth to Perth

olyflyer 23 May 2013 03:28

See youse tonight at Greg's place!

Mrs X 27 May 2013 15:09

Hi everyone,

This is just to let everyone know that the inaugural Horizons Unlimited Western Australia Travellers Meeting will be held at Yanchep National Park on Saturday 19th to Sunday 20th October 2013, with camping also available on Friday 18th. Watch the Events section of the HU website for event registration, coming very soon!

We’re pleased that Horizons Unlimited’s founders, Grant and Susan Johnson, will be attending the meeting, plus a few of our own local travellers to tell their tales. We’re still in the development stage, so if you have any suggestions about what you’d like to get out of the meeting, let us know with a post here!

See you in October!
Tam Kabat for the WA meeting organising team

olyflyer 27 May 2013 15:48

If you are on Facebook there is an event page there too Link thingo

Mrs X 25 Jun 2013 13:00

WA meet - committee meeting Thu 27th 7pm
Hi everyone, sorry for the wide post but we didn't collect contact details from everyone who said they would be part of the organising committee at our May meeting.

If you want to help organise our October meet, we'll be at the Brown Fox pub, 72 Outram St, West Perth thebrownfox.com.au A few of us will be there for pre-meeting drinks and meal.

We've still got a few things to sort out to finalise the October meet, so have a few decisions to make this meeting. Only come along if you're willing to leave with a job to do!!! (this isn't a general catch-up this time, but we'll be arranging more catch-ups at other times).

Pleas send me a private message if you want to be involved but can't make it on Thursday.

Look forward to seeing everyone,
Tam Kabat for the organising committee

Mrs X 1 Jul 2013 14:48

WA meet - presenters wanted!
Inaugural Perth HU meeting - call for presentations now open!

The first Perth HU meeting will take place at Yanchep National Park from 18-20 October 2013. Registrations are about to open, and we’re looking for speakers to make the first Perth event a success.

At our recent organising committee meeting, we discussed potential presentation topics along the themes of “Inspiration and Education” and we are now seeking speakers & presenters for those themes. Horizons Unlimited have a policy to encourage presenters - all presenters get free event registration and a free HU T-shirt!!! We hope this will encourage you to step forwards, or help identify potential presenters (presenters do pay for event accommodation and meals).

“Inspiration” - We are seeking speakers for the full spectrum of trips from the round the world epics, to short trips for a couple of months to a few weeks (in Australia and out), to local short trips of perhaps a few days. In this way there will be something for everyone.

“Education” - suggested topics include (but open to other suggestions):
· Where do I start? Including choosing a bike
· Crating a bike
· A 2 week overseas trip for $1000.00 (including bike hire)
· Technology & Gadgets on a trip
· Changing a tyre
· Packing your gear
· Shipping, carnets and border crossings
· Photography/Videos/Blogs
· Medivac – First Aid (insurance)
· Picking up a fully laden bike
· Choosing and preparing your bike
· GPS – using and sharing routes
· Bodging it & repairs on the run
· Other ideas or suggestions welcomed...

To submit your presentation or workshop idea (either yourself or someone you know) – please send a private message to Ewen (DirtBoy) who started this thread.

Thanks, from the organising committee

shanekfalcon 3 Jul 2013 00:57

I'm hoping to go, but that will depend on university, work and family commitments. Will know closer to the date.



shanekfalcon 3 Jul 2013 03:30

Tentspace on ADVRIDER.COM
Hi everyone,

Just thought I'ld post up somethong about the "Tentspace" thread on advrider.com.

The links associated with this thread are:

Tent Space Sign-Up Thread - Page 64 - ADVrider

Tent Space Map - Page 6 - ADVrider


Or a Google Search: http://tentspace.ridetoeat.com/artents.kmz

I'm thinking that with three HU meetings in Australia this year, this may be an excellent resource for those travelling as well as an opportunity for people who want to "give back". I'm also thinking that I may well use this a fair bit next year when I travel down to the Adventure Travel Film Festival again ( work and study permitting ).

I'll post onto the relevant HUBB sections for the other HU meetings as well.



Susan Johnson 6 Jul 2013 05:33

Perth 2013 Registration is now officially open!
We're very pleased to announce that registration is now open for the Horizons Unlimited Inaugural Perth, WA Travellers Meeting, to be held Oct 18-20, 2013! Thanks for your patience while we nailed down the last details!

To take advantage of the early bird discount (until July 31), start here:

Ewen MacGregor is co-ordinating the team for this event, along with Tam and Xander Kabat - we're very grateful to them for stepping up and making it happen. They've found a great venue at Gloucester Lodge in Yanchep National Park, not too far from Perth.

Whether you're a seasoned veteran with wisdom to share or a complete novice hungry for ideas and guidance, Horizons Unlimited Meetings are for everyone who dreams of adventure along the road less travelled. There are no bands and no wild parties, but we do have great people and interesting bikes - and fantastic stories about travelling to interesting places, plus tech seminars on everything from tire changing to GPS usage to packing lists.

For a taster of HU meetings, see the video here:
Events | Horizons Unlimited

Thanks for anything you can do to help spread the word about the event. There is a poster that you can print off and hand around to local venues and bike shops too!


Volunteers to help out and Present also wanted!

As we count down the days, you can get the latest event updates by subscribing to this thread, (thread tools, subscribe) or 'Liking' the Horizons Perth event page on Facebook.

Feel free to discuss the event on this thread!

See you there!
Susan & Grant

syzygy9 11 Jul 2013 22:20

a big thanks to Ewen and the organising committee
Ewen, Tam, et al -

A big thanks for driving this inaugural Perth HU meeting. It always takes someone from the crowd to stick their head above the trench line and run with it.

It should be a great meet based on some of the few organising meetings I have been able to attend . . . and Yanchep is an inspired location. I have been amazed by some our local adventure riders travel tales and breadth of experience that resides in our small HU community, so there should be some interesting, entertaining, informative and tall tales to be inspired by. And having the Johnsons' there will be a highlight.

Back in Perth at end July, see you then.


Filch 13 Jul 2013 05:59

Fabulous! Long time reader, first time poster... I have just come across this after coming to the realisation that I couldn't fly over for the HUBB meetings on the East coast when they were announced... Instead there will now be one in my backyard come October!

Thank you to those involved in organising, looking forward to meeting new people and learning a whole lot more ahead of a big trip I have planned with two mates overseas on the F650's early next year!



syzygy9 13 Jul 2013 10:56


great that you can make it. Register, invite all of your friends, publicize, and be there. Being the first HU meet in the west it is hard to predict the level of interest but the more adv riders we can flush out the better the event will be!


shanekfalcon 19 Jul 2013 05:58

Australian Road Rider magazine Travel Special
Hi everyone,

Latest issue of Australian Road Rider is their Annual Travel Special and Horizons Unlimited gets a guernsey. A 10 page spread with a focus on Martin Williams, Jan and Paul Dwyer and Haydn and Diane Durnell. If you have friends thinking about coming but not sure, this is an excellent conversation starter.



shanekfalcon 5 Aug 2013 10:30

Australian Road Rider and Australian Motorcyclist magazines
Hi everyone,

For those who haven't been to HU Travellers Meeting/Overland Expo and want to know what it is all about there are two different and separate articles in Australian Road Rider and Australian Motorcyclist magazines respectively. The ARR article is a series of interviews with different volunteers and travellers and the AMM article is a report from last years meet in Dayboro. Both are good reads and hopefully will encourage a few more to register for what should be a series of cracker events.



andrew fenn 11 Aug 2013 05:42

Perth meet
Hi Ewen, I hope this is correct as I have never posted on a thread before!
I have e-mailed Grant and Susan and offered our assistance at the 2013 meeting, they advised me to contact you.
Diane and myself have just arrived in Mandurah after riding around Australia on two bikes, prior to that we rode the east coast of Africa two up on my KTM, from the UK.
We have worked at the UK meets in various capacities, from registration desks, army gazebos erection and days spent sawing wood for the road kill cook-out. I also mentioned that we were curious about presenting, but very nervous as we have never done it. (Grant said everyone is, go and do it!!!!) so were still nervous.
Anyhow if you need staff and want to get in contact my cell number is


and our blog is


Also our very good friends who now live in Geraldton, but originally from Port Elizabeth, RSA, are interested in helping out. They have travelled extensively in southern Africa two up on a BMW.

Maybe meet for a beer when it stops raining, lol

Best regards

Andrew & Diane

pete1100xx 22 Aug 2013 12:53

currently on a 2 month round usa road trip on a vfr800 and would have liked to attend but wont be back in perth till the 16th oct and my first day back at work is the 19th.

olyflyer 10 Sep 2013 08:59

I just spent 45 mins writing my submission on a presentation and when I clicked next, apparently I missed a box with a red asterisk and I lost all my work!!!!!!!!

I'll do a presentation but I haven't got the time to re write the 2 I wrote :(

kle500 Perth 16 Sep 2013 12:14

perth meeting
looking forward to it

Seppel 26 Sep 2013 11:43

Hi everybody,

I filled in my registration yesterday and I am looking forward to my second HU meeting this year.

Right now I am still in Germany but I will arrive in Perth at the 10th of October and then officially start my OZ trip at the meeting.


EDGE 10 Oct 2013 03:37

Looking on registration form it says camping full ? is this a small camp ground or are there to many campers ? what is the go with the bunkhouse,seperate rooms or one big one ? can we register on arrival ? Hope to make it, work and injury permiting

Grant Johnson 10 Oct 2013 10:38


Originally Posted by EDGE (Post 439593)
Looking on registration form it says camping full?


Originally Posted by EDGE (Post 439593)
is this a small camp ground or are there to many campers ?

err, both.

Originally Posted by EDGE (Post 439593)
what is the go with the bunkhouse,seperate rooms or one big one ?

a few biggish ones as I understand it

Originally Posted by EDGE (Post 439593)
can we register on arrival ?


Originally Posted by EDGE (Post 439593)
Hope to make it, work and injury permiting

See you there!

Grant Johnson 10 Oct 2013 23:10

Perth Tentative Schedule is posted now! Note the word "tentative" - it will be final, on Sunday afternoon.... the one after the event... :)

build 15 Oct 2013 08:47

Is it too late?
G'day All,
On an impulse I'll fly over if it's not too late.

Is it too late?

Should I just rock up and take my chances?

Thanks in anticipation.


build 15 Oct 2013 12:33

Is it too late?
Flights just jumped up in price. Can anyone tell me if registrations are still available on site? I don't want to waste the airfare and time if it's too late.

Many thanks.

PaulNomad 15 Oct 2013 15:22

Hi Build,

Grant said in a previous post above that you can register on arrival. See you there.


build 17 Oct 2013 13:33

Thanks PaulNomad
Thanks Paul,
Family stuff took preference.

No wurries though, I'll get the video's which help Grant and Susan in a small way and informs me too. Not as good as being there but ...

Also I'm the luckiest bloke in this world so I'll get by :-)


Mrs X 20 Oct 2013 13:10

First Perth meet huge success!
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who made our first Perth Horizons Unlimited meet such a huge success! We had nearly 100 people attend, way beyond our initial expectations, and despite some rainy weather (including some bike stands sinking into the sand leading to a couple of bikes have a little sleep!), the event ran pretty smoothly. We had awesome talks and great discussion sessions and workshops. Everyone chipped in to keep the place amazingly clean and the event running smoothly, and as I've come to expect of motorbike travellers, were very well behaved :-)

The biggest heartfelt thanks to my fellow organising committee peeps for making this amazing event happen, and to Grant and Susan for being there and all their support. What a great community we have over here, and some incredibly well-travelled people too!


Seppel 20 Oct 2013 15:01

Has been a really great meeting! I have meet some many lovely people.

My thanks goes to the team.

Great start for my trip around Australia.

Here are the pics I took, if you need one in high resolution just send me a mail.


DirtBoy 21 Oct 2013 02:17

Perth Inaugural Meeting - huge success! 2014 ?
Can I echo Tam's words and publicly acknowledge the significant work she put in to make the meet such a success. When the Perth group met some months ago to start to plan the meet, our expectations were perhaps 35-40 people, so to get almost 100 was way beyond even our wildest dreams.

I would also like to thank the significant contribution from the other committee members, the speakers, workshop contributors, the volunteers, Grant and Susan - you are all an inspiration.

We will be meeting for an event wrap up in a couple of weeks time and considering the next event, so watch this space.

regards Ewen MacGregor :mchappy:


Originally Posted by Mrs X (Post 440812)
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who made our first Perth Horizons Unlimited meet such a huge success! We had nearly 100 people attend, way beyond our initial expectations, and despite some rainy weather (including some bike stands sinking into the sand leading to a couple of bikes have a little sleep!), the event ran pretty smoothly. We had awesome talks and great discussion sessions and workshops. Everyone chipped in to keep the place amazingly clean and the event running smoothly, and as I've come to expect of motorbike travellers, were very well behaved :-)

The biggest heartfelt thanks to my fellow organising committee peeps for making this amazing event happen, and to Grant and Susan for being there and all their support. What a great community we have over here, and some incredibly well-travelled people too!


DirtBoy 21 Oct 2013 15:22

Dominic Round Australia send off by Perth Horizons Unlimited crew
Following the first Perth Horizons Unlimited meeting with HU founders Grant and Susan Johnson, several members rode a guard of honour for Dominic Hellweg from Germany to send him off on his round Australia journey.

regards Ewen MacGregor :scooter:

Your video will be live at: Dominic Round Australia send off by Perth Horizoins Unlimited crew - YouTube

My thanks goes to the team.

Great start for my trip around Australia.

Here are the pics I took, if you need one in high resolution just send me a mail.


shanekfalcon 21 Oct 2013 23:07

Hi guys over there in WA.

I've just checked out the photos and I am so jealous. The numbers are amazing given that this was the first one in WA. Looks like a great weekend and the venue looks brilliant; a credit to Ewen and the volunteer team. Have to do my best to make it over next year. How did those black tyre levers/bead breakers work? I've been looking at a set myself and interested in other people's feedback first.



Mrs X 23 Oct 2013 14:32

Oh, and I forgot to say - join up to your local community so we can keep in touch when other events happen!
Horizons Unlimited Motorcycle Travellers Communities introduction | Horizons Unlimited


Originally Posted by Mrs X (Post 440812)
Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who made our first Perth Horizons Unlimited meet such a huge success! We had nearly 100 people attend, way beyond our initial expectations, and despite some rainy weather (including some bike stands sinking into the sand leading to a couple of bikes have a little sleep!), the event ran pretty smoothly. We had awesome talks and great discussion sessions and workshops. Everyone chipped in to keep the place amazingly clean and the event running smoothly, and as I've come to expect of motorbike travellers, were very well behaved :-)

The biggest heartfelt thanks to my fellow organising committee peeps for making this amazing event happen, and to Grant and Susan for being there and all their support. What a great community we have over here, and some incredibly well-travelled people too!


Squily 18 Nov 2013 01:22

Thanks for the good taste
With Dominik visiting down here in Esperance, we had the bottle of wine I got from the organizers st the Perth meet. Fantastic!!

Whoever chose it, thanks.

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 22:11.
