Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   HU Travellers Meetings - Europe (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/hu-travellers-meetings-europe/)
-   -   HU France 22-24 September 2017 (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/hu-travellers-meetings-europe/hu-france-22-24-september-88988)

Pongo 16 Sep 2016 09:41

HU France 22-24 September 2017
I am delighted to announce that after yet another successful meeting this year, we have agreed a date for next year which is the same weekend in September, the dates being 8-10Sep at Camping les Hirondelles.

*** NOTE: CHANGE IN DATE TO 22-24 SEP. ***

Despite one or two minor issues this year which we are already working on closely with the campsite, there will be a simplified registration process with direct booking to the campsite amongst some of the changes we are making to make it an even better meeting.

In order to bring some different ideas and keep the French meeting fresh interesting and exciting, I am looking for someone to take over as the event organiser. HU Fr is now very popular and in a great place. I have enjoyed getting this meeting off the ground and have many great memories, from the thundery wash out of the first mini meet with 18 people to this year event with Ted Simon and 100+ participants. It's also been wonderful to meet a lot of amazing people and make some close friendships. Anyone interested in taking over, please either get in touch with me or Grant and Susan.

Tim Cullis 16 Sep 2016 12:15

It's in my diary...

OTRA 16 Sep 2016 22:50

Hi John
I'm in Mazarron at the moment, we'll talk on my way back. Hope you received the SD card ok. Take care.

Ride safe and cool

Interfoliolibro 17 Sep 2016 15:26

We'll be there, nous serons là-bas, allí estaremos :-)

Pongo 3 Oct 2016 17:18

October 3rd 27C and sunny in France
1 Attachment(s)
And here is the first picture of HU France 2017.............. planning meeting.... brain storming and quality control of local beer

Attachment 18339

Best wishes to all, and look forward to seeing you next September!

Roger and John.

Pongo 16 Oct 2016 10:29

Well, ...... the wires have been humming a bit since I decided to step back from organising the event. After discussions with Roger (OTRA) and others, I am delighted to announce that Thierry Floreck ( Tiger3) will be taking the lead for the 2017 event, ably assisted by Roger and a new team. Thierry is well known to HU and also to the French adventure motorcycling community. He has presented at our events, and will be a great asset. His geographical location near the campsite, and his experience of organising events make him an ideal choice, and I am sure you will all join me in wishing him good luck. The event is now very popular and well attended, and I am already hearing about people asking when they can register for the event next year. I am officially handing over on the 26th October when we meet to discuss his ideas for next year. I am hearing great things about new ideas.

There will be a new registration procedure for next year which will be much easier for all concerned, especially the campsite, who are taking on more responsibility for the bookings. This will simplify registration on the HUBB, and as this will need some changes, event registration may be delayed for a short whilst it gets sorted.

A great event is soon going to be even better!:thumbup1:

mickey76 6 Nov 2016 18:52

france HU travel event would be happening in a different location every year, so
everyone could discover how france is beautiful !

Moto Phoenix 7 Nov 2016 15:42

It's on my calendar.

Tiger3 16 Nov 2016 22:11

French HU Travellers Meeting
Thank you Jhon for the confidence it is with pleasure and enthusiasm that I take again this torch.
Like many traveler here, it is thanks to this wonderfull place of sharing that we can prepare our most wonderful trips. It is with this same philosophy that I will approach the organization of these meetings.
A new team but also with former member like Roger that we will work for this next Meeting
We will offer you practical tips (mechanical repair, cartography), advice from travelers, presence of known equipment manufacturers and of course travel stories and
Soon, in the meantime ... up to the adventure.


Susan Johnson 5 Feb 2017 20:47

HU France 2017 date change to 22-24 September!
Please adjust your calendars! Due to a late conflict with another event, we are moving this meeting two weeks later, 22-24 September. Sorry for any nuisance, and hope you can attend!

Registration is now open, with early bird rates!
Thanks for your patience!

oracle2 22 Feb 2017 19:09

Very disappointed about the change in date. You could have stated on the HU Events page that the date was subject to change. I and a few others have booked ferry crossing from Ireland to France to attend this event and were just waiting for online registration to open. I just hope the Ferry Company will sympathetic, I have yet to hear back from them.

Please update this page (HU Events, the place to meet and be inspired by other travellers! | Horizons Unlimited) with the new dates to prevent others booking for the wrong weekend.

Thermal 24 Feb 2017 00:28

I too am very disappointed in this date change. I've already made travel plans crossing the "pond" to return to this event, perhaps even with a presentation, after attending the first one and being thwarted 3 years in a row thereafter by various "adventures". First Stahratte cancels my crossing to Cuba this year, and now the replacement trip is derailed too.

Susan Johnson 1 Mar 2017 03:11

We too are very sorry about having to change the date!
We try very hard not to have to change meeting dates once they're set, occasionally it's necessary due to circumstances beyond our control.

Just realized that the events page got missed on the update, although the right hand menu on every page did have the revised date. It's updated now everywhere I can think to look, and very sorry about that! For Thermal and Oracle2 (and your mates), we'll waive your registration fee as a gesture towards penalties incurred and do hope you'll be able to join Thierry and the team!

Online registration is now open with early bird rates! All the details and sign up here!

Susan & Grant

Pongo 2 Mar 2017 07:20

Good to see the registration page up. There have been a lot of changes this year with a new team with great ideas, and also some new owners at the campsite. It all looks very encouraging, so well done everyone and i'm sure you will make a huge success of it. Lots of work gone into this years event by you all, so it's up to to us now to get signed up and spread the word!:thumbup1:

Simon_100 5 Mar 2017 17:47

It's a shame some folks are disappointed with the new date, but silver lining department. Thanks to the change I can make the date and will be coming along as a volunteer with a view to learning the ropes for a possible Spain meet in 2018. :)



Arma 5 Mar 2017 18:24

The new date works a treat for me, I'll be attending the HUBB then heading over to the west, following an off road route through the Pyrenees and then heading to HUMM. A dammed fine way to spend a fortnight in my book.

If anyone fancies forming a HUMM team or joining the Pyrenees run (should take 6 days) immediately after the France meet please drop me a PM.

Tiger3 8 Mar 2017 13:04

Nous avons la joie de vous annoncer que le 5ème rassemblement d’Horizon Unlimited aura lieu du 22 au 24 septembre 2017 à Loupiac (Lot )
Que vous soyez motards, cyclistes ou 4x4tistes vous y trouverez l’esprit du voyage et de l’aventure.
Un week end entièrement consacré à :
- des présentations & vidéos de voyages, de partages et d’échanges avec les récits de leurs auteurs,
- Des ateliers autour du logiciel BASECAMP et une librairie de cartes et de guides de voyage
- Des ateliers pratiques pour vous préparer aux situations imprévues,
Des équipementiers viendront présenter leurs produits (vêtements, équipements techniques etc .. )
Un éditeur / concepteur de road book proposera également ses dernières éditions
Pour vous inscrire c’est ici : http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/events/france-2017
A bientôt
L’équipe HU

We are pleased to announce that the 5th Horizon Unlimited Travellers Meeting France will be held from September 22 to 24, 2017 in Loupiac (Lot).
Whether you are a motorcyclist, a cyclist or a 4x4 driver, you will enjoy the spirit of travel and adventure here with us.
A weekend entirely devoted to:
- Travel presentations & videos, sharing and exchange on stories with their authors,
- Workshops on the BASECAMP software, and a large selection of maps and travel guides,
- Practical workshops to help you prepare for unforeseen situations,
- Equipment specialists who will present their products (clothing and gear, technical clothing, etc.)
- A publisher and designer of road books who will also present his latest publications.
Please go to the following link to register:
See you soon!
The HU France Team

OTRA 9 Mar 2017 12:38

Hi everyone
Unfortunately I won't be there too this year, having planed a smaller trip this year, starting with HU meeting in Switzerland last weekend of August and finishing the weekend after in Loupiac. But the gap is too large between those two now. I'll be back in 2018 hopefully. Have a nice time.

Ride safe and cool.

Tiger3 14 Apr 2017 22:58

« HORIZONS UNLIMITED » (english below .)
Le rassemblement français des aventuriers(ières) moto, vélo, 4x4
fête ses 5 ans du 22 au 24 septembre prochain à Loupiac (Lot).

Du 22 au 24 septembre, Horizon Unlimited donne rendez-vous à tous les amoureux d’aventures
pour un week-end de rencontres, d’échanges, d’ateliers et de balades en toute convivialité,
à Loupiac dans le Lot.

Vous avez un rêve de voyage mais vous hésitez encore ?
Venez-vous inspirer auprès de celles et ceux qui ont réalisé leurs rêves et reviennent de leurs périples en écoutant leurs récits d’aventures, en découvrant leurs films de voyages et tout simplement en discutant avec eux.

Vous avez un projet concret de road trip et encore quelques détails à régler ?
Venez-vous informer en participant à des ateliers pratiques autour du logiciel BASECAMP et des ateliers de mises en condition (réparation de pneumatiques, préparation mécanique) pour vous parer à toutes les situations imprévues…
Un espace librairie avec cartes, guides de voyage, road book ainsi que la présentation des derniers équipements techniques existants vous seront également proposés.

Vous voulez partir et rouler de suite ?
Une superbe balade d’une demie journée sera également au programme et des road book seront fournis sur place pour celles et ceux qui veulent explorer la région en toute liberté.

Loin d’un énième salon de tours opérateurs, Horizon Unlimited se veut avant tout la rencontre entre aventuriers aguerris, apprentis baroudeurs, globe-trotters dans l’âme… tous réunis et animés par la même envie, celle de réaliser son rêve d’aventure sur les routes les moins fréquentées du monde et de le partager.

Plus d’infos à venir !


The French meeting for motorcyclists, cyclists or 4x4 travelers is celebrating its 5th anniversary from September 22nd to 24th in Loupiac (Lot).

From September 22nd to 24th, Horizons Unlimited invites all adventure lovers for a weekend of meetings, exchange, workshops and ride-outs, in Loupiac, in the Lot Department, all in a convivial atmosphere.

Do you dream about traveling, but still have hesitations?

Come and inspire yourself alongside those who have realized their dreams and have returned from their journeys, by listening to the stories of their adventures, by discovering their travel movies and by simply talking to them.

Do you have a specific road trip project and still have some details that you need to work on?

Come and gather information by participating in practical workshops covering the BASECAMP software and in workshops covering all aspects of preparations (tire repair, mechanics), which will allow you to be able to deal with any and all unforeseen situations.

A library area with maps, travel guides, road books, as well as the presentation and display of the latest technical gear, will also be available.

Do you want to leave and ride off right away?

A great half-day ride-out is also scheduled and road books will be available on site for those who wish to explore the region on their own.

Far from being just another exhibit by tour operators, Horizons Unlimited seeks to be, above all, a meeting between seasoned adventurers, novice travelers, and globe-trotters in the soul... All gathered together and driven by the same desire, that to realize their dreams of adventures on the less traveled roads of the world and to share them.

More information coming soon!

Sloth505 24 Apr 2017 22:52

Camping cost
98 Euro's for 2 nights camping even with the food seems a little extreme !.
No option just for camping and sorting food yourself !

Grant Johnson 25 Apr 2017 03:11


Originally Posted by Sloth505 (Post 562213)
98 Euro's for 2 nights camping even with the food seems a little extreme !

Really? Remember that's 6 good meals, and free coffee all day long - how can you go wrong at that? Start adding it up, and it's a bargain!

Note that is the campsites rate, not ours - and we make nothing on it. Last year everyone raved about the good food and value, so you'll have to go and check it out!

You CAN cook for yourself if you want, and you can stay elsewhere too.

Arma 25 Apr 2017 11:55

The food last year was utterly fantastic, all things considered I think it's a very reasonable price.

Sloth505 25 Apr 2017 19:38

I know I can cook my self but still 98 Euro , as for staying at a different campsite .. surely that somewhat defeats the object.1 x pain au chocolat and 1 x croissant per person, with unlimited coffee/tea and orange juice ..Not really what I would call (a good Meal) Not trying to pick an argument .. just my opinion bier

Pongo 17 Sep 2017 14:48

Bonne Chance! Good luck to Thierry and the team for next weekend, looks like you have some excellent interesting presenters and workshops. Hope the weather holds for you, forecast looks o.k. ( but as Roger ( OTRA) will tell you my forecasting is rubbish!). I'm sure you will all have a great time, and I look forward to hearing the stories of the meeting later on. I'm away next weekend on a pre arranged trip to the U.K., so I won't be coming to see you. Have fun!bier

Pongo 26 Sep 2017 12:42

O.K. so how did it go? It looked like you had good weather!

Update:- I see from the facebook page( HU France) and all the photos that it was a great success, and it's good to know the new campsite owners put on a good show too. Looks like it was worth every centime! Many congratulations to Thierry and your team for working very hard to make yet another success for HU France. Keep it up for next year!! ( For those who don't use Facebook, it would be good to post some of the photos here :)

Pongo 21 Dec 2017 10:57

Merry Xmas et Bonne Année
Merry Xmas to all our friends who come to the meeting in France. Have a good time, stay safe and look forward to next years adventures.

Bonne Année à tous nos amis qui participent à l'événement en France.
(spécialement Thierry et son équipe :thumbup1:). Bonne fête, prenez soin et anticipez les aventures de 2018!


All times are GMT +1. The time now is 17:31.
