Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   HU Travellers Meetings - Europe (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/hu-travellers-meetings-europe/)
-   -   HU Germany Summer 2022, May 26-29 is HAPPENING! (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/hu-travellers-meetings-europe/hu-germany-summer-2022-may-102939)

Grant Johnson 29 Apr 2022 05:35

HU Germany Summer 2022, May 26-29 is HAPPENING!
We're back!

"Veterans are telling me how happy they are to be back, newcomers are very impressed with all the info and the amazing people they're meeting. Boy, it's good to be back!"
...from the Virginia 2022 event.


Only four weeks away! Are you ready to welcome the summer with a gathering of like-minded travellers? It's a perfect time to get together. The world is navigating some complex situations. Maybe you are also finding your way through new experiences. Getting together is a chance to remind ourselves that kindness brings people together faster and better. We look forward to you reconnecting with fellow travellers at HU Germany.

If you know a friend who rides who is interested in becoming a friend who travels, then please encourage them to join you there. It is still spring... and spring is the best time to plant the seeds of adventure!

Sign up and book your camping spots QUICKLY!
The campground spots will go fast, and if you delay, you could be VERY sorry! Please book directly through the campground -Telefon (06357) 9753 -80 and pay them for your cabin, or register now and book your camping spot with us!

We have presenters signed up already! Here's a sample:
Joshua Steinberg: His most recent trip from October 2020 to February 2022 was through eastern Africa: Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Namibia, and South Africa. Against all odds during a difficult time globally, Joshua and Joana were reminded that nothing can ever change the fact that "the people of this world are just great and the hospitality is even greater where you least expect it".

Heike Schmidt and Toshi Meier: Get ready for a very personal and open-hearted account of Heike and Toshi's big, 21-month trip from New York to Buenos Aires to Cape Town, and then back to home. Travelling with Heike's wheelchair on their sidecar, "impossible" is nowhere in their vocabulary when adventure has always been deep in their soul.
...and there's more as always! It will be a full weekend!

There's still space for presenters and workshops!

Why not share your latest adventures? What new skills did you learn over the past few years that can help other travellers to organize their own trips? Sharing is caring - and folks are hungry for new experiences and fresh perspectives.

All Presenters sign up here >>

We look forward to everyone reconnecting at an Horizons Unlimited Travellers Meeting around the world. Ride safe, everyone!
Grant and Susan

All times are GMT +1. The time now is 17:59.
