Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB

Horizons Unlimited - The HUBB (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/)
-   HU Travellers Meetings - North America (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/hu-travellers-meetings-north-america/)
-   -   California HU Meeting 2012, 18-21 October in Cambria (https://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hubb/hu-travellers-meetings-north-america/california-hu-meeting-2012-18-a-60761)

Grant Johnson 16 Dec 2011 00:05

California HU Meeting 2012, 18-21 October in Cambria
18-21 October - 3 very full days, Thursday noon to Sunday noon!

Cambria, Central Coast near Big Sur.

Camp Ocean Pines in Cambria, CA is set in 13 acres of Monterey Pine forest overlooking the Pacific Ocean. We'll have over 25 presenters, plus lots of useful 'how to' sessions!

Reviews / comments on 2011:
Motorcycle-USA, December 2011

  • Dr. Frazier: Adventure Touring Candy Store
    "With over 200 registered attendees, most arriving on adventure kitted motorcycles from as far away as Australia and the United Kingdom, the parking lot, campground and display area was a motorcycle adventure seeker's accessory and modification candy store."
RiderMagazine.com, November 2011

  • by Clement Salvadori: HU Travellers Meeting, California 2011
    "...I was especially tickled when Horizons Unlimited (HU) called me up to say they were having a meeting in Cambria, 35 miles from my home."
Numbers are strictly limited! Registration is open now!

Volunteers to assist and help out on the day to make it a better event are needed, so please help out for just a few hours. There's a ton of stuff to do and last year we were light on assistance, meaning those that volunteered had to work much harder than we'd like. It's also a great way to meet people, and become part of the event in a very special way. Just tick the Volunteer box when you register!

Presenters: We are ALWAYS open to new presenters, so if you have some expertise on any motorcycle travel topic, or you've just finished a trip, we'd love to have you - please register your interest here.

A couple of photos from 2011 - fantastic location, and lots going on!

See you there!

Grant and Susan

randy123 17 Apr 2012 23:49

Cambria, Ca 2012
Ill be there for my second HU meeting...last year was my first and it was GREAT. Advise to others...it was so well received by all the riders last year, (approx 200) that there is a limit on how many they can allow this year. If you are thinking of maybe going....pay now. You do not want to get left out of such a wonderful event. See you all there.

Grant Johnson 18 Apr 2012 02:13


Originally Posted by randy123 (Post 375802)
Ill be there for my second HU meeting...last year was my first and it was GREAT. Advise to others...it was so well received by all the riders last year, (approx 200) that there is a limit on how many they can allow this year. If you are thinking of maybe going....pay now. You do not want to get left out of such a wonderful event. See you all there.

Great to hear you enjoyed it Randy, see you there!

and yes there is a limit - we're still working out what it is, but camping space is limited. Pre-payment is a good idea to be sure to get in!

Grant and Susan

marblewan 23 May 2012 08:02

HU Travlers meet Cambria CA. 2011 NEW PHOTOS....enjoy
7 Attachment(s)
Below are a few teaser photos. If you want to see what happened at last years meeting, click on the link below and it will take you to an album of photos.
We had a wonderful time. I'll be back in 2012. I wouldn't miss it, see you there.

Blue88 29 Jun 2012 00:09

I'll be there again this year, hoping to arrive Thursday afternoon .. I loved the 2011 gathering and Cambria is an amazing location bier

KG6BWS 1 Jul 2012 22:33

I cant wait either. Had an awesome time last year. Wont be riding my KLR this year though. Have a 2001 F650 Dakar Ill be riding this year.

pdean 16 Jul 2012 18:03

Hello, Chef here.

I had a fantastic time last year and very much enjoyed meeting some of the Super Stars of adventure traveling.

I wondered if there is the time or interest in doing another cooking demo??

If there is, does anyone have something they would like to learn how to cook??



Grant Johnson 17 Jul 2012 02:02


Originally Posted by pdean (Post 386055)
Hello, Chef here.

I had a fantastic time last year and very much enjoyed meeting some of the Super Stars of adventure traveling.

I wondered if there is the time or interest in doing another cooking demo??

If there is, does anyone have something they would like to learn how to cook??



Peter, I'm sure there'll be loads of people to watch your cooking demo - as always, the smell of good food cooking brings everyone out!

Please sign up to present again, we'd love to have you back! :clap:

KG6BWS 9 Sep 2012 04:14

Registered!!! Can not wait!!!

megared_99 16 Sep 2012 05:57

My first clinic
I can't wait!!! I'm buying my first dual sport bike the weekend before the event. I'm ready to prepare for my global adventure!!!!

Grant Johnson 16 Sep 2012 05:59


Originally Posted by megared_99 (Post 392736)
I can't wait!!! I'm buying my first dual sport bike the weekend before the event. I'm ready to prepare for my global adventure!!!!

Cool! And of course you're going to keep us all in suspense till you show up right? :clap:

KG6BWS 16 Sep 2012 13:01

If anyone from Southern California is going to the meeting, and is interested in riding the week prior, Im going to be riding that whole week and wouldnt mind some company.

My very tentative plan is to leave Lancaster Saturday morning, heading up the east side of the Sierra, crossing Sonora or Tioga Pass (havent decided yet), head up thru Gold Country a bit, cross to the coast, and come down PCH to the meeting, arriving on Thursday. Leave Sunday morning, ride thru Carrizo Plain back home. Might do a little fishing on the way, plenty of stopping and taking in the scenery, might throw in some offroad (nothing too strenuous). Not a whole lot of preplanning in that respect, just going to play it by ear and see how it goes.

If anyone is interested feel free to PM me. Like I said, Im riding solo, would be kinda nice to have a little company for once.

Seeing as how this is my yearly vacation Im looking to just relax and enjoy my week of riding. The only 3 fixed parts of my plan are leaving Saturday, Cambria Thursday, and home Sunday :cool4:.

ParaMud 17 Sep 2012 06:30

I am interested in going with my girlfriend, but won't be up there until Friday night. Is it worth it to be there all day saturday?

cb160racer 17 Sep 2012 18:56


Originally Posted by ParaMud (Post 392819)
I am interested in going with my girlfriend, but won't be up there until Friday night. Is it worth it to be there all day saturday?

I guess it depends on how far you are traveling, but in my opinion it is definitely worth going to even for just one day. There's nothing quite like being around so many adventure riders. Even if you attend just one presentation where you learn something useful or meet just one new person who you never would have otherwise met, it's well worth it. And my experience shows that you very likely WILL learn something useful and meet great people!

If I'm wrong, come find me Saturday evening and I will humbly apologize. :)

johnpo 17 Sep 2012 23:41

I am a new rider with a BMW F800GS and about 1,200 miles riding experience. Do you think I have the experience to attend the meeting in Cambria?



Originally Posted by Grant Johnson (Post 359607)
18-21 October - 3 very full days, Thursday noon to Sunday noon!

Cambria, Central Coast near Big Sur.

Camp Ocean Pines in Cambria, CA is set in 13 acres of Monterey Pine forest overlooking the Pacific Ocean. We'll have over 25 presenters, plus lots of useful 'how to' sessions!

Reviews / comments on 2011:
Motorcycle-USA, December 2011

  • Dr. Frazier: Adventure Touring Candy Store
    "With over 200 registered attendees, most arriving on adventure kitted motorcycles from as far away as Australia and the United Kingdom, the parking lot, campground and display area was a motorcycle adventure seeker's accessory and modification candy store."
RiderMagazine.com, November 2011

  • by Clement Salvadori: HU Travellers Meeting, California 2011
    "...I was especially tickled when Horizons Unlimited (HU) called me up to say they were having a meeting in Cambria, 35 miles from my home."

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