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California HU Meeting 2012, 18-21 October in Cambria
18-21 October - 3 very full days, Thursday noon to Sunday noon!
Cambria, Central Coast near Big Sur. Camp Ocean Pines in Cambria, CA is set in 13 acres of Monterey Pine forest overlooking the Pacific Ocean. We'll have over 25 presenters, plus lots of useful 'how to' sessions! Reviews / comments on 2011: Motorcycle-USA, December 2011
Volunteers to assist and help out on the day to make it a better event are needed, so please help out for just a few hours. There's a ton of stuff to do and last year we were light on assistance, meaning those that volunteered had to work much harder than we'd like. It's also a great way to meet people, and become part of the event in a very special way. Just tick the Volunteer box when you register! Presenters: We are ALWAYS open to new presenters, so if you have some expertise on any motorcycle travel topic, or you've just finished a trip, we'd love to have you - please register your interest here. A couple of photos from 2011 - fantastic location, and lots going on! See you there! Grant and Susan |
Cambria, Ca 2012
Ill be there for my second HU meeting...last year was my first and it was GREAT. Advise to others...it was so well received by all the riders last year, (approx 200) that there is a limit on how many they can allow this year. If you are thinking of maybe going....pay now. You do not want to get left out of such a wonderful event. See you all there.
and yes there is a limit - we're still working out what it is, but camping space is limited. Pre-payment is a good idea to be sure to get in! Grant and Susan |
HU Travlers meet Cambria CA. 2011 NEW PHOTOS....enjoy
7 Attachment(s)
Below are a few teaser photos. If you want to see what happened at last years meeting, click on the link below and it will take you to an album of photos.
http://www.horizonsunlimited.com/hub...alifornia.html We had a wonderful time. I'll be back in 2012. I wouldn't miss it, see you there. David |
I'll be there again this year, hoping to arrive Thursday afternoon .. I loved the 2011 gathering and Cambria is an amazing location bier
I cant wait either. Had an awesome time last year. Wont be riding my KLR this year though. Have a 2001 F650 Dakar Ill be riding this year.
Hello, Chef here.
I had a fantastic time last year and very much enjoyed meeting some of the Super Stars of adventure traveling. I wondered if there is the time or interest in doing another cooking demo?? If there is, does anyone have something they would like to learn how to cook?? regards Peter |
Please sign up to present again, we'd love to have you back! :clap: |
Registered!!! Can not wait!!!
My first clinic
I can't wait!!! I'm buying my first dual sport bike the weekend before the event. I'm ready to prepare for my global adventure!!!!
Megan:scooter: |
If anyone from Southern California is going to the meeting, and is interested in riding the week prior, Im going to be riding that whole week and wouldnt mind some company.
My very tentative plan is to leave Lancaster Saturday morning, heading up the east side of the Sierra, crossing Sonora or Tioga Pass (havent decided yet), head up thru Gold Country a bit, cross to the coast, and come down PCH to the meeting, arriving on Thursday. Leave Sunday morning, ride thru Carrizo Plain back home. Might do a little fishing on the way, plenty of stopping and taking in the scenery, might throw in some offroad (nothing too strenuous). Not a whole lot of preplanning in that respect, just going to play it by ear and see how it goes. If anyone is interested feel free to PM me. Like I said, Im riding solo, would be kinda nice to have a little company for once. Seeing as how this is my yearly vacation Im looking to just relax and enjoy my week of riding. The only 3 fixed parts of my plan are leaving Saturday, Cambria Thursday, and home Sunday :cool4:. |
I am interested in going with my girlfriend, but won't be up there until Friday night. Is it worth it to be there all day saturday?
If I'm wrong, come find me Saturday evening and I will humbly apologize. :) |
I am a new rider with a BMW F800GS and about 1,200 miles riding experience. Do you think I have the experience to attend the meeting in Cambria?
John Quote:
The only thing you have to worry about is how you're going to satisfy the itch for motorcycle travel you'll end up with after hearing so many inspiring stories... |
John, no worries! NO experience necessary! You will learn a HUGE amount, and while some of it may not make sense - yet - most will and will be a big benefit to you as you ride and travel more. You'll also make a lot of new friends too!
I know a number of people who had almost no experience riding - one guy for instance bought his first bike two months before he headed for Africa. He's now written several books about his travels around the world over a number of years. See you there! |
Thanks for the encouraging replies to my posting. I will do my best to be there.
John |
Attending cambria meeting
Hello Grant, I am excited to attend the meeting in Cambria, but have recruited friends & would like to stay at a local motel. Can I cancel my women cabin accommodation while keeping my meals with my reservation?
Craig Vetter, Walt Fulton, Greg Frazier and more coming to the California Meeting!
Some updates on the California Meeting!
We have some VERY special guest speakers lined up, and you REALLY don't want to miss them! Craig Vetter - yes that Craig Walt Fulton - yup him too. will BOTH be presenting at the California 2012 Meeting! More details to come! Greg Frazier is coming too, giving his Sun Chasing presentation- if you haven't seen it, you're missing out! Jeremy Kroeker, from Canada will be there talking about Motorcycle Therapy! more updates and another special speaker in the works, details soon. see you there! Grant (yes I will be there too.) |
PS - Going to do your tire change talk again?? |
We just need a week minimum notification of changes, preferably two please! |
But yeah, looks like somebody has me down to do it again. I'll need a volunteer to do the work on the day though. I'm not allowed to lift anything over 10 pounds for 6 weeks, and I suspect a tire change will exceed that! (Though not if I do it perfectly... and it's an easy tire!) A couple of wheels and tires (not too old and hard, and similar to make it fair) that could be used for a tire changing competition would be VERY cool though, if anyone is in the neighbourhood and can find such things, and perhaps drop them off early? Thanks! Of course people COULD just buy my Tire Changing DVD! It's got everything I talk about in the seminar and much more. :) see you there! |
Ive only seen it once...at last years meeting. Im a friggin basket case when changing tires. One of those people that you dont want to be around while Im working on them...irons have been known to grow wings.
Need to see a pro do it again. |
Rules - 1. Longest tire lever allowed is 8". 2. No sweating allowed. 3. It's going to be fun! |
Ride out!
Rideouts - will be limited to 10 people per ride per group.
Jeff (Smitty) Smith will lead a dual sport ride FRIDAY morning. Be gassed up and ready to leave camp at 8:30. "The ride will take most of the day, depending on road conditions and rider speeds. The ride starts at Los Burros road, which is ~40 miles north of Cambria on the One. From there, we ride up (a couple thousand feet) into the Santa Lucia Mountains. Then we ride the ridge of the mountains to Nacimiento Road, with a nice side trip to Prewitts Ridge. The ride back down to the One, on Naciemento Ferguson Road, is very scenic, with some spectacular views. We meet the one at Kirk Creek Campground, then we have about a 45-50 mile ride back to Cambria on the One. I rode it today, (Sept 29 2012) to check out the road condition. For the most part, the road was a relatively easy ride for anyone with off-road experience. However there were a couple of very steep up hill and down hill sections, with very tight turns and deep talcum-like powder, that may be difficult for some (including me). Smitty" Sounds like a GREAT ride to me! |
Ted Simon
Ted Simon has confirmed he'll be there with a brand new presentation for us!
NOTE: If you're traveling south on the Big Sur road to Cambria, it will be closed daily from 9 pm through 7 am beginning October 8.
Hi Gents,
I registered a few months ago and have since sold my bike but havent purchased a new one. I assume it's alright to show up in my truck? I know I'll look like a spazz, but I rather soak in the experience bikeless then miss out at this point. I just want to make sure, there will be a place to park and camp? Cheers, Tom |
Camping is no problem as long as you're in a tent, and pre-registered for camping. Parking is an issue, as the space is very limited - you may have to park down the road, and walk a 1/4 mile or so, not sure exactly. OR you can park up at the top in the cabin area, no problem there. see you there! |
Sweet, thanks!
If you haven't registered yet, get busy! the Presentation schedule is in near final draft, and it's looking amazing! And FULL!
Your biggest problem is going to be figuring out what you want to see. We start Thursday afternoon and go right through to Sunday noon, with up to 4 presentations at once. :) See you there, Grant |
I'm already registered. bier
Gettin' Ready!
I visited Camp yesterday to check on a few details with the great folks there. Everything is looking REALLY good for this year's meeting.
Afterward, I took a detour through Cambria to check in with some friends there, and found the town full of Scarecrows! They're having a Scarecrow festival all month, and businesses, organizations and residents are all creating amazing creatures - the town is full of them. Some are even on 2 wheels! http://createabang.smugmug.com/photo...-zPGbR7T-L.jpg Well worth a short side trip while you're in the area.:funmeteryes: (The photo doesn't show it, but the wheels are turning and the legs are pumping!) See you at the meeting, |
Question...because its early and my brain hasnt engaged itself yet...
I cant remember from last year, but do I have to bring a copy of the email confirmation from paypal?? I cant remember, again, whether or not I have even got said email, but I did already register and pay. Thats it for now, got an early morning date with my coffee maker... |
If you're mailing us a check please send a copy, but that's it. See you there! |
One Week To GO
Almost time to saddle up and head for Cambria. Hope we haven't forgotten anything... let see...
Lots of great vendors with their gear - CHECK Tons of technical and how-to presentations - CHECK Inspiring travel presentations - CHECK Old and new friends to meet - CHECK First hand info on destinations around the world - CHECK Ocean front camping and great food - CHECK ...and one more thing - We'll wind up the weekend with LIVE MUSIC on Saturday night. Right after Ted Simon's presentation we'll light up the campfire and sit back under the Cambria pines to enjoy live tunes by Jill Knight. http://createabang.smugmug.com/photo...-V4TFCwd-S.jpg "Jill's music delivers a southern texture to an Americana, bluesy, R & B feel that will take the listener on a wonderful ride. Its hard to say which is better-the song or the way Jill Knight sings it." Click for a preview And one more thing - GREAT Weather! The forecast is sunny - mid 70s :thumbup1: All systems are GO - See ya there! |
Hi Guys n Gals,
I see my mate Dazzer's popping in on his RTW journey. I hope you guys have sub-titles available for Yorkshire blokes! Only joking Dazzer, have a great time there. Regards Reggie |
I've pre-ordered the book, DVD and poncho of his 'kin ardcore adventure:rofl: |
Grant & Susan! Hello from Corvallis, Oregon! I am registered to attend next week, but my plans of riding down with some friends has completely fallen apart! So, here is my delima, and I am looking for some suggestions/support from this community so I DON'T miss out on this event!
I am new to riding (on my own bike now - BMW F650GS). I purchased Serenity (her name) the first part of June this year...and I have already logged about 5,000 miles on her over the summer! Not too bad for a busy gal like me! BUT... I have NOT taken a long trip on my own, and I am feeling uncomfortable riding down all by myself. With that said... is there any way to find out if there are individuals attending the event from the Pacific Northwest that might be riding down that I could meet up with? I am scheduled to leave the morning of October 16th and returning back home to Corvallis by the early afternoon of the 23rd! SO... Anyone out there going my way??? At least from North to South? I can always catch a ride back with my friends that will be leaving a day earlier than me. Return trip, not too worried about... Trip to California...yes... Don't want to be out there on my own! Not just yet! I have mucho much to learn! I would love to hear from ANYONE about support! Thanks a ton!!! Cheers, Nick Beachboard-Dodson! |
Hi Nick,
I don't have a direct solution to your problem, but you might try contacting the HU communities in your area. The communities page lists Eugene and Portland, as well as Redding CA. It's possible someone in one of those groups is heading down to the meeting. The "Contact a Community" page is Horizons Unlimited Motorcycle Travellers' Community - Contact a Community! Good luck, and hope to see you in Cambria, |
Thanks so much!!! Since I am new to the HU Community, there is still much for me to learn! I sent messages to the three you mentioned. We shall see what I get in return!
I hope to be on the road next week! Cheers, Nick:thumbup1: |
Im on my phone so kind of hard to post. Im leaving sat morning for redding, then spending the week riding down the coast to the meeting. Only stop that ive actually planned is a stop in san fran to see my cousin. Otherwise probably camping, unless really crap weather, wherever i happen to end up. No other plan other than be in cambria on thursday. Welcome to come with. Im riding solo. Pm me if youd like.
GPX file so you don't get lost...
There is a new GPX file with directions for you now on the webpage to make the location easy to find.
As you are "heading up through Gold Country a bit" on your way to Cambria... I live in Roseville, near GC, riding 01 650gs to the HU meeting. I was planning on leaving on Wed afternoon, overnight in San Jose at friends, then head toward Cambria. Would like to join you if our routes can intersect at a convenient time and place. I'm new to HUBB, how do I PM you? Patrick Parks |
I actually changed ppans. See a couple posts up. When i get home to my computer ill pm you with the details if youre interested.
see you there!:clap:
That would probably work reall well. I changed plans so Im not going to be going through Gold Country. Instead Im going to super slab up to Redding, cut over to Humboldt Bay and then work my way down to Cambria. If you want to meet up Wednesday morning, that would definately work. Im planning on stopping in San Francisco for the night on Tuesday to see my cousin. Wednesday morning Im going to try and leave early to beat the morning traffic. After that I was planning on running coast highway down, going to try getting to Prewitt Ridge weds night to camp before going to Cambria thursday morning. If youve never been to Prewitt Ridge, its a pretty neat spot. If its not occupied, theres a cool camp site up on the top that looks down on the ocean. Thats the one Im hoping for. Anyways, if youre interested Ill pm you my number. |
Not going to work out; Prewitt Ridge, never there wow, hope you get that site. See you in Cambria. Pat |
No worries. See ya there.
Anyone have an actual address for the site so we can find it? I will be there Thur but don't know where I'm heading?
Horizons Unlimited Motorcycle Travellers' Website, California Travellers Meeting For detailed location scroll down a bit to: Maps and distances and how to get there! and just below that click "more information" and all will be revealed! You'll see this and much more: Google maps, enter: 1473 Randall Drive, Cambria Ca 93428 to find it. Important note: In 2011 we had quite a few complaints from neighbours about the traffic and noise, so PLEASE be super careful to be quiet, and follow the HU signs to the event. GPX file to make it really easy to find! From Camp Ocean Pines information: In short, despite what Google Maps may lead you to believe, reaching camp from Highway 1 is simple, left on Ardath, left on Randall and you can't miss it! Need a bit more detail? From the 101 N - 1. Exit the 101 in San Luis Obispo onto Highway 1 North (Exit for Morro Bay) 2. Drive north past Morro Bay and Cayucos 3. Turn Left at the Ardath Dr. and take it until you reach a 4-way stop. Continue straight on Ardath veering slightly to the left once the ocean is in view. Turn left onto Randall Dr. after reaching the next stop sign. From here you will travel up a hill and the sign for Camp Ocean Pines will be on your right. From The 101 S - 1. Exit the 101 in Paso Robles onto Highway 46 West (Towards Cambria) 2. Exit the 46 onto Highway 1 North (right turn) 3. Turn Left at the Ardath Dr. and take it until you reach a 4-way stop. Continue straight on Ardath veering slightly to the left once the ocean is in view. Turn left onto Randall Dr. after reaching the next stop sign. From here you will travel up a hill and the sign for Camp Ocean Pines will be on your right. Important! Keep an eye out for the HU signs - once you find one, follow it all the way for the best route - and least chance of aggravating the already twitchy neighbours. (PLEASE keep it quiet and slow once you're off the highway and into the residential area). Camping starts Thursday night. Those who have volunteered to assist with setup can camp Wednesday night. See you there! It's going to be a good one - the schedule is full to overflowing! |
Thanks Grant, see you there.
Watch the road ahead!
Look for the signs
http://createabang.smugmug.com/photo...-NsJV7Mn-M.jpg You won't go wrong! :welcome: See y'all SOON! |
In Cambria now
Well I got here early cause I did not want to miss out on anything and I just could not wait to get out of Minnesota at this time of year. Staying at the Blue Bird but have not seen anyone yet. Room 26 stop and say hi.
Two Moto Kiwis
...are on the way, leaving San Fran in the am, see you fullas and fullesses tomorrow avo. :thumbup1:
Thanks guys for a wonderful rally and experience. Dave
Thanks to Grant, Susan and all the helpers, what a great experience.
Both Ellen and I are still grinning and have met some great people. |
Its Will aka "Wheres there a wheel theres a way" I too just wanted to say THANKS Grant and Susan and all the helpers for providing me a chance to meet like minded people :-) I had a blast... meeting lots of new friends and sharing a few beer ... life on the road cannot get better than this :-) Now at a Motel 6 somewhere on the 46... told you I dont do long days lol If you want.. im on FB... Will geordie English or my blog...... willwandering.blogspot.com Though my blog is about 4 weeks behind I will be updating it sometime this week. Take care everyone and ride safe Geordie_e aka Will |
Neda and Gene here. Had a great time, and it was amazing meeting everyone! See you on the road!
I had a fantastic time on my first HU meeting - wow! Can't wait to see you all again thank you HU community!!
Photos from the weekend
Grant, correct me please if this is the wrong place to post a link to pix form this weekend... :) Hope you all enjoy them as I did meeting everyone there!
https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?...1&l=2755fb2e53 https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphot...51747965_n.jpg |
Had a blast again!! Already looking forward to next year!! Great to see some familiar faces, and make some new friends. Cant convey enough thanks to Grant and Susan and all of the volunteers for making it such a great event.
Safe travels everyone. |
Thanks everyone! YOU are what made the event what it is - you're an amazing bunch and we're very proud to have you all in the HU community of travelers!
See you next year - same time, same place - or somewhere else, sooner! :) |
and then there was an earthquake to top it off...
Below is a link to my summary of the Cambria meeting this past weekend. I'm still in the afterglow...I will definitely be attending more of these when I can ~ I finally found "my tribe". it's all good: The earth moved ~ adventure epicenter :mchappy: |
Great to see you Grant, doing so well! A very nice venue as always, and a wonderful turnout. Not only attendees, but great presenters. And great resturants in Cambria,(for those of us moteling it! sorry).
Always enjoyed the CO events, but this was a big group. Fun. Allen. |
What a great meeting!
Thanks to Grant, Susan and everyone involved for making it a wonderful weekend. We met such a lot of great folks, who have been so generous too. We are very lucky travellers. Thanks all. Iain + Debz |
Cambrian fun!
Just wanted to say thanks to all, had a great time last weekend! Always meet interesting folks at these meetings, and I thought the line-up of presentations was the best ever. In fact there were too many great choices, as many as I saw I know I missed some other great ones! A big thanks to John and Bill and Mike who made volunteering easy and fun!
A few Instagram pics for fun... http://beehaus.com/HU-Cambria-2012/two-bikes-sunset.jpg http://beehaus.com/HU-Cambria-2012/adv-indian.jpg http://beehaus.com/HU-Cambria-2012/c...ting-bikes.jpg http://beehaus.com/HU-Cambria-2012/dakar.jpg http://beehaus.com/HU-Cambria-2012/moto-confluence.jpg |
I came I saw and I left, too much good riding in the area to talk or listen about riding. Too bad you guys missed it.
Fred Walti has posted a great writeup and photos of the California meeting here.
yeah, sorry surf dude, I'd have to agree with Grant, you missed the point of the meetup.... :/ Give that you're from nearby Ojai, you can ride those road anytime! But you may never get to meet the people that showed up this year. IF perhaps you meant to suggest attendees should check out the local roads instead of meeting people, believe me they did, before and after the weekend! Maybe next year you'll stop long enough to experience what drew you there in the first place!
I guess I didn't realize it was a BMW rally, and I forgot my tux.
Yep, you definately missed the point of the meeting. I had a great time meeting new people. Camped with the Two Kiwis, ran into a German guy on the road, shot the shit with a couple of Brit's...and thats only a few. There were many more great people there to talk to, stories to listen to, and things to learn. From your statements you must be so well traveled that stories of riding the road of bones or breaking down in the middle of nowhere China are just boring to you. Theyre not to me. I would have still gone even if I had had to take my truck. Its about meeting the people you normally would never meet, hearing the stories you would normally never hear, and reliving experiences that most people never get to have. The bikes, while a lot of fun to talk about, are just a sideshow to everything else. |
Greg Frazier article on California event
Greg has published an article about the California event in MotorcycleUSA.com, have a read!
Cambria lost and found
Hey, if you think you might have left something behind at the 2012 Cambria gathering, please get in touch with me.
What a great time I had at my first HU meeting. I arrived early, stayed late, and went to as many seminars as I could. :funmeteryes: There was a young man camped in a military style tent not 40' from me. When I said "good morning" to him, he gave a short answer I couldn't decipher. Thinking he wanted to be left alone, I said no more. However, the last morning (after he had gone), I heard that he was a recently discharged Marine, who always ate in his tent since he couldn't afford the meals. Had I known this, I would have gladly given him some of my meal tickets.doh I guess sometimes we need to be more forward, so we know what's going on with our fellow riders.
All times are GMT +1. The time now is 17:42. |